Joker: crossing the Pacific of Pirates part 2:second stolen quirk revealed and a new project

The Joker looked and saw Akira pop up he grabbed her pulling his gun he swam towards the boat look on the other side seeing some dudes riding whales.

"ha ha ha hahahahaha! what is this some sort of irony being chased by some pirates riding whales like their aqua dweeb now I'm obligated to kill them!"

he let Akira go and went through his jacket pocket and pulled out a glass of green liquid.

"ah good ol'acid can never forget this recipe"

he kissed the bottle before activating the speed quirk which was fast enough for him to sprint on the side of the boat until he was on top.

"Hellooo my dear pursuers I'd like to congratulate you with this little present from yours truly make sure not to drop it!"

he threw the bottle which went right in the whales blow hole. the joker had some plugs in and had a sick grin seeing the one riding it get sent flying into the distance the whale started to sink as blood colored the water. The other whales seeing that and not being stupid shook off their riders and escaped.

"ah yes I did I did it I did it so much for the big bad pirates I didn't even sweat is that all you have for me!? hahahahahaha!"

Just as he was feeling he wasn't going to deal with anything more a cannonball smashed through the ship exploding a huge hole sending him crashing skipping along the water before he smashed under a bunch of red strings wrapped around him pulling him into a raft made of the same material. He looked up and smirked seeing that Akira was still alive but looked winded.

"You haven't died yet and you did something useful without me giving you a order and I don't find you annoying yet you truly are worth keeping alive!"

"I appreciate it sir but it looks like we're cooked the guys after us are on a stacked modern looking pirate ship with cannons and they almost had you despite how hard it is to aim those"

the joker slapped her back.

"chin up dear this still isn't enough to faze me I almost killed godly being once these armed sailor scouts are playground threats haha"


The joker was disguised in a stereo typical spy coat tailing Clark in a mall but superman new he was being followed and tried to lead him to a bathroom but the joker wasn't that stupid and decided to shoot him before he turn the corner but superman casually caught the bullet but suddenly his arm went numb he looked at his hand but was shot 12 times in his arms and legs and collapsed bleeding. The joker removed his disguise and had a huge grin on his face.

"so much for a god supy I thought you would know that I'd never come at you with regular weapons haha and the worst part is not only do I have a big knife made of your weakness"

he pulled out a knife made of kryptonite walking up to him picking him up by the shirt.

"I'm going to massacre this entire mall too and your just gonna have to watch"

~flashback end~

"wait if you said you almost killed him why did you-"

"well unfortunately he got saved by Batman in the middle of the day no less he didn't even tell me how he knew I was going to pulled that it was One of the phew times I didn't leave a trace of my evolvement it gave me the chills brrr"

he hugged himself before turning back looking at the pirate ship that just fired another cannonball but it was suddenly cut by a card surrounded by a purple aura.

"your power let's you manipulated and make stuff from red thread which drains your stamina well this second quirk I stole from my first traitorous henchmen allows me to enhance or debuff the power and durability of any item I touch it's perfect for this type of party!"

he pulled out 8 more card and enhanced them.

"only sad part is the weaker the item the more draining it is to enhance the them but what people don't give me credit for is that stamina is one of my strongest attributes I mean how else am I supposed to keep bat brain and his brats on their toes besides my amazing mind of course hahaha"

"you could have used it earlier to protect the ship"

"I could have but what would have been the fun in that!?"

"...I see but our ride is totalled so we're going to have to hijack the place"

"great idea but I already threw the cards sooo cross fingers if they block it"

Almost like someone heard him a figure in a dark cloak jumped up and caught all the cards his hands were pitch black it nonchalantly tossed them into the water and started sprinting towards them every time it touched the water however metal was under it coming from it's feet.

"haha... that was a liittle convenient how did he even know?"

"probably cause of that early display sure"

"ah that's right I should give him credit for having keen eyes"

the joker smiled spreading out his arms welcoming the cloak figure.

"I applaud you for being so sharp assassin but we can all be friends besides how much money was showed for me anyway!"

The figure jumped on the boat and pulled a sword and swung to cut him in half but the joker caught it and using his quirk shattered it and swung his fist towards the figures gut but his wrist was grabbed and squeezed as the figure was trying to break his arm but felt like nothing was happening.

"I guess the rumors from America are true you are a threat clown"

"just call me Joker lady so how much was put on my head?"

"well since your a dead man 30 million dollars"

The Joker's eyes widened but he frowned and headbutted the woman so hard she fell off into the water.

" all this for 30 million what does he take me for typical trash I'm literally responsible for the deaths of millions burning of homes and businesses a symbol of chaos I'm the clowned prince of Crime! 30 million is far too small yeah I'm definitely going to kill him and the old fool for this terrible joke of a bounty!"

the joker pulled out his gun aiming it around waiting until a piller of steel launched the raft into the air knocking him off balance. The he woman jumped up and threw a bomb down towards them but it was cut and blew up the woman tilted her head getting a cut on her cheek and hold being completely gone. The woman was revealed her hair was black on the left and white on the right eyes a bright violet having a pale complexion.

"I was going to just going to give you a quick death but I'm done playing fair"

out of nowhere 4 clones made of steel landed on the raft as it landed with a splash the joker got up seeing he was surrounded and he looked to see a knocked out Akira about to be taken hostage but he quickly activated his speed quirk and snatched her away.

"sorry but I need at least one senior subordinate to teach the rest the rules so what was that about being dirty cause after I win I will torture you until you break BEGGING to join you'll be my first project in this world and unlike Harley you won't be so easily snatched from me"

the woman landed her face contorted to one of anger to disgust.

"you really meant that... I'll make sure you regret it you can't win anyway your surrounded"

The joker aimed his gun as it flew bright.

"hahahaha I'm sorry to say but me and regret have unique relationship cause I make people regret being on my bad side not the other way around!"

the clones all charged at him about to punch him but he blitzed them all shooting 4 shots breaking them apart before appearing behind the woman gun pressed to her head.

"BANG as the kids would say that was EZ just like it would be to kill you I've finally figured you out that ability of yours costs your blood though not as much as I would imagine I can't wait to see that broken empty look in your eyes but don't be too afraid you'll be smiling when I'm done"

"go to hell!"

the joker grinned sinisterly.

"oh please the devil wouldn't know what to do with me"

he knocked her out and use the scrap of metal to row to the ship as the sub began to set on such an eventful day.

(boom man looks like the joker gets away with a prize how unfortunate for the assassin pirate anyways comment vote and peace)