Future Plans

Ivy sighs, "You're mother is coming today and will want to see the twins, the least we can do is take some time today off to spend with her and the twins."

Jackson sighs, "I know, I know. We can at Webbers birthday party tonight."

She shakes her head, "No, time where she can focus on us and the kids and not her boyfriend. Oh, speaking of time, we need to take some time and clean the kitchen. There are dirty bottles and bowls and plates and cups all over the place. Not to mention the dirty countertops and- oh! Your mother."

"My mother? My mother is all over the countertops? That's kind of disgu-" Jackson questions.

"No. Your mother is over there," Ivy hits his chest before heading over to her mother in law.

"Ivy! My dear! Look at you. Really, you are far to skinny. Jackson, so are you. Ugh, those babies may keep you busy but you both need to eat. Do I need to move out here to make sure you two eat? You know what, follow me, I need to talk to the both of you and maybe grab something to eat as well," she grabs their arms and drag them to follow her to a conference room.


Catherine sits across from the couple, "I would like to talk about the twins and-"

Ivys pager starts beeping, "Oh, uh, Derek's paging-" her pager starts to go off again, "So is Callie. Uh, I've got to go handle their problems. I'm sorry, but can I take a rain check? The twins are in the day care and you already are on the list of people to sign them out or see them if you want to visit them or Jackson doesn't have any surgeries scheduled all day. I will find you both later," she kisses Jacksons cheek before running to find her brother and one of her mentors.

She ends up finding them in the same room, "Hey, you both paged?"

"He's stealing my sensor," Callie points at Derek.

"Callie, the brain has more nerve cells than humans on earth. We want to understand how all those neurons interact, so we're gonna start with a smaller group like everybody here in the hospital. And we're gonna determine how they interact with each other and talk," Derek moves over to the whiteboard.

"Please, stop," Callie tells him as Ivy just stands there.

He ignores her, "And then we move out."

She tries again, "Stop patronizing me, all right? You're just saying that your thing is more important than mine."

Ivy asks, "Didn't Hunt tell you both to drop this until he-"

Derek cuts her off, "I'm saying my thing feeds your thing. It will revolutionize our understanding of what it means to be human."

"And yet, you would have never had the sensors if it weren't for my thing, you selfish-" Callie stands.

Ivy tries, "You know, I'm almost 100% positive that Hunt asked you both to leave this alon-"


"Here! Let me show you a diagram. This is you," she starts drawing on the board.

Derek looks at the drawing, "I'm an asterisk?"

She shakes her head, "No. You think you are the white hot center of the universe. Also, it looks like a butthole. Either way it works."

"Hey! Both of you, enough! This isn't about the freaking sensor, it's about your feelings being hurt, Callie," Ivy shouts.

"Excuse me?"

"This is you taking your feelings of inadequatance from the whole Leah/Arizona thing and the lawsuit you faced out on Derek. This isn't about the freakin sensor. So enough. You are both done talking about this until the board has made a decision. I am not a mediator. Now if you'll excuse me, my mother in law is here and wants to talk to me. Both of you need to get your acts together," Ivy tells them, storming out of the room.


Jackson and Catherine are still in the same conference room as when Ivy left, "I'm so sorry. Derek and Callie can't figure out this sensor crap and called me into...I don't even know, to listen? Anyways, what did you need to talk about?"

"Are you two planning on having more children?" Catherine asks as soon as Ivy sits down.

"Yes. Not for a couple years, but yes," Ivy nods as does Jackson.

Catherine smiles, "Good. Will you raise them to be religious?"

Jackson answers, "We don't know. Neither of us are very religious."

She nods, "Okay, but remember, Avery children become Avery Foundation board members. The foundation controls $480 million I'm charitable funds for the advancement of medicine."

Ivys jaw drops, "What?"

"Yeah," Jackson sighs.

She had seen a bunch of paperwork for the foundation as one of the members of the board but she didn't look at the foundations budget as a whole. Why would she? It's not her money.

"Your children, when they are 15, will start sitting in on board meetings, you know, begin to learn the business, like Jackson did. When they are 18, they will gain a seat on the board. They will be voting members," Catherine drops on Ivy.

