
Ivy, Jackson, and Owen stand with a matenince man but Ivys mind is elsewhere, "All right, what is our risk of flooding here?"

"Oh, you got water pumps. You got sandbags."

"The lights keep flickering. Now are the generators-" Owen interrupts as they start walking.

"I tested them last month. Listen, you guys got patients to worry about. You take care of them. This-this hospitals my patient," he tells them.

Ivy and Jackson stop to focus on something else, "Hey, you okay? You seem a little distracted."

She nods, "Yeah, sorry. The storm is just a little more powerful than I thought it would be. I'm fine. We need to get babies out of the NICU."

They spot Alex and Wilson walk in, "Hey, Karev if you're free, the NICU needs help getting all these babies out of here."

"I thought Arizona was overseeing this," Callie calls out.

Ivy and Jackson shrug as they escort the babies out.


Ivy sees Bailey walking around, carrying blood, "What the hell are you doing?"

"Making sure all the O.R.s have blood. What are you doing?" Bailey sasses.

"Professionally or personally?"

"Professionally, obviously," Bailey says.

She shakes her head, "Nah, I'll just finish what I'm about to say. You need to be in an O.R. operating again. So, tomorrow, when this storm blows over, you and I are going to operate together if you don't operate tonight."

Bailey argues, "No, you can't do that!"

Ivy gives her a bitch brow, "Actually, as your boss, I can. You need to be in an O.R. it's where you belong. Now, I'm going to go back to the E.R. but tomorrow, you will be back in an O.R."


Ivy is in the E.R. helping patients when they hear metal screeching. They watch a bus flip over and start on fire. Ivy is the first one out the door, others following right behind her.

"I smell gas," Ivy tells Owen.

"Theres a fuel leak somewhere," Matthew tells her as she watches Jackson on top of the bus.

"We've got to get everyone away from this fire," Owen yells out.

Ivy gently sets a woman in a wheelchair before a nurse pushes her away. She yells over her shoulder, "All right, if you can walk, let's get you inside. Kepner, lead them in please! We're gonna need to setup emergency triage inside."

Owen points to Bailey, "We're gonna need meds. Bailey, can you handle this?"

She nods, "Yeah, uh, Murphy."

Callie looks to Ivy and Owen, "We gotta move, Hunt. This things gonna blow."

"Avery, hurry up!" Owen yells to Jackson, leading Ivy away.

Ivy keeps her eyes on Jackson as much as possible as he says, "I got one more. She's jammed between two seats. Help me get her out."

Owen looks to Ivy, who nods, "Go. I'll get setup in there."


Ivy turns to Callie, "Where is Jackson and Owen? That fire is getting bigger and I can't find them."

"I'm sure everything will be okay. Where are the pain meds? I got a patient in pain over here," April reassures her before turning to Bailey.

"I-I tried to get the meds. The machine, it-it won't open without power. I can't get it to open," Bailey complains.

"All right. Never mind that. I've got at least two open fractures and some nasty lacerations. You want to jump in over there?" Callie asks her.

Bailey doesn't form a complete sentence until, "Uh, you need meds. I'll figure out the meds, Murphy."

They leave before Ivy looks over to the bus, looking for Jackson. He can't die, not today.


Ivy sees them get out of the bus and quickly runs over with Callie and a gurney as Owen tells her, "Move fast. This things a ticking timebomb."

Callie yells, "Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on."

Jackson stations himself next to Ivy, "Almost there. All right. Lets go."

Callie, Ivy, and Owen start pushing. When they get over there, Ivy looks over her shoulder, "Where's Jackson?"

"Right behind us."

"No, no, he's not," Ivy yells.


Ivy wraps a woman in a blanket as Callie asks, "Can you see him? Wait, is that him behind the bus?"



"Avery, come back here!"

"Jackson!" Ivy joins in the yelling.

She starts running towards the bus when she feels arms around her waist and the bus explodes, knocking her on the ground.

Ivy quickly sits up, crying, "Jackson! Jackson! No! No!"

