
I went back to my bakery where Mevis was just relaxing and having breakfast. She noticed me just appear out of nowhere and jumped slightly. I sighed, sitting down near Air, who was hovering upside down in the air. I shrugged, telling Mevis, "Yeah, can't find anyone today. I'm thinking we wait."

"What are we waiting for?" Mevis asked.

I pointed at myself. "Well, you see, there's just a slight advantage the others have over me. A really slight one. I don't have any tracking abilities to find those humans."

"And the others do?"

"Well, Space can just read the minds of people," I explained. "Earth just knows what goes on. Light could easily just zip around the place and find the person. Nature can sense life itself. I can't really do much at the moment."

"You seem kinda useless, huh?" Mevis commented.

"What makes you say that?" I folded my arms.

"Just a thought, nothing else," Mevis put her hands up.

I shrugged. "It's not too bad. I just gonna kill the humans. I don't think it would be that difficult."

"Woah, hold on," Mevis put her hands in front of her. "Why did it suddenly become about killing folks? What gives?"

"It's fast."

"That makes us the bad guys."

"I don't see your point."

I let out an audible sigh before covering my face, groaning, "Damn, I really got involved in this competition cause my pride was on the line? Fine, fine, whatever. Sheesh."

Air tilted her head slightly.

"What?" I asked Air.

She raised an eyebrow before writing down on a notepad, 'You didn't join because of a reward?'

"Reward?" I responded. "Isn't the reward to have the human be the Elemental of Magic?"

Mevis put a hand up to speak. I glance over in her direction, not really sure why she was doing that in the first place. She pointed at me to ask, "You joined a competition where lives are at stake because of your own pride?"

"I mean, yeah," I shrugged before looking back at Air.

She was busy writing some stuff down, so I waited for her to be done with it. She finally showed the notepad, and on it was written 'Time said the winner would get anything they wanted from Creation'

"Creation?" Mevis brought up the question.

I extended a hand in Mevis' direction to put her question on hold first. I then asked Air, "That doesn't make sense then. Why would Water not want to join in?"

Air gave me a blank look before shrugging.

I faced Mevis again.

"Creation's the being that kinda made all of us," I explained to her. "He made all the Elementals, the humans, Heaven, Hell and a couple of animals. Everything else was made by the Elementals."

I pointed out the window. "I gave the sun to Space as a gift because she kept complaining that humans were dying too quickly."

"You made the sun?" Mevis scoffed sarcastically.

"What's so unbelievable?"

Mevis pushed herself off of the bed and made her way to the door. Air perked up, floating slightly closer to Mevis. I warned her, "I would suggest that you stay inside. You never know what might be going on outside."

"I'll be fine," Mevis insisted. "I want to get some fresh air too."

The moment she opened the door, Air vanished completely. I blinked a couple of times before scratching my head. Mevis was nowhere to be seen. I assume Air had managed to react in time, otherwise, things would be really bad.

I stepped to the door, seeing nothing out of the ordinary.

"Your methods never really made sense to me, Space," I called out.

A portal appeared in front of me, and Space looked through it. She was smiling as she told me, "You didn't react in time at all."

"Air's with her," I stated.

"No worries. Where I sent them, a certain someone might just have the upper hand."

She reached through the portal and clutched my throat. Her fingers sizzled and burned, but she kept her fingers on me. I clutched her hand and managed to overpower her, moving her hand aside. I then immediately had my body tilted sideways. I crashed into the wall.

I stood up on the wall, from my point of view, it was as if everything had shifted.

Space stood normally.

"You haven't been able to fight properly for centuries," Space commented. "Almost as if you're afraid of something."

I tried throwing flames at her, but my flames extinguished almost instantly.

"Damn," I said, looking at my hands. "That's annoying."

"It's my domain," Space grinned. "Nothing you do in this domain can help you."

I jumped and tried punching Space, but she simply shattered into fragments of herself and reformed soon after. My hands started to turn into smoke. Looking at Space, I said to her, "You know you can't kill me."

"I don't need to kill you," Space corrected me. "I just have to delay you."

The room trembled and all the furniture floated in the air. I touched the wall beneath me, turning a part of it red. The furniture shot in my direction, all of them colliding with my body. I just took the hit, the furniture burning up.

"Saw your fight with Nature," I said with my face half-reformed. "Pretty sad if you ask me."

The Furniture completely burnt off, allowing me to make eye contact with a mad Space. I continued, "Her human was right there and you couldn't even do a thing."

I tapped my chin. "Reminds me, where even is your human? I'm sure you've hidden them well."

I balled my fist and stuck out a thunk, almost as if I was about to press a trigger. I continued, "Well, I've already touched a bunch of stuff around the city. Who knows which of them could be a bomb now? Perhaps your human isn't so safe."

"You're lying," She glared daggers into me.

"You can try your luck," I offered.

I jumped up and scratched at her face, barely able to get the tip of my finger on her glasses. She backhanded me, sending me crashing in the direction of her strike. I fell through the wall. I exploded the wall of the room, hoping it would scare Space away.

Realistically, I could carpet-bomb the entire city. However, I quite like the city I live in.

You might be thinking, Franklin, what's the point of lying? Well, to that, I say that I have no idea. I managed to make Space's glasses explosive. I could track that. I simply have to wait for her to meet up with her human, appear in that location and somehow take out the human before Space could react and teleport them away. It's a small chance, but at least it might work.