How To Get Changed Safely

Strutting down the sparsely populated halls elegantly, the two beautiful girls, Goldie and Jasmine head quickly towards the girls' bathroom.

While Goldie's mind roams about, plotting how she would smoothly and safely get changed right under Jasmine's nose without Jasmine suspecting anything, Jasmine skips happily beside Goldie, completely unaware of Goldie's well-calculated plans.

She was enjoying her extra private time with Goldie, her mind completely absorbed by the excitement of Club Day…

That is, until she passes by the lockers, spotting Elaine and three other girls (her loyal followers), standing pretty in a judgemental crowd beside Elaine's overly decorated school locker on the side as they caused a small stir.

And instantly, something nasty suddenly comes to Jasmine's mind. There was some important news she had somehow forgotten to tell Goldie about!

Now was the perfect chance!

Goldie, on the other hand, barely even notices Elaine's existence as she and Jasmine walk passed her towards the more quiet girls' bathroom areas.

But then, once the girls had made their way out of the crowded area, Jasmine's voice draws the attention of Goldie's plotting, calculating mind.

"So, Goldie… I wanted to tell you something this whole time…"

Jasmine begins, delving fully into gossip mode, as she starts to update Goldie on the latest rumour making the rounds about the school.

"... Did you know that Elaine Rivers told everyone that she and Ryan were hanging out all through the holidays?"

"What?! Really?", questions Goldie with genuine shock.

"She and Ryan?..."

"Mhm…", responds Jasmine with sass.

In a split second, Goldie's mind imagines a ton of loved-up couple scenes with Ryan and Elaine enjoying the holidays together. 

Doing fun stuff, going on dates, hanging out together at every moment…

And suddenly, Goldie can hear the sound of her heart breaking.

"Does… does that mean she and Ryan are dating now?", asks Goldie, her mood dimming instantly.

"Elaine, dating Ryan? Ha! Not even close!..."

Jasmine scoffs out loud to Goldie's instant relief.

"That's what she wants everyone to think. The news has been making the rounds in school all morning! But guess what?…

I asked Leroy if that was true, and Leroy said it was a complete lie!"

"No!" Goldie gasps with genuine shock.

"Oh, yes!", responds Jasmine with a nod, continuing her story.

"...Leroy said he asked Ryan, and Ryan said that her dad and his dad had only met up on one business dinner during the holidays, where her dad had requested for them to bring their children along since they knew each other.

So he saw Elaine once! Just once! At a family dinner.

And Ryan left halfway as he was grossly uninterested, and had been forced to attend!

Imagine the nerve… to lie like that! Elaine Rivers is something else…"

"What? But I don't get it….Why would she lie like that?", questions Goldie with wonder. 

"Why would she lie? Because she's desperate, girl. Desperate to steal Ryan for herself even after he rejected her!

Leroy said Ryan was pissed with the rumours, but as usual, he ignored them because he couldn't care less, anyway.

And because he's saying nothing about them, Elaine is taking advantage of his silence to spread lies about, and keep every girl away.

It's a strategy.

If you ask me, I'd say Elaine was threatened by you. She must have heard how Ryan held you in his arms for a whole minute. Which is why she is already going so far…"

"But… Ryan only held me then and I ran off. Why would she feel threatened?", asks Goldie, confused, as the two girls finally arrive at the girls' bathroom.

In her opinion, she was no threat at all. In fact, she was sure Ryan did not like her and thought her to be a complete weirdo.

"Well, hold that thought…", responds Jasmine, making her way into the girls' bathroom through the outer doors, with Goldie following after her.

The bathroom seemed empty since everyone was preparing for Club Day. Great! They could continue their discussion unhindered.

"Why would she be threatened? Are you kidding?!"

Jasmine questions rhetorically, giving Goldie a sassy look.

"Girl, because what you had with Ryan… that affectionate one minute, is more than anything she can boast of with Ryan.

Of course, she'd be threatened!", she explains.

"I mean, I bet he hasn't even given her so much as a second look! Haha!", Jasmine laughs at the funny situation.

"Man! I feel sorry for you, Goldie… having to deal with all of Elaine's drama as you're stuck in the same class with her this year… along with Ryan?...

I can just see how his staring at you would be eating her up! Haha…"

Girl, you have to watch your back. Jealous girls are crazy!"

"Yeah, no kidding…", responds Goldie with a silent nod as her mind goes into deep reflection.

It was really stunning for her to see how far Elaine would go with her lies just to stake her claim on Ryan.

In fact, it was scary. 

Jealous girls really were crazy!!

Everything about her crush on Ryan was so challenging… not only was it virtually impossible to win his heart, there was also Elaine Rivers and her camp of jealous girls to worry about! 

But all Goldie ever wanted was a peaceful, normal and happy life with Ryan…

'Why is that so difficult?'

Goldie questions within herself, overwhelmed.

Indeed, everything in life seemed to be desperate to ensure that Goldie hadn't even a second of peace and quiet.

Her life just couldn't be normal, no matter how much she tried.

For one, she was born without a belly button, destroying any chances of having a normal life, whatsoever, and now, she just had to fall for a boy in such high demand, it was even getting scary and dangerous to love him.

Nothing was normal or peaceful about her life!

Heck, she didn't even know what she was!

"Hah…", Goldie sighs out loud, exhausted.

Her troubles seemed to only want to overwhelm her…

Not to mention, she soon had to find a way to get changed here, whilst hiding the gross ridges on her back from Jasmine.

They were already in the bathroom now, standing just a few feet away from the cubicles; her place of refuge from the eyes of the cruel, judgemental world, and Goldie was just biding her time… waiting to go into the bathroom cubicle normally without giving anything away.

Once in there, she would get changed at the speed of light, like her life depended on it! Well, because her life actually depended on it!!

She would have to be fast enough to beat Jasmine's speed and show up all dressed up once Jasmine meets with her again outside the cubicles so that Jasmine suspects nothing.

'That's the plan!'

Goldie had rehearsed her plan mentally over and over again. She was so anxious, she couldn't wait to go just get on with the plan and be over and some with it quickly before someone else shows up, or something else happens, and things become increasingly difficult.

But as much as she wanted to run into the safety of those cubicles… Jasmine was still talking to her. She was forced to wait and react naturally, her anxiety growing by the minute!

Indeed, it was hard keeping so many secrets and trying to seem normal even at this moment, when her true identity was so threatening close to being discovered, and her social troubles were multiplying by the minute...

Hopefully, everything goes well!