April wraps her arms around Ivy as they see a figure emerge. It's Jackson carrying a little girl. Ivy stumbles back into April as Jackson passes her.

She starts sobbing as Jackson walks over to her and pulls her to his chest. Ivy clings to his scrub top.

Callie pulls him away to go check him out as April holds a sobbing Ivy.


Ivy rushes over to Jackson and pushes against his chest, "You idiot!"

"Ow!" He shouts.

Callie holds her back, "Ivy!"

"You could- you could have died!" She cries.

"Ivy, I'm fin-" he tries to comfort her.

"Hey! Shepherd! Take a walk," Callie tells her.

Ivy stares at him, he whispers, "Ivy, I'm fine. Callies going to patch me up and then you can yell at me all you want okay? Give me a minute and then you can yell at me all you want. I promise."

She let's out a small sob, "You idiot! Okay, you're an idiot."

Before he could respond, Ivy runs off to an abandoned hallway and sits down. She can't get her breathing under control. She feels arms wrap around her shoulders.

"Come on Ivy. It's okay. I'm here. Breath with me. Come on, breath in. Breath out. Breath in. Breath out," April guides her.

"I can't lose him. WE can not lose him. I'm pregnant with his baby and he just almost died in a freakin fire! Of all the idiotic, heroic things he could have done. I could've lost him," she sobs.

"He's okay. He's okay. Callie just finished checking him out. He's in a sling and has a few small burns otherwise he's fine. He won't even have any scars. You ready to talk to him?" April tells her.

Ivy nods, wiping her face dry, "Yeah. And I need to tell him he's going to be a dad. I didn't have time earlier but neither of us are going anywhere soon."

She stands up and walks to Jacksons bed, closing the curtain behind her. Ivy turns to him, biting her lip with tears running down her cheeks.

"Ivy, I'm okay. I love you. And yell at me all you need to. Okay, I can take it and I deserve it," Jackson opens his arm to her.

"Okay. Okay," Ivy nods, making her way to lay with him.

She grips onto him as hard as she can without hurting him as he wraps his arm around her, kissing the top of her head. They sit there for a few minutes in silence. Just enjoying the fact that they're still together. Then Ivy shoots up and starts pacing.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! I keep reminding myself that I've put you through worse with the-the shooting an-and the crash bu-but then I-I-I remember the fe-fear I had seeing that bus explode! I thought you were being burned alive and I know how painful that is. I thought you were dying and I couldn't help you. I thought I lost you," she stops to take a breath.


She snaps, "I'm not finished! I never had a dad. I grew up relying on Mark and Derek. Then Mark died and I'm relying on you and Derek. You can't leave me. Especially not now."

"I love you."

"God, I can't live without you!"

"I can't either. You are the most important person in my life."

"Especially not now!"

"Ivy, will you marry me?"

"Jackson, I'm pregnant."

They stop. It seems like the world stops as Ivy takes a step back, "What did you just say?"

Jackson can't seem to find words or even close his mouth. Ivy, puts a hand over her mouth. She's crying now for a whole new reason.

He finally finds the words and takes a deep breath, "Ivy Shepherd, I love you more than words can describe. I was planning on doing this a little more romantically but the question is the same. Will you marry me?"

"Yes, yes, yes," she cries, running over and kissing him.

They put their foreheads together as they laugh, "Now, what did you say?"

Ivy holds his face as she takes a deep breath, "Jackson Avery. I'm pregnant and you're going to be a dad."

Jackson can't lose the smile on his face, "I'm going to be a dad? We're going to be parents?"

"Yes," Ivy nods as Jackson kisses her again.

He puts his head about level with her stomach, "Hey little one. It's me, your dad. I love you and your mommy a lot and I'm here. For both of you. Forever."


AN: now, this is a very short part but it is jammed pack full of important moments!

Javy is engaged and expecting! April and Ivy get to plan their weddings together.

Next part, we'll get to see Ivy meeting her nephew, her finding out Arizona cheated and the others finding out all the Javy news.

QoC: how do you think everyone will react to Javys news? Including Mama Avery?

Thank you for all the votes and reads and all the sweet, sweet comments!