Chapter 27: Message from the Lunar Colony

Commander Conner looked at his wrist communicator, and instructed it to text Judah.

“Meet me in the living quarters hallway,” he dictated the message. “I have news.”

He lingered in the hallway while a doorway unsealed and Judah exited his living quarters. He raised his eyebrows and gave a backward nod as acknowledgment.

“You wanted to see me?” He asked.

Trevon extended his arm, and a neon blue light flickered, and it took shape above his wrist communicator.

“It’s from your former clients.”

Judah squinted in the hologram.

“We’ve landed on the lunar colony,” the man said.

His wife entered the hologram, carrying a baby on her hip.

“Blake Willard sent our son up,” she told them. “We wanted you to know that our family is together.”

A grin spread across Judah’s face.

“I’m glad to hear that,” he said. “Counseling is not an easy profession. Stories like these make it all worth it.”