By 4pm the Baines compound was filled with kids of all ages running around, playing and eating candy, Aimine on the other hand is the most excited person today she’s dressed in the red and green princess Ariel gown with a seashell gold crown and a wand. She goes around giving wishes of candies and spreading joy among her friends. Aiden on the other hand is putting up a penyara that will later be the source of little laughs. It is a wonderful moment for everyone, even the parents are happily chatting with each other, the fathers on the drinks focused on the match and the mothers praising their respective children.

Contrary to the happy atmosphere, Adson stands on the balcony passively enjoying all the fun around him, he laughs when the water balloon hits Jeremy and when Cissy can’t blow the water bubble. His mind is still occupied with the events that took place in the morning and last night. He woke up in the middle of the night so hungry for something, his stomach felt full from the spaghetti and peas he had for supper but his tongue yearned for something sweet. He was well aware the cake was for her sister and only decided to lick one finger of the icing sugar but when he checked again, it was a few the cake crumbs remaining in the place where the full cake had been. “Alas! Dad is going to kill me” he thought and ran back to sleep awaiting for his murder in the morning. It actually came early this morning though not from his father but from the sharp pains from all over the body, all his muscles were shaking uncontrollably as if something was leaving his body.

His dad taps on him from behind, shaking him back from his thoughts. “Hey son you shouldn’t be cocooned up all alone, why aren’t you playing with your friends. I know a lot has happened today, but first put a pause and enjoy the party.” “Dad is it possible for ones’ soul to leave their body to another body?” the confused Adson asks his father who looks more puzzled by the question. “Well it can happen, but that’s when someone goes to be with the lord, like Uncle David. Why such a queer question Adson?” Asaph worriedly observes his son remembering the morning events. It was as if his son was about to kick the bucket. It still shocks him to see him back to normal. “Something happened to me this morning” Adson warms up to his dad, “when I was lying on the hospital bed my body kept shaking and I felt like as if part of me left and went to someone’s body, it was like I was the tall brown doctor at the hospital for some time then I came back to myself again.” He finishes and looks at his father for a reaction.

Asaph Baines knows his son is everything but not the kind to cook up lies so whatever his son is saying has to have some truth, unable to find the right words to tell his son, he dismisses him to go play and tells him that whatever it is or was, they will research about it later. Adson feeling relieved talking to his dad goes to play with his friends leaving the weight of thoughts to his father. Asaph remembered one old woman in his village who they believed could possess people’s bodies and do whatever she pleases as that person, that story used to give him shivers and he never wished to encounter that old woman. Even a mere thinking of her just now gives him Goosebumps.