Chapter 16- Maid's punishment part 1

Blue Tyrant Academy-

Gin could see the roof of the room in the middle of the night, while Liu Erlong slept on his arm. Gin couldn't stop staring at her plump shape, and his limp dick hardened when he realised his clone was having sex with the girls.

He was also receiving system notifications for having sex with the heroines. Nevertheless, he was still unable to comprehend the reward Nirvana Quantum since it was still loading. As he lovingly kneaded her tit with his wrinkled palm, he cast a glance at the beauty and her bouncy boobs. Gin pulled Liu Erlong onto his top Liu Erlong's cheek on his hairy chest where his robe was loose around his chest.

At the same moment, inside the Gin's Pig monster's Inner world, a calm and lovely woman was meditating on the slive-blue grassland where the wind was blowing her smooth blue hair.

"Within a month, I will fully recover my body, but that bastard is a problem," Ah Yin grumbled.

'That was pleasant; it's been years since I slept peacefully,' Liu Erlong reflected. She grimaced as she noticed a nasty fragrance and a sweaty, sticky sensation on her cheek. She quickly remembered falling asleep with the filthy old man and she woke up in the position of a cowgirl position on Old Gin. Her face flushed with embarrassment as drool flowed from her mouth and she immediately removed the drool from her chin.

'What!' shouted Liu Erlong inside as she felt a firm bulgy meat rod poke her plump ass. Gin laughed at Liu Erlong, who was fixing her dress with a flushing face, and she slid away from him.

"Old man, if you say anything about this matter to anyone, I'll tear you apart," Liu Erlong replied coldly, her black eyes fixed on Gin.

"Hehe, do you think your words will scare me?" Gin joked. He gently stood up and sat on the edge of the bed, facing her. At that point, his robe totally loose around his wrinkled chest and slipped out, displaying himself to her. Liu Erlong felt queasy after sleeping with this old man, and she could clearly see his public hair and large dick shape apparent on his robe.

"Whatever, just get out of this house," Liu Erlong grumbled, embarrassed.

"Why hurry, I have an offer that will change your lover's life," Gin remarked as Liu Erlong halted and looked at him suspiciously.

"Is there any guarantee in your words?" Liu Erlong spoke plainly, but in her heart, she was troubled by his words.

"Well, look at this," Gin exclaimed as a red pill with a light emerged from the empty space. Liu Erlong's martial spirit felt compelled to consume the nirvana red pill.

"What exactly is this?" asked Liu Erlong, staring at the red pill floating on his palm.

"Why don't you find out by trying it," Old Gin suggested as the nirvana red pill slid into Liu Erlong's hand.

She glanced at his face and the pill for a split second as her Martial spirit urged her to devour the pill. With a frown on her face, she swallowed the pill, and her blood veins flared red as she gasped in pain and looked at Gin, who was laughing at her humiliating condition.

"You bastard, what did you do to me?" yelled Liu Erlong with her eyes crimson.

"Clam down, meditate, and flow the spirit power into your martial spirit and body, mainly how much you endure the pain, that much you will have benefits, so it depends on you," Gin said as Liu Erlong did what he said, her body soaking wet where rode was drenched in sweat, showing him her perfect curves of the body. When he saw her gorgeous form, his dick jerked.

After a few minutes, she opened her eyes to find that her spirit level had increased and that her Martial spirit had evolved significantly with certain adjustments. Immediately, she remembered Yu Xiaogang, who would benefit from this pill to improve his talent and break through to level 30.

"Do you have another pill?" Liu Erlong inquired, eagerly. All of that changed as he smirked evilly at her delighted face.

"Why should I give you Miss Liu Erlong?" Gin asked, pulling his robe from his hands, his public hair apparent to her. Gin's attitude disgusted Liu Erlong, and he secretly activated his invisible shield around the house.

"Then what do you want?" Liu Erlong gritted her teeth.

"Simple, you have to become my maid and also satisfy me hehe," Gin said, ogling her bosom, her bra obviously apparent to him. She felt a surge of rage and yelled at him, punching him with a hard-fired- fist. He quickly seized her fist in his hand and drew her to his wrinkled chest, her tits pressing against him. He felt a sponge sensation, peered at her angry eyes, and murmured in Liu Erlong's ears where she was striving to get free from his hug.

"Don't you want your lover to be happy, common, his whole life is a misery, and maybe you as a girlfriend will help him," Gin said softly, which Liu Erlong mistook for a demon voice. She tightened her fist and stared at his coarse, unattractive face, a few stands of white hair on his bald head. She had never seen such a filthy face in her life, and the fact that she had to serve him as a maid made her shake with horror.

"Say Liu Erlong, if you serve me as my maid, you will get this pill for your boyfriend," Gin continued as Liu Erlong whimpered and clenched her fist.

"I...I will be your maid," Liu Erlong whispered with tears in her eyes, saddened that she had to betray Yu Xiaogang and that her twenty years of desire for genuine love had been squandered and damaged. He shook his head and lifted her chin with a girn.

"Well, you're my maid, so there's a way you have to address me," Old Gin explained. Liu Erlong quivered with rage and stared at him, taking a breath to calm herself.

"From now on, I am at your service, Master," Liu Erlong muttered, disgusted.

"Hehe, now you know your place, my slave maid," Old Gin added, as Liu Erlong remained silent despite hearing his comments.

"I want to take a bath, prepare everything," Old Gin said to Liu Erlong, and with a nob she knelt down and undid the obi on the old man's robe. His long dick emerged from his robe, surprising Liu Erlong with its size.

' not like Yu Xiaogang's,' thought Liu Erlong, who had secretly seen her boyfriend Yu Xiaogang's thing; it was a cute tiny one, but nothing like the Old man's dick. She assumed that every male might be the same size as Yu Xiaogang, but after seeing this, her opinion changed.

Gin grinned at her look, assuming she was comparing his with her lover, and continued, "So, how does my dick compare to that waste Yu Xiaogang?"

She grimaced at his statements but did not become enraged because she was his maid and had to follow his directions.

"Yo...yours is big," Liