Joker: crossing through the Pacific pirates part 1

story question: you guys think I should add the names next to the dialogue like full play or are you fine with that absence?


In a dark room All for one pulled out a phone and called up one of his men.

"yes boss?"

"hello I need you to put a hit on the Joker get it out by the end of the day"

"yes sir"

he hung up as a servant walked in serving some food to him before leaving.

' even if he's related to me I can't just let him walk on in without seeing what he's capable of after I left him alone'

~with the joker~

The submarine cover over 3 miles until it was under a cruiseship the bottom opened up as the sub rised and the hatch covered as the Joker flip onto the steal floor.

"ah it's good to be me that little encounter really brightened up my day I gotta hand it to yah doc giving me a subordinate as talented as Akira though I wish you'd meet me in person!"

a nearby tv screen came to life showing Tsubasa sitting calmly in a chair.

"for one back then I didn't think much of you two I don't trust you at all and the only reason your not being blown up is because all for one has use for you"

"use for me...use for me...USE FOR ME!? hahahaha I think your talking a little too comfortably doctor everything I did back in the good ol states was all me I'm the main attraction!"

he pulled out his gun and fired a hole in the TV however the doctor's voice just continued going through like nothing happened.

"hm whatever you want to believe by the way the Pacific has a nasty pirate problem and there may or may not be a bounty on your head so good luck main attraction"

The TV cut off and the joker began to walk above to the deck.

'that man has some nerve maybe I should find out what he loves and then I'll be the one looking smug yes It'll be a fun side project'

"hey Akira you can star-..."

as soon as he walked out onto the open deck there were 10 red dots aiming at him from a boat to his left he slowly turned with his hands up.

"oh hello did I come at a bad time? Akira I thought you were a well-mannered why are they so pissed?"

The woman in question was also holding her hands up sweating bullets she had a pale completion with maple colored Hair and jade and red colored eyes and wear a lab coat with cards plastered on the inside.

"they seem to be after you sir something about a bounty"

"oh that well my dear it's just a minor inconvenience plus I've got this amazing new power and their the volunteers you see!"

the joker activated his new quirk grabbing Akira appearing back inside the whole place was being lit up by the pirates who lucky only had guns and not cannons.

"you know this takes me back but unlike last time I don't have my number one assistant please tell me you have a use for more than inventing cause it's getting way too hot around here!?"

"well yes but It's more effective on less people"

"oh really well I'll need to see what's that about later but now let me cut the lights"

the joker activated the quirk once more and blitzed over to the other ship gliding through the bullets like he was in the matrix. He landed behind all the men and tossed out a bunch of marbles which made the goons lose balance the captain jumped down about to punch the head off the clowned prince but suddenly the marbles blew up making the entire deck collapse.

"hahahaha oops I forgot to ask if your men were will to play captain but I got so excited no hard feelings right!?"

the captain leaped from a price of debre around to grab his leg but the clown was more fit for auto dynamics and flipped dodging and land on his feet before pulling his gun and blasted the man he looked around and smiled.

"looks like most of these men are clinging to life that's a little grim so I'll brighten up their final moments!"

he pulled out a bomb with wide smile painted on it before lightning it and put it in the hand of some guy lying on his back and whispered to him.

"make sure no one sees yah"

Before climbing a near by ladder as the bomb blew up in flames send the joker flying land back on his deck.

"everything is good now they're dinning in hell hopefully not with Batman he'd jumped break they're bones and leave"

"I don't know who your referring to sir but it looks like they weren't using strong bullets"

"exactly AMATEURS! haha now be a dear and tell me if more show up"

"yes sir"

Akira went Infront of the ship and pulled a lever bringing up a radar.

"there seems to be 7 ships coming at high speeds"

"hm is that so it's a shame we don't know wha-"

He was cut off as something slammed into the ship with enough for to send the vessel on it's side. The joker and Akira were sent flying crashing in the water. The joker sanged in a bit before swimming up enough for his eyes and nose to be above water.

'I'm definitely getting that fat dumpling when I find him'

to be continued..

(damn wonder why all for one has a need for him will the madman escape will he get caught if so will he live or die who knows and what game is all this comment your ideas vote and peace)