Upon arriving at the movie theater Jack told Ai to choose the movie. The movie she chose was one of romance, drama, and tragedy. The movie started very well with the two characters getting to know each other and coming to love each other, in the middle of the movie he was diagnosed with cancer, and then the drama started with him hiding that he has cancer and she thinks he is cheating on her because he disappears for many hours until one day she follows him and sees him enter a hospital and there she finds him undergoing cancer treatment, She asks him why he didn't tell her and he says he didn't want to worry her and she starts to cry, then everything is solved and he seems to be fine, cancer seems to disappear, but no, 1 week later they tell him that he has 6 months to live and there begins the tragedy of the despair of both of them to the acceptance and in the end, he dies, but as mysterious as the thing is she is pregnant, and finally she is with the baby in her arms looking at the sky.

[a/n: what a shitty movie I made up].

Jack looked at Ai who was next to him, she was crying wiping her snot with a handkerchief he had given her. Jack touches her shoulder and speaks to her.

"Come on Ai, I'll take you home," Jack said with a smile.

"Hic-hic, okay, hic, come on, hic," said Ai in tears.

They walked out of the movie theater with many women crying and some men too. When they got to the car, they both got in and by that time Ai had stopped crying. She looked at Jack and asked him.

"Tell me Jack what did you think of the movie," said Ai as she dried her eyes with another handkerchief.

"Well, the word I would look up would be sad and you?" said Jack as he drove.

"Certainly sad, but at least she was able to have a child with him at the end," said Ai as she looked out the window.

"That's true, at least she won't be alone and she can recover faster from his death" (Jack).

"How can you say that Jack, tell me if you were him, you wanted your wives to recover from your death, they are always going to be sad," Ai said angrily.

Jack heard her and laughed inside and spoke.

"If the same thing happened to me, I would want them to get over my death and live their happy life with my children, I wouldn't want them to remain sad forever," said Jack with a serious tone.

Ai hearing Jack's words realized his mistake in his outlook on life.

"I see Jack you are a good man," said Ai a little sad.

"You are a wonderful person too Ai, don't let your emotions guide you, you have to control them," said Jack as he released one hand from the steering wheel and stroked Ai's head.

Ai feeling Jack's hand was embarrassed, but she didn't pull her hand away, she felt happy and let them caress her.

"Moo~ Jack I'm not a little girl to be petted like that," said Ai pouting, but she didn't remove Jack's hand.

"Hahaha, it's okay, it's just that you looked really cute when you got mad" Jack said letting out a laugh, but he was still looking at the road.

Ai hearing that she was cute blushed and put both her hands on her face.

"Jack please don't tease me like that," said Ai still with both hands on her face.

So, time passed and they arrived at Ai's apartment. Jack accompanied her to the door and when he was about to say goodbye, Ai invited him to come in for tea, which he gladly accepted and so they spent some time talking and drinking tea, it is worth mentioning that the tea made by Ai was very delicious.

Thirty minutes passed and Jack, who was helping Ai wash the dishes, happened to look in the refrigerator and saw that on a calendar it was written that it was Ai's birthday in two days, and thought about doing something special for her birthday.

They finished washing the utensils and Jack was about to leave, to which Ai greeted him, but inside she wanted him not to leave and to stay with her for a while longer.

Jack as he left Ai's apartment, grabbed his cell phone and dialed a number.

Tum tum tum

"Hello, Mr. Hayes what is the reason for your call today," said the person with a very respectful tone.

"I'm calling to see if you are shooting the movie with the famous actress, you asked me to finance?" asked Jack with a serious tone.

"Yes, sir every day we are on it," said the person with a bit of fear in case he had offended Jack.

"All right in two days I'm going on set with a friend and I want you to do a short scene for her to be in the movie," said Jack with a tone of non-refusal.

Listening to Jack the person on the other end of the cell phone broke out in a cold sweat at Jack's tone and knew he couldn't refuse and so he spoke.

"Sir I will do my best to accomplish such a scene," said the person quickly.

"I hope so," said Jack and cut the call short.

Jack arrived at his house and went inside, he saw that all the lights were off, he assumed that his wives were sleeping so he went to the bathroom, did his business, took a bath, got dressed, and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water and Mai was standing with both arms crossed. Jack seeing her smiled and spoke.

"Hi love, I thought you were sleeping," Jack said as he kissed Mai.

Mai kissed her husband back and spoke.

"Jack, I got an offer from the New York Mets," said Mai with a serious tone.

[a/n: I don't know if there is a New York Mets women's baseball team, but in this world, there is].

Jack, listening to his wife, raised an eyebrow, but smiled anyway and spoke.

"Oh, that's nice love they are a great team in the United States," said Jack with a smile.

"Yeah, but I turned them down," said Ai who was still serious.

"I see," said Jack pouring himself a glass of water.

"You know if you're not with me I'm not going anywhere," said Mai as she hugged Jack from behind.

"And you know I said you girls always follow your dreams," said Jack seriously.

"But my dreams are always you with me, if you are not then it wouldn't be one of my dreams," said Mai sticking her head on Jack's back.

Jack hearing Mai's words, couldn't stand it and turned around and lifted her onto the counter and started kissing her, to which Mai countered and with this, the lust of the two of them was uncovered which led them to do it right there and then. After doing so, they went to sleep where the girls who felt Jack's warmth cuddled close to him.

[Here is the 7th chapter I hope you like it]

[Thank you very much for reading]