Chapter - 2

Forbidden Love - Chapter 2

"" - Quotes

'' - Thoughts


This story originally began with the Celestial Academy. And a simple, sweet, bubbly, chirpy girl named Aira. Aira was born in a village, in the nooks and crannies, on the outskirts of a vast city called Altair. The village is known as Leorote. Aira has consistently grown up with her grandmother since she was a baby. She never knew her parents, and her grandmother would never talk about them. Since her grandmother didn't leave any single deficiency for Aira while growing up, Aira didn't care who her parents were much either. She went to school, and her neighbor and best friend Estelle was always with her. Estelle and Aira met when they both got admitted into kindergarten on the same day. Since then, they have been inseparable.

On a very fine morning after they graduated from middle school, Aira found out that Estelle was moving to the city of Euphoria, in the heart of the Alps. When they met in those few days, even Estelle wouldn't tell her why she was moving away. Euphoria was so far away from Leorote. Even far from Altair itself. Estelle was the only person Aira had after her grandmother. Heartbroken as she was, judging that her best friend was moving away from her throughout her life, Aira was dumbfounded. Even more than being heartbroken, getting curious as to why Estelle was moving. Knowing her best friend, she can always judge a lie from Estelle. This time following lying, Estelle was also kinda behaving weirdly and suspiciously.

(Let's come back to the history of the story, later on, shall we ?) Aira has a lot of flashbacks of how her whole life went into a mess. The present matters even more.

Lire's POV

'Even today, Mike did a great job with hunting people down. I need to report this to the Headmaster.' "You don't need to report it; I already know." It was the Headmaster.

Normal POV

Being the main Head of this huge and famous supernatural Academy, the Headmaster could read minds as one of his powers. Mind controlling was another of his talents. That's why the Headmaster chose the strongest of his students and the most diligent ones to do the dirty work for him. He could control almost everyone with amplifying magic stones, like the stronger ones. Everyone… except Aira. Aira was an exceptional power holder with an extraordinary talent for nullifying any kind of power.

Lire's POV

"Okay, then I'll head back to my room and prepare for the next mission." "You didn't realize it at all even today either?" the Headmaster asked with a tenacious and taunting tone, with a smirk on his face. "Realize what? What are you suddenly talking about ?" "Never mind! Go submit the report to the main office, then you can be off for the rest of your day." I glanced at him with a suspicious look. Then, not getting much of a reaction or flinch from him, I just shrugged it off and started for the chores that needed to be done and then my room.

When I reached the hallway of my accommodation, it was completely dark, like pitch-black darkness that will engulf you if you give in. Entering my room, I switched the light on, to get the darkness off me. Even though my powers were darkness, I would make everything die; I could engulf anyone and anything in the darkness, rot them to their core… it was still very uncomfortable having these powers and being in the dark myself. Locking the door behind me, I started for my room upstairs. 'I kinda feel drowsy today. Maybe it was the swaying of staying on a ship all day.' After freshening up and getting into a new change of clothes, I made a cup of tea for myself and went to the balcony for some fresh cold air. "So much for a mission," I said aloud.

Glancing over to the bungalow opposite mine… a little far from my balcony, was Mike's room. I could see the lights were on through the curtains. 'Wonder what he's doing after such a hectic day. Shouldn't that guy already be off to sleep? He's the main man of the mission always.' Just as I was thinking this to myself, I could see the lights going out, and everything went dark in the building. 'Silly boy!', I chuckled to myself. 'Wait, what am I thinking? Why did I just feel so gleeful while thinking about him? He's a guy, and I'm a guy.' I panicked internally, but the thought of Mike kept coming to my mind, especially after the mission today. I have been working with him for the past 4 tasks, and I can see him working hard, stressing himself out every time. His sweat-drenched hair, his body posture, how he fights... his little innocent face, hazel-colored eyes, and hair as silky as rabbit's fur. "What is wrong with me ?! What the hell am I thinking ?" I shout out by myself, feeling shivers all over my body. Though I know very well what exactly I am shivering for. 'I should probably get some sleep. I'm going crazy over a guy?! This is just my tiredness talking.'

I finished my tea hurriedly and headed for bed before taking a glance at that same Bungalow. After I lay down, no matter how much I tried, I started thinking about Mike again. Drowsiness filled my eyes, making me start to dream about how I was holding Mike in my arms… staring deep into his hazel-colored eyes. Leaning in forward to slowly kiss him on his lips, his caramel essence surrounding me and engulfing me into him. Kissing him down his neck, imagining the moans he will give out. Buttoning down his shirt, kissing him all over his chest, licking, flicking his nipples. Sucking on them hard till he screams out both in pain and pleasure. His silky smooth skin brushed against my hand. I undressed him completely, opening up his trousers and caressing his inner thighs before sliding down his panties. I bite on his inner thighs and his butt cheeks, pleasuring myself with the moans I imagine I am getting. Dreaming about Mike, I was already quite hard; with all the steamy sessions going on in my dream, I was pretty close to climaxing in real life. I suddenly woke up just as I was about to reach my utmost ecstasy. I rushed to the bathroom and immediately slammed the wall and the sink counter.

"Ugh," I groaned, still very hard down there. "What is wrong with me ?"

To Be Continued…