Securing The Perimeter

The soldiers and Ferdinand were now preparing to scout the surroundings. They have agreed to secure two kilometers from the operating base. The Commander or Ferdinand will also join on securing the perimeter. The soldiers tried to convince him not to join, but he was adamant about joining them, which earned more respect from his soldiers.

They were now standing outside of the base as they observed the surroundings. The damp forest is very misty, as the smell of the soil permeates through the air. The sky was dyed with the hue of deep blue as the sun stood mightily at the top of the sky, watching over them. The illumination from the sun strike through the morning dews as the trees of land wiggles in joy over the heat they are receiving from the sun.

A few moments later, they have now finished preparing and are now ready to secure the perimeter. Simpson was the first one to go, followed by the others. When it's Ferdinands' turn, he got off to the direction where they haven't gone yet and so he dashed forwards on it. He brought out his Mark-1 knife and proceeded while dashing graciously.

After a few moments of dashing, Ferdinand spotted a walker. He then sneaked upon it and got on its behind and stabbed it and severed its head. A crimson blood spurted out of its severed head and body and stained the nearby plants of all the blood. After killing the walker, he suddenly heard a loud growl coming from his sides. This took Ferdinand by surprise, to which the walker took advantage of and charged towards him. Taking by surprise, he stumbled down the cold soft soil, to which the walker pinned him down to the ground.

Ferdinand resisted the walker, to no avail. It seemed like that the walker was much stronger than the usual walker that he had encountered. Which makes his situation pretty dire, and so he must think up of a solution fast. Fortunately, it wasn't Ferdinand whose only struggling as the walker was also struggling to get to him. The walker unfortunately screwed up and got tired first on pinning him down, and so he raised his foot and then kicking the walker in the belly off him. The walker tumbled down the ground to which Ferdinand immediately got up and dashed towards the walker and severing its head.

Ferdinand stood up and looked through his surroundings. After checking that there were no more walkers, he continued clearing the perimeter. Earlier, his soldiers and him talked about why the walkers didn't bother him anymore and they have had arrived to a conclusion that the walkers no longer knew his general direction, which automatically made them dispersed. Which arrived at his current situation now. If he didn't want walkers finding out his direction, he would need to avoid using guns for the time being. So Ferdinand marched forward with uneasiness in his mind. He'll have to be extra careful of the time being.

Ferdinand strides slowly and graciously while clearing the perimeter, so far he didn't find anymore walkers and to his surprise it is currently silent. Then suddenly the ground shook as the birds flock through the atmosphere with the trees dancing all around him. He attempted to find the source of the noise, but to no avail. He couldn't find it. Suddenly, he heard an explosive shriek to his side, and when he looked, he found another giant fat walker that he killed earlier.

He immediately summoned his Anti-Tank gun and carefully aimed at the giant fat walker. When he was about to fire, he heard a loud growl at his sides. Instincts of his immediately kicked in and he summoned his pistol and aimed towards the source of the sound and fired. Bullseye. the walker was now completely dead. To Ferdinand's surprise, there were now about dozens of walker marching towards him and a giant, fat walker was also about to pound on him. He immediately had to have thought up of a solution and so he did.

Ferdinand summoned his Mark-1 Automatic Rifle and started blasting towards the dozens of walkers after him. He needs to wrap up this battle before more walkers come upon him. On second thought, that would actually be a great idea. Why did he not think of that earlier? If he fired his gun, then it would naturally attract the walkers to the source of the sound. That way he could clear more walker if he actually needs to. Thinking about it again, it would be definitely be more risky as he could have had invited out an entire horde to rain hell upon him.

Every few breaths Ferdinand would have to change ammo as he was quickly running out of ammo and so he had to buy more from the shop.

'Looks like I really need to build an ammunition plant immediately, as I couldn't just rely forever on the shop.' Ferdinand thought to himself.

The giant fat walker was now nearing upon him and so Ferdinand immediately bought a few more Anti-Tank rounds and when he made sure that the walkers that were coming after him were in a distance where he could take a few moments of relief, he immediately focused on the giant fat walker and fired one after another. Almost immediately crimson flowers appeared on the plants, the trees, on the ground, and even in the sky.

After killing the walker, Ferdinand immediately shifted his attention to the walkers that were running after him. When he focused, it surprised him to see that they were now a few metres from him. So he brought out his knife with a pistol in his other hand and started dual wielding on the walkers. He moved from sides to sides while firing his pistols and if the walkers gets too close for comfort, he would slash his knife between the head and the body and even though it wouldn't immediately finish the walkers, it would at least provide him with ample time to come back for them as when the half of the neck is slashed then the entire body would follow as it would crumble down. After doing this for a few moments, Ferdinand was able to finish all the walkers that were near him…