arrival: Torturous lie

The joker and Akira jumped onto the pirate ship with the assassin stripped down to her underwear and bra.

"it's good that we don't have to deal with anyone else at least I hope not"

"hm I wouldn't use hope so lightly too many people talk to much about the light in the future but never gonna expect the worse.."

he opened the door to a cabin and using some rope tied the assassin to the bed as a sick smile went across his face.

"Which makes seeing their eyes filled with fear and terror so satisfying hahahaha!"


the doctor appeared on a TV screen in the dark room where all for one rested.

"I have a feeling you want to ask me something out of line I'll allow it one time so speak"

"well the thing is why would you let a flight risk like him live you and I both know he wouldn't mind burning our whole operation to the ground once he touches japanese soil it's only a matter of time plus so little of those so called professionals passed the navy patrol if we made the bounty national he'd be dead"

"well that's because he'll be a decent challenge for Tomura if I'm to make him my inheritor he should be able to get rid of threat like him with ease and continue his plans"

"I see but with the young masters current skill I don't think it's safe for them to meet at all"

"hm well Kuraguri is with him to make sure he doesn't get himself killed so all we have to do is wait for him to enter the stage"

~back on the ship~

The assassin was woken up by a slap her arms moved but all her limbs except for her neck were restrained tightly by ropes.

"sorry for the slap but you see I thought someone as skilled as your self wouldn't be knocked out by sunset but to cut to the chase I got good news and more good news!"

"just kill me I failed my job-"

she was smacked again which made her roll her eyes.

"I don't take orders from my captives... Now the good news is when I'm done with you we'll be on the Japanese beaches and the other good news is that I'm going to Torture you until we get there"

he grabbed a cart filled with medical tools and other instruments of torture a sweat went down the assassin's brow seeing him pull a scalpel.

"I'll also be asking some questions and if I think your lying hahahahahaha"

he put on some gloves and forcefully pulled her tongue.

"I'll put holes in your tongue and who knows what'll happen I might not find anyone to heal you"

he let go and put the scalpel back and grabbed a rod and clicked a button as electricity started sparking around it.

"first question what's your name and I mean your real name?"

"That's... none of your conce-ahhh!"

he jabbed the rod in her chest.

"you know whoever you were trained by doesn't care for your existence"

he pulled back smiling as she was trying to catch her breathe seething from the pain

"do you know why they won't care about losing an assassin like yourself?"

"I now I'm replaceable"

"ha-hahaha really well then I guess I can't torture you in that way plus I need you alive soo that's exactly why I got this"

he pulled a clear potion like bottle and slammed it on the ground releasing a clear almost invisible gas.

"hope you enjoy it it's not as effective as cranes but trust me it does it's job well bye bye"

he walked out as the gas filled the room the assassin took a quick breathe and held it however once it entered her nose it was irritated to the point she sneezed and that one slip up made her whole world chance as the Joker came back with a chair and sat down his immunity was due to his biology his body being filled with such deadly chemistry his blood is a death sentence for any normal being in seconds. He watched happily as that stubborn stoic expression of hers turned to fear as she started taking deep breaths struggling on her bindings to the point of getting deep rashes so he decided to press on with his agenda.

"I know you can hear me assassin I could give you the antidote all you gotta do is answer any questions I have and you might not experience the nightmares until you break I wonder what could be so traumatic for a trained killer like you!"

~POV Change~

the assassin was in a grey house as all the people she killed rose up from they're graves with terrifying smiles the clown in the center of it all laughing as the horde charged at her armed with all the quirks and weapons they used against her.

"what's the matter I gave you a way out all you gotta do is submit"

one of them popped From the ground and gripped her legs as they were frozen another one blitzed so fast it ripped her arm off as she was finished by a firing squad level of people who shot at her tearing through her before being revived again.

"w-what are those damn questions!?"

"oh so you can get some words out wonderful first one what's your name let's start simple"

"what do you mean I-"

"I'm in control I decided if you come out a unstable canvas or a slightly shaken up ally I'm the one with the royal flush and you a punch of useless jokes...oh and your starting to bleed a little didn't the big bad group teach you to be disciplined unless you actually feel guilty hahahahaha!"

"My name is Mallory just Mallory!"

she was held down by the revived victims as a bunch of them with whips whooped her from all sides as she died a bloody mess before being resurrected.

"hmmm that makes one day my my looks like you finally don't have the energy to struggle anymore but there's still that naive word call hope next question what made you take the job so don't lie honesty is the best policy!"

a bunch of cars appeared as they all stepped in starting the engines.

"I thought you'd be a pushover someone who just got lucky!"

the vehicles drove into her with others slamming in insane speeds as the sound of snapping bones could be heard before she sprawled on the ground to got repeatedly ran over becoming a Boney paste before more could happen there was a bright light that blinded her.

~end of the nightmare~

she woke up on a med table being healed by a doctor with a medical quirk who just finished healing one of her wrist and ankles The Joker was sitting in a chair right beside her with a smirk of satisfaction.

"looks like I proved my point once again I trust that you know who's in charge cause your not being healed out of the kindness or anything you will work for me and the dirty doc here placed a bomb somewhere in your body so you know what that means right?"

Malory stared blankly at the sealing not daring to close her eyes.

"yeah I got no choice but to serve you"

the joker pulled out a party horn and blew on it.

"bingo now you make a speedy recovery we have a lot of fun to have in this country "

'what an easy grab I didn't even put a bomb in her I guess o'l scarecrow knew what he was doing it's a shame colleagues like the ones in Gotham will never show up but I'm sure I can find some lunatics among the bland somewhere especially with this type of society'

he walked towards the door and took in the fresh air.

"ah now it's time to shoot a hole in that old fools plans whatever it may be and once he's at my feet there'll be no one to stop me hahaha ha hahahahaha!"

(looks like he borrowed some tricks not like there's anyone to claim it back hopefully you enjoyed comment vote and peace)