Attack 'The Heart'

"Go- Go back there?!…', Goldie panics internally, breaking into a cold sweat.

Her parents wanted her to go into the janitor's closet?!... AGAIN?!

These were the words she dreaded the most.

"Yes, Goldie. You're the best person for the job.", her father responds.

"I- I can't…", Goldie's chicken heart falters at the idea of going back into the janitor's closet discreetly once again.

"What if I get discovered… what if someone sees me again- What- What am I going to do?…

No, I can't go."

"But you have to.", Mr Markell insists.

"If you want to be safe, and if you want to remain in Z Nation, you have to go. There's no one else.

Your mother can't go because I bet as a parent, she has no access to the janitor's closet. 

But students, particularly cheerleaders and student-athletes would have easy access to the closet because they have to retrieve supplies.", he explains his reasoning to Goldie.