Locker Room Horrors

Stepping into the cheerleaders' locker room, Goldie and Jasmine are greeted by an entire team of happily chattering cheerleaders, already getting changed into their beautiful cheerleading outfits.

"Hey, Goldie!" 

"Hey, Jasmine!"

"Hey girls!"


Goldie starts to respond to the sweet voices of excited girls calling from all across the crowded and bustling locker room when suddenly, she is struck with a harrowing realisation.

She has to get changed for Club Day in this crowded locker room… with the thing on her back!!

Instantly, Goldie freezes in place with shock at the sight of the crowded girls' locker room, as she quickly realised that she has walked herself right into a dangerous situation.

Her true identity was in danger of being discovered!


Meanwhile, the already dangerous situation grows even more dangerous as all the girls in the locker room start to draw their attention to Goldie and Jasmine, as their appearance causes a stir.

Jasmine, the leader of all cheerleaders and Goldie, the 'damsel' of Hugher High had finally made an appearance, just in time to ready themselves for the Club Day Parade! 

All the girls were buzzing with excitement.


"Everyone! Cheer Queen is here!", one girl calls to the others, referring to Jasmine as 'Cheer Queen', in the manner that was customary for addressing the head cheerleaders of Hugher High, and soon, Goldie and Jasmine are surrounded.

"Cheer Queen!"

"Hey, Jaz!"

"Cheer Queen is here…"]

"Heyyy!...", Jasmine calls back at the girls, excited.

She was the team leader of all the cheerleaders and surely, she was excited to see her girls buzzing with preparedness and excitement as they prepared for the Club Day parade!

It was a nice feeling, especially as they were giving her and Goldie a warm welcome.

But not for Goldie. She is frozen in place, scared of the crowded room. And worse, some of the girls (their closest friends) were closely surrounding them.

They were coming too close! Too close for comfort.

'How am I supposed to get changed in this crowded place without someone seeing my back?!' 

Goldie wonders, beginning to panic.

'It's impossible!'

Indeed, it was impossible. This was the bustling girls' locker room where all the girls freely got changed together while chattering away happily about the latest school rumours.

'If I get changed here…'

Goldie's creative mind instantly travels to the most horrid imaginations. 

If she dared get changed right now, her newly budding wings, not to mention, her true identity would be discovered for sure! 

The girls were all over the place. It would be impossible to hide her back.

There was no way she could strip without the disgusting ridges on her uneven back being discovered immediately.

Especially because Jasmine's locker was right next to hers and so Jasmine would be changing right next to her!

But then… she couldn't just stand still and watch everyone get changed and leave first. It would feel too awkward, and unusual, and for sure, the girls would begin to ask questions.

They might even begin to suspect something.

She had to think of a way out immediately!


"Goldie?... Goldie!"

Jasmine's calling voice seems to finally reach the frozen Goldie.

"Yes?", Goldie responds, snapping out of her frozen state.

"Aren't you going to get changed? Why are you just standing there? Haha!"

Jasmine laughs in confusion.

Goldie had just frozen in place the moment they walked in, taking her by surprise.

'Oh shxt!…', reasons Goldie.

Jasmine had already begin to ask questions!

And now all the happily chattering girls were turning to gaze at her with questioning looks.

She had to think of some brilliant excuse quickly and haul her xss out of there immediately.

"Hah…", Goldie joins in with a nervous laugh when suddenly, a brilliant idea hits her!

'The bathroom! Of course!

Why didn't I think of that earlier?'

Yes, the girls' bathroom. The girls' bathroom was the perfect place to get changed!

It was private, and each of the cubicles had an inner lock so no one would know what you were up to if you hid yourself in there to get changed!

"Uhh- I… hah! I have to pee…"

Goldie responds to Jasmine's question with a nervous chuckle.

"You have to pee and that's why you froze at the doorway? Haha!", laughs Jasmine.

"Girl… sometimes I don't understand you! Haha…"

She teased Goldie.

Goldie smiles in response before squeezing her knees together in feigned pretence, like she was really pressed and had to go use the bathroom immediately.

"I would bite back, but I really need to go now. Bye!"

Goldie announces before turning on her heel and starting out the door.

'Haha! I'm genius!'

She congratulates herself happily for her quick thinking.

But no sooner than she had congratulated herself, Goldie hears Jasmine's voice call back at her.

"Wait up Goldie! 

I want to pee too. I'm coming with you!", says Jasmine, hurrying to meet up with Goldie.

"I guess we both had too much juice at the lunch halls..."

Jasmine murmurs, coming to link hands with Goldie, completely oblivious to the fact that she was completely ruining Goldie's well-calculated plans.

'Dxrn it! I had almost escaped!'

Goldie curses within herself, deeply mourning the loss of her chance to escape.

"I'll be back soon. Get the pom poms and banners ready, girls."

Jasmine instructs some cheerleaders before turning away.

"Let's go, Goldie!", she pulls on Goldie's arm, happily skipping away with Goldie in tow as they head for the girls' bathroom.

'Hah…', Goldie sighs internally, shedding some bitter tears deep within her heart.

'Why did Jasmine need to go too??... Dxrn my brilliant plan!'

Well, thankfully, it was the girls' bathroom that they were headed to.

'It's not safe, but since the doors lock, I can get around this and change quickly within the cubicles before anyone notices!', she reasons within herself.

She would change into her cheerleading outfit while Jasmine was none the wiser.


It was still a brilliant plan to think of the girls' bathroom!'

Goldie lauds her ingenuity. It was a good plan, although, with Jasmine there, she knows she has to be extra careful with getting changed so as not to be discovered.

With that thought, Goldie has no problems travelling along with Jasmine to the girls' bathroom to get changed.

If only she knew what was coming… perhaps, she would run away and hide right now, because fate had far more exciting plans for her!





Hello guys!

Author SpilledInk here with GREAT news!!

Remember the Contest I entered this book in? The Webnovel Spirity Contest (WPC #329 Secret Identity)?

Yeah, the very one where I was asking for your support and votes...

Well, guess what? WE WON the Bronze Prize!! Yay!!

I am so happy. My joy knows no bounds because this is a big achievement!!

So I am back here once again to say a massive THANK YOU to all you lovely people who voted, left COMMENTS and all those beautiful REVIEWS...

You guys encouraged me so much to work hard, even when I was down. This book could not have won the Bronze Prize without you.

I love and appreciate you all. I saw everyone's support and contributions. Really, you guys are AMAZING!

And together, we achieved something great! My heart is glad.

I cried a little, guys... (out of happiness).

AND because Author is happy, I am releasing TWO BONUS Chapters today, for everyone's enjoyment!!

I also pledge to do my very best with this story. Just be patient as the plot keeps unfolding. There is a lot to look forward to.

I assure you, crazy stuff you don't want to miss will happen with GOLDIE!! I'm going to bring the drama!!


PLEASE keep supporting this book with your GIFTS, VOTES, COMMENTS, REVIEWS, and PRIVILEGE subscriptions (once we go PREMIUM). Every single show of support goes a very long way to promote this book.

Thank you so much, everyone, and CHEERS TO MORE WINS!!


- SpilledInk.