
Morning came relatively quickly. I may have made the sun, but I long since passed control of that ball of fire to Space. Still, if I wanted to pull the sun to Earth, I could most definitely do it. Wait, I'm getting slightly distracted.

Air still hovered slightly above the chair, hugging her knees and staring at Mevis.

I stood up and said to Air, "I'll be off. Keep her safe."

Air nodded.

I appeared somewhere else. Ever since the building was destroyed, I'm surprised by the passiveness of the other Elementals. Maybe they were too busy fighting each other to find me. Looking around, I could see a trail of damage.

Plants sprouted from the ground and there were a couple of random mythical creatures running around the place. Before I knew it, I heard a screech and a phoenix fly into the air, spreading its wings. It dived before promptly folding in on itself and getting crushed into a ball. I appeared closer to the battlefield. Seeing the trail, Nature must be involved in the fighting.

Just as I thought, Nature was indeed locked in combat.

Her opponent was Space who was struggling against Nature.

Nature carried around a bronze disc that was about a metre long in diameter. Space tried using her abilities, but no matter how many times Nature got hit, she would easily heal herself. Glancing off to the side, the human Nature was protecting hid behind a building.

A massive hand reached out of Nature's disc to grab a hold of Space. Space flicked her wrist, a portal forming along the hand's wrist and closed, cleanly cutting it off. The rest of the creature emerged, a cyclops about the size of a building. It let out a roar, but its arm reattached itself.

Space inhaled and pointed in Nature's direction.

Vines exploded from the ground beneath Space and dragged her arm down. A deep hole was formed beneath Space where she had pointed. She ripped the vines off, but the vines turned into hornets that stung Space. She swept her hands through the hornets, the hornets turning into cubes and falling to the ground harmlessly.

Space stomped, the gravity intensifying greatly. The cyclops stumbled and fell on top of Space. When Space teleported away to avoid the cyclops, a cloud of green gas passed by her. Space waved it away, not affected by the poison in the slightest.

While the battle raged on, the human hiding behind a building was kept safe.

My senses flared up. I swung my fist backwards. My arm passed through the guy, hitting nothing at all. He laughed, stepping away from me. He then said, "Yo, how's it going?"

"Haven't seen you in a bit," I scoffed, looking back at the battle.

Light shrugged and glanced at the battle as well. "I heard that Dark has already been eliminated. She's never going to hear the end of this."

"Are you sure you can be here?" I asked him. "What if your human's in trouble?"

"Nah, it's fine," He waved me off. "I already put an illusion over him."

Light grinned and told me, "I actually came here to propose a truce between the two of us."

"That's rare," I commented.

"Well, I'm not too interested in fighting you at the moment," Light explained. "Besides, I'm already worried about keeping Earth away from my human."

"I mean, not as if he can really do much else."

I got onto my feet just as the building was starting to collapse. Space crushed the foundations of the building when she fired a stray blackhole which existed for just a second. Both Light and I appeared on top of a nearby building.

"What are the details of the truce?" I asked. "It better not be one-sided."

"You don't attack my human," Light explained. "I don't attack yours. If we're the last ones left, then the truce is over."

"Simple enough," I nodded.

I then pointed down at the human Nature was trying to protect. "Hey, why don't you just hop down there and kill her or something?"

Light rubbed his chin. He shook his head, replying, "Yeah... about that... Nature's really smart, so I can't exactly just go up to her. Besides, she's so full of Nature's healing that if I tried to cut her with my sword at high speeds, the human's body wouldn't even register her death before she gets healed. It's a real pain."

"Shoot one of your beams or something, I don't know," I joked.

Light folded his arms, his eyes locked onto the battle between Nature and Space. He let out a sigh, "I'm gonna go try and take down Earth. You do whatever you want."

Now, lets' see.

I know where Nature's human was, but I had no idea where Space's human was. Actually, I don't think I've even seen Space's human in the first place. Unless Space stored the human in a separate spacial pocket, the human shouldn't be impossible to find. Even if the human was in a spacial pocket, I'm about ninety-nine percent sure they would die.

I took my time to aim as precise of a shot as I possibly could.

Not at Nature's human, not at Nature, but at Space. A compressed beam of fire shot at high speeds. It was a beam so thin that humans would not even be able to register. However, Space immediately felt the damage and staggered.

She glared in my direction just before she was tackled by a bull.

Space snapped her finger and all of a sudden I was the one being tackled by the bull. I shoved the bull aside to face Nature. She glared at me, but immediately redirected her attention to Space, who was high above her. Space had found Nature's human.

As Space fell, the human turned into a sparrow that flew into Nature's arms, turning back into a human right after. Space fell, cracking the ground and shattering the walls nearby.

"The collateral damage is insane," I called out to Space.

Nature surrounded herself with poison gas before vanishing from sight. Space grumbled and walked past me, shoving me aside. Gravity shifted and I crashed through a building before coming to a stop. I pulled out a piece of shrapnel from my body, the stone already melted into lava.

I tossed it aside and continued my search.