Dreams Are For Rookies

***The Next Day***

Goldie dearest awakens to a beautiful ray of sunlight shining through her room window. 

'Mmm… that's right.', reasons Goldie as she remembers she had left her curtains open last night, as she was staring at the stars and moon late at night.

After so many tests and experiments carried out on her wings through the night, poor Goldie had been left with so many questions ravaging her mind so late at night.

She had even questioned her existence. Nothing made sense to her anymore.

And as she sat, questioning her entire existence, she had chanced upon a shooting star, and immediately, she had made a wish. She had wished for her life to go back to normal again!...

For her wings to naturally hide themselves.

For her life to no longer be endangered and for the whole of yesterday to not have happened again.

And for Ryan to not think of her as a weirdo.