Chapter - 3

Forbidden Love - Chapter 3

"" - Quotes

'' - Thoughts

Aira's POV

I opened my eyes to the daylight peering into my room through the curtains. I sat up on the bed and stretched a little. 'I had a goodnight's sleep. It feels so refreshing after a long and tiresome mission.' I got out of bed and headed to the shower. It would be a long day today too. Classes and everything kind of stressed me a bit nowadays because of the pressure of always keeping my disguise on.

After the hot, steamy shower, I dressed again as a boy, carefully wearing my wig and bandaging my chest. 'Again with these bandages,' I thought to myself. 'My chest is growing a lot nowadays; I can feel the pain, and adjusting the bandages is hard. The uniform was a bit hard to get into because of the bump in my chest. Somehow managing to dress myself, I headed for class. I put a protective layer surrounding my room, just in case anybody tries to break in. I also seem to have quite a few number of enemies at school. The other students who work for the Headmaster are a bit jealous of me, as it seems The Headmaster favors me more with missions. And since I get a lot of perks for dining, shopping, and a few other things. "Ready to start the day again as a boy!" I said out loud, motivating myself for the rest of the day.

"Hey Yoro, Hey Ilyan." I greeted them after reaching class. They were obviously the first ones to spot, as all the girls were hurdled around them. These two were the most popular boys in the class, after all.

Well, not only them, I was one of them too. But I didn't mind that fact much or wasn't arrogant about it because I was a girl. I walked over to where they were sitting and joined them. The girls didn't leave me either from being questioned and fawned over. We three are pretty popular here, as you can see. I glanced at Estelle, who was sitting in front of the classroom on one of the first benches. Looking over, I tried to signal to her to help me out, but she put out her tongue and teased me, not caring about what I was dealing with here.

The rest of the day was relatively easy to deal with as it was only classes, primarily theoretical. If we had PE for the day, it would have been harder to change my set of clothes again. Usually, on the days we have PE, I tend to bunk classes by hiding on the rooftop or not coming to classes in the morning.

I generally find good excuses to skip PE classes, but since there's a marking on that class as well, I tend to attend a few of them just in case I don't fail. We spent all day studying, having fun, chatting, catching up with each other, etc. I had to explain to Yoro and Ilyan that I kept getting sick, so I skipped classes. Well, they already knew that my body was weak. This announcement was courtesy of the Headmaster so that I could keep skipping classes and not get caught in the process of what I was doing on those days. So they also used to help me catch up with classwork. Two days passed by in an instant this way. I had so much catching up to do with both my friends and my classwork. I won't say it was tiring, but it was a bit stressful for sure.

It was the day of the next mission. My alarm clock woke me up at 5 A.M. I had already packed all my stuff the night before. It was a rule that I would have to sneak out without anybody seeing me leave the dorms. Otherwise, I couldn't play the "I'm sick" card anymore.

Reaching the Academy gates, I could see Lire waiting for me on his sleek, sexy, black, matte Bike. And there was a car standing beside him. I could guess that the car was for me, which made my heart drop slightly. My walk towards them kind of unconsciously slowed down a bit. 'Only if I got to ride with Lire on his bike. Holding him from behind, his perfectly chiseled abs, and chest. His strong arms, all the cut right where they should be.' The thought of all these made me blush hard while I was walking toward Lire. Noticing my red face, Lire gave me a puzzled look.

"Are you okay? You have a vital mission today, you know? Don't tell me you got sick in these three days." he asked. 'Of course not!' I instantly replied. 'It's just the excitement of the mission." Lire gave me a good look for a while and then signaled me to get in the car. 'See you at the Airport." Saying this, he put his helmet on and took off for the Airport. I got into the car and started following him on the road. Why do I have a crush on a cruel man like him? Maybe just because he's 'cruel'. After all, girls like bad boys, right?

We reached the airport and prepared to check in our items of luggage and stuff. The Headmaster also had connections here to see that we could carry our weapons on the flight. Of course, we can both use our powers, but then that would risk us supernaturals being found out and draining our energy before any kind of mission. We both had one cabin bag each. While we were waiting for our boarding Lire suddenly grabbed my bag and snatched it away from me. "Hey!" I screamed at him. "It's heavy. I'll take it. You need to be in your best fit for tonight." Even though his tone was very rude, there was a glimpse of sweetness and care in his words. I blushed and turned my face to the other side, not saying anything.

We boarded the plane in a few minutes and took off a few moments later. While we were boarding and seated… one of the flight attendants greeted us. More like greeted Lire. She was completely eyeing his muscular features and giving him a lustful look. 'Stop looking at him with those lustful eyes.' I thought.

To be continued...