"What? You mean Allie and Chris will spend their teenage years, their last few years of no responsibility, having to learn the family business?" Ivy asks.

"I have built a massive institution with my blood and my sweat and you will inherit it. And some day, Alexus and Christopher and any other children you two have, will run it," she tells them.

Ivys drops her head into her hands, "Dear God."

Jacksons hand rest on her back before he stands up, "Ivy and I will raise our children the way we want to. We don't need you to weigh in on it."

Catherine shouts back, "You don't include me in any decisions in your life."

"I don't need to include you! You include yourself in everything, always!" He yells.

"Stop! Okay, stop! Both of you! Jackson, look, your mother is the only grandparent the twins have left. Let's not ruin our relationship with her," she turns to Catherine, "You're right. There are a lot of things that we haven't talked about, mostly that of which pertain to our children, but we will. Jackson and I. We will still value your opinion, but when asked. Catherine, in the past few years, you have been more of a mother to me than my own and I will treasure that relationship. But I can't-I'm not- we can't have you controlling or inputting on every decision we make. I obviously need to learn more about the foundation because I understand the twins will have kind of role in it. Wait. The foundation has a lot of money. D-don't you guys usually ask for a prenuptial agreement? Why wasn't I asked to sign one?" Ivy asks.

"Because I don't need you to. Ivy, sweetheart, I know that your not after his money, nor do I think you two will get divorced. The foundation and its lawyers do not need you to sign any type of agreement," Catherine tells her.

Ivy nods, "Okay. Uh, look. Catherine, you are the parent either of us really has left. We need you in our lives and our children's life. But not on every decision. Please, respect that we can do this. Jackson, we can share with your mother a little more. Now, go give her a hug. Go."

Jackson nods before walking over to his mother, "I'm sorry for yelling. I love you, please know that I do value your opinion but Ivy and I can do this together."

"I know. You shouldn't yell at your mother," she slaps him quickly before hugging him.

"Ow," he says, hugging her back.

"You deserved that," Ivy giggles.

The mother and son duo laugh, "I know, come here."

Ivy nods, joining in on the hug. They pull away as Jacksons arm is still around his wife, "How about we go get the twins and you can get to your with Webber."


The surgeons of Grey Sloan stand in the restaurant as Catherine and Webber walk in, "Suprise!"

They all clap and cheer as Bailey walks forward. Ivy and Jackson find a table and sit down as Catherine and Webber walk over to them, "Happy birthday."

As they walk away, Ivy turns to Jackson, "Foundation meetings at 15? Voting members at 18? Jackson, that's-that's intense. I want our kids to just be kids for as long as possible. I mean, look at our childhoods. They were different in so many ways but we both had to grow up early. For me, it was wondering if the only reason I was still able to live in the house was because my mother knew Derek would get pissed if she kicked me out or if I would get a call one night saying that my sister died of an overdose. For you, it was the board meetings and the stress of being an Avery, which I know our kids will still have. But we can reduce that. I mean, look at me. I became a small part of the board later than you did and according to both you and your mother, I'm doing amazing. Can't the twins do something like that?"

"I'd like to make a toast to Dr. Webber," Jacksons reply is stopped by Murphy.

"Me too," Wilson adds.

"Not before I finish mine," Edwards tells.

Ross jumps in, "While you guys fight it out, I just want to say...I wouldn't be here if it weren't for Dr. Webber. Thank you, sir. Happy birthday."

Everyone raises a glass to Webber as he stands, "Happy birthday."

"Thank you. Cheers."


Ivy turns to Jackson, "Talk more at home? Or in 14 years when the kids are 15 and can be included in the decisions regarding their life?"

He laughs, "Yeah, cause we've got forever," he leans over and pecks her lips.


AN: Catherine and Ivy have such a respectable relationship that I knew they wouldn't dismiss each other's opinion or difference about the kids.

So, the next episode is the one where Cristina has the multiple different scenarios play out and I kind of want to skip it. If you all want to see it, then I'll do it, but otherwise, I would like to move on.

QoC: what are some twin moments that you want to see in the next few parts?

Thank you for all the reads and votes and comments!!