The next day they were all having breakfast and suddenly Jack remembered that Mai had to play a game today, he looked at her and spoke.

"Tell me, Mai, don't you have a match today, Friday, for the tournament?" asked Jack while he put some cereal in his mouth.

"Yes, in 1 hs I'm leaving for the hotel where the team is concentrating," said Mai nonchalantly as she continued eating.

"I see, but weren't you supposed to be at the training camp yesterday?" (Jack)

"Yes, but since I got the offer from the Mets, they don't dare to tell me anything so I won't get mad hahaha," said Mai who dropped the spoon and started to laugh.

"Mai how to mean you are," said Mio wiping her mouth with a handkerchief.

"Yeah, Mai you don't have to do those things," said Miyuki with a serious tone.

"Hmph, I had to tell Jack something important so I came home and this is the first time I do something like that," said Mai a little irritated.

"Ya ya, it's okay for Mai to be a little selfish once in a while," said Jack with a smile.

"See my baby understands me," said Mai proudly.

Miyuki heard Mai and came behind Jack, hugged him from behind, and spoke.

"Love you don't have to spoil her like that," said Miyuki with a touch of jealousy.

Jack hearing Miyuki, smiled, moved her to the side, and pulled her into his lap.

"Ya, don't be jealous anymore," said Jack while stroking her head.

"Mooo~" exclaimed Miyuki who was being petted by her husband.

She lay in the lap for a while until she realized that she was too comfortable and her reputation as the oldest would be ruined, then she got up, but inside she was reluctant to do so. Jack saw through her, so he released her. Miyuki stood up with a little red face and looked at Mia who had a mocking face. Mio, on the other hand, stood behind Jack and touched his shoulder, Jack seeing her smiled and opened his arms for her to hug him, and Mio who saw this smiled and sat on Jack's lap, then he started to cuddle her. Both Miyuki and Mai rolled their eyes at this and wondered how Mio could be so cute.

After all that happened, Jack told Mai that he was going to go to see her, Mio and Miyuki decided to go too and he also told them that he was going to invite Ai if she wanted to go since he was a big fan of Mai, they had no problem in Ai going, since she wanted to meet the one who could be her sister in the future.

They all had to leave since they had their respective jobs, they arranged to meet at the stadium at 6p.m since the game was starting at 7 p.m. Then they all left for work, and Jack who was in the car with Nao, sent a message to Ai.

[Good morning, Ai, I wanted to ask you if you had anything to do tonight].

he waits 2 min and a message arrives.

[Good morning, Jack, today Tokyo Pandas is playing against Chiba Crows and I'm going to watch it, Mai-san is playing on top of it].

Jack saw this and smiled and wrote on his cell phone.

[I'm going to watch it too, that's why I wanted to invite you to come to the stadium and watch it with me from there and at the end, you'll be able to meet Mai].

The answer came right away.

[Seriouslyyyyy, Jack you're not lying to me, right, if you do, I'll be very angry].

Jack when he saw the message laughed and that made Nao look at him with a weird face to which he saw and showed her the messages and she saw the messages and laughed too.

[Hahaha I wouldn't lie to you; you don't remember who I am and who Ai is to me.]

On the other side of the phone, Ai remembered that Mai was Jack's wife and he didn't know why, but his heart ached a little, he put that feeling aside and wrote on his cell phone.

[Right how can I forget, okay I'll go, since the game starts at 7 o'clock, so an hour earlier I'm going to the stadium?]

Jack seeing the message wondered how Ai was so forgetful.

[Don't worry, I'll pick you up around 5:30 p.m. since I'm leaving work and I'm passing by your house.]

[Okey Jack, thank you very much for the invitation, I'll see you in the afternoon, I have a lot of work to do and I don't want to get distracted hehe].

[Okey Ai, I'll see you in the afternoon]

And so ended the conversation with Ai, then arrived at work and worked until 5 o'clock, he called Nao to leave, as they had to look for Ai. When they arrived at Ai's house, Jack who was with Nao sent a message to Ai who was downstairs and they got out of the car to wait for her. Ai came downstairs and saw Jack and Nao who didn't know who he was, but waved anyway to which Jack waved back with a smile.

"Hi Jack and..." Ai said, but before she could say anything Jack interrupted her.

"Hi Ai, this is my wife Nao Tomori," Jack said with a smile introducing Nao.

"Ah, hello my name is Ai Fujiwara nice to meet you" Ai said with a smile toward Nao.

Nao seeing her smiled and spoke.

"Nice to meet you Ai if you don't mind me calling you that and if you want you can call me Nao, my husband talked a lot about you," Nao said with a chuckle.

Ai hearing Jack talk about her blushed a little but still spoke clearly.

"I don't mind being called that and if you don't mind, I'll call you Nao then" Ai said with a smile as well.

After the introductions, they got into the car and drove off toward the stadium. Jack was surprised how Ai and Nao became friends so fast, they were talking about perfumes, clothes, and accessories. Jack was glad as it was going to be easier to include Ai in the family when the time came.

[Here is the 8th chapter I hope you like it]

[Thanks for reading]