Ivy and Jackson rush into the elevator, "We'll only be like 15 minutes late, tops."
She argues, "We wouldn't be late at all if you just put the key on the hook. I made sure it was by the door so you would always know where it is. I mean, I had 6 month old twins ready to leave before you could even find the k-"
Jackson kisses her, effectively cutting off her rant, "I'm sorry," kiss, "I know you're super mom," kiss, "But there is only so much," kiss, "I can do," kiss, "To help you out."
The elevator doors open onto the E.R. as Ivy gets off. She wipes her lips before focusing on what Owen is saying to the staff, "It feels like flu symptoms then G.I. stuff."
"Oh, sorry. Sorry," Murphy bumps into Ivy as she moves to standby April.
"It goes without saying that soap, water, and hand sanitizer are your best friends. And if you feel sick and you can go home, then go home. Spread the word. That's all for now," Owen finishes as Ivy sanitizes and grabs her tablet.
She goes over to a bed, "Hi, I'm Dr. Shepherd-Avery. Are you Braden?"
His mom nods, "Yes, this is our little Brady bug."
"So, did you speak to our doctor?" David, Bradens dad, asks.
"I did. He said Braden has S.C.I.D.," Ivy nods.
Braden comments, "Bubble Boy disease."
His dad chuckles, "Braden. He knows that we hate it when he calls it that."
Ivy clarifies, "And he sent you here?"
"Yes, he's out of the country, S-" his mom tells her.
"Right, but patients with Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Syndrome are generally advised to steer clear of high-risk infection areas, like a hospital. Without an immune system-" Ivy reminds them.
"We know, even a common cold can be life-threatening," his mom sighs.
"Well, he's on enzyme injections, and they've been working very well. And we were just so worried and-Braden. Face," David chides.
Braden argues, "I'm not picking at it. Just touching it."
Ivy digs in her pocket, "Braden, how long have you had that?"
He shrugs, "This zit? I don't know."
She moves to his side, "I'm just gonna keep an eye on it, okay?" She starts circling it to mark where it was.
"Geez, why not just draw an arrow and the word zit?" Braden grouches.
"Braden! Last night, he got congested, and we thought he might be getting a sinus infection, so we called our doctor," his mother turns to Ivy.
"And he sent you here to get I.V.IG. antibiotics and labs?" Ivy asks the parents, "Great. Let's get him started."
His parents say in unison, "Stop touching your face!"
Ivy makes her way back to Braden as his mom tells her, "Poor guy conked out."
"Hey, champ. Doctors here."
"Hey, Braden, you feeling any better?" She asks in her mom voice.
"I don't know. Still a little stuffy. But...yeah, maybe a little better," Ivy turns to the parents.
She smiles to reassure them, "Okay, Braden, we're gonna move you to someplace a little more comfy, okay?"
Ivy finds a nurse and whispers to her, "We need to move my patient into isolation right now."
The nurse nods as Ivy looks around the E.R., which is infected with coughing people everywhere.
"So, everything you go into Bradens room, you will put on a fresh gown, gloves, and mask," Ivy tells Bradens parents.
His mom nods, "Right. Every time."
"Yeah. The lump on Bradens head is a rapidly growing infection. We just want to make sure he doesn't get anymore," she reassures them.
"But he's been taking the enzyme. It's supposed to stop this kind of thing from happening," David reminds her.
Ivy sighs, "His labs show his t-cell count is zero, which means he's developed antibodies to the enzyme and its not longer working. He's highly susceptible to all types of infection. Have you considered a bone-marrow transplant?"
David tells her, "We tried to find the match right after he was born, but ethnic donors are so hard to find. They recommened the enzyme instead. It's been working. It was working."
As they put on their masks, Ivy steps aside. The couple holds hands and go in. She watches as Braden shrugs off his mother's hug.
Ivy stands outside Bradens room as Bailey comes up to her, "Hey, Braden Morris is here? He was my patient a few years ago. Whats going on?"
She sighs, "His meds stopped working. He's got acute frontal sinusitis. It's spreading fast."
Jackson steps out and starts degowning, "Well, it's a Potts puffy tumor. He should get to surgery right away, get it drained. Make sure it doesn't spread and-"
"You look horrible," Ivy notices, using the back of her hand to check his temperature.
"Yeah, correct. You look horrible. What's going on with you?" Bailey agrees.
Jackson grabs Ivys hand and just holds it, "Oh, nothing. Its-my stomachs a little screwy. I'm fine. Gonna, um, go book an O.R., though."
Ivy shakes her head, "No, the best thing you can do for this kid, our kids, and yourself, is to go home and rest and be no where near them."
Bailey adds, "Because you look horrible. Yeah, I can drain a Potts puffy tumor. Go home."
"Yeah, you should go home. You need to-" she starts to tell him as he lays his head on the counter.
"I'm fine, okay? I can take care of myself," he lays fully down on the counter, "Maybe I will."
Ivy runs her hand over his head, "Yes, you should. And when you get home, do not touch any of the kids stuff. I don't want to risk them getting sick. So go home, lay down in our room, and sleep. But first, there's soup in the pantry, take a nice shower, and-"