
Ivy and Jackson walk together in the halls as Bailey walks after them, "Wait. Maggie Pierce is quitting?!"

She shakes her head, "Not if I have a say in it."

Owen joins them, "Averys, tell me I'm not losing another cardio chief."

"You're not losing another carido chief," Ivy tells him as she texts Maggie to find out where she is, "Trust me, I've got this. His mother's already called us twice."

"Its a P.R. nightmare," Jackson complains.

"Shes damn right it is- first Russell, then Yang, now Pierce?" Bailey lists.

"Yang and I busted our-" Owen starts.

Ivy stops them, "Look, I said I've got this. Maybe, just maybe, if more people had been more welcoming to her right off the bat, we wouldn't be struggling to keep cardio surgeons. In other words, get Grey on a leash when it comes to cardio. She's general, she sticks to that."

The others take a step back, "Is everything okay, Ivy?"

She shakes her head, "No, no its not. I can give you list of things that are not okay and this is the cherry on freakin top. Now, I'm gonna go save our cardio department while the rest of you try to make sure this place doesn't burn to the ground," with that, Ivy turns on her heel and storms off.

Bailey and Owen turn to Jackson, "What-what is up with her?"

"Uh, for one, Baileys on the board. Two, her and Pierce have become pretty good friends. Three, the twins are sick so she was up with them all last night. Four, my mother is constantly calling her to get her more involved with the foundation. And lastly, she's had a fight with Derek that she won't tell anyone about," Jackson lists.


Ivy enters the lab to hear Maggie say, "That is between me and my employer, Dr. Shepherd."

"I'm so glad I'm one of those employers, so please tell me. Why are you resigning?" Ivy pipes up, moving to stand next to Amelia.

"I'm seeing diminished perfusion to the spine," Maggie ignores her.

A nurse and Amelia lift up the covering, "Roy, wiggle your toes for me, would you, please?"

Nothing. Roy laughs as he says, "Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle."

Ivy directs, "Wiggle a little harder."

"Let me check his babinski reflex," Amelia does so.

"When the toes fan out, reflexively, what's that indicate?" Maggie asks Wilson.

She answers, "Just what you're afraid of- high spinal injury. Is he paralyzed?"

Maggie tells Amelia, "Try it again."

"S-somthings wrong? I can't feel my legs. What's happening?" Roy asks.

"Roy, its possible that the blood to your spine has been cut off by the graft, but I'm gonna do everything I can to fix it, okay?" Maggie reassures him.

"Okay. Please do. Please."

Maggie nods to a nurse, "I'm gonna give you something to let you sleep."

"Start with trying to induce hypertension. See if we can enhance spinal perfusion."


Amelia finds Ivy sitting on a couch in the attendings lounge. Ivys just staring at the wall, "Whats up with you? You look like hell."

Ivy snorts, "Well, not the worst thing I've been told this week."

She feels the couch dip beside her as Amelia sits, "What happened? Is this about Pierce quitting? Or Bailey getting the board seat?"

"No. Although, both are very upsetting. Its...forget it. I don't need to cause more drama with this," Ivy stands.

"Sit down and talk. You can't just say that then walk away. Come on, tell Amy all your problems," Amelia guides her to sit back down.

"Derek said something and it cut me deep. I-I-I'm not going to say anymore about it until I talk to him otherwise you'll hate him and I don't want that," Ivy shakes her head.

Amelia nods, "Fine, but talk to him today because this-" she gestures to Ivys state, "isn't healthy for you. Now, we have a cardio surgeon to convince to stay."

Ivy gets up, "Lets do it."


Standing outside of a room, Ivy hears Derek tell Maggie, "Uh, Meredith is terrible with sisters, just so you know, and uh, I-I'm not. I love sisters. I have a bunch of them. And, um...I'm glad you told me. Its nice to meet you," Ivy watches as Derek hugs Maggie.

Maggie hugs back, "Nice to meet you too."

He turns back and sees Ivy standing in the doorway, tears in her eyes, "Ivy-"

"Nevermind. I can talk to Dr. Pierce in a little bit," with that, she turns away.

Derek chases after, yelling her name, as she passes Amelia, and then Meredith, and then Jackson. Each of them soon running after the siblings. Ivy finally stops running when she gets outside.

"Ivy, Ivy. Come on, you have to talk to me," Derek tells her, stopping behind her as the others stop a few feet away.

"No! I don't! Because you're not my dad nor are you the boss of me," Ivy turns around, tears free falling down her face.

"What is your problem? Is this about what I said?" He questions.

She scoffs, "No, why would this be about the fact that the brother who raised me thought of me as a burden? Why would that upset me?"

Amelia and Meredith exclaim, "Derek!" As Jackson shakes his head in disbelief.

Derek denies it, "T-th-thats not-"

"Really? So you didn't say that you gave up the N.I.H. so no one had to have the of raising a child that isn't there's? Because, newsflash Derek. That's what I was to you! I was your burden!" Ivy screams at him, tears falling faster and faster.

"Y-you weren't a burden. Wh-why would you think that? I didn't me-"

"What? Didn't mean me? Who the hell else could you have been talking about?" She cries.

He steps forward, causing Ivy to take a step back, "Why would you ever think I would think of you as a burden?"

Ivy shakes her head, biting her lip, looking away from everyone, "Because for five years of my life...that's all I heard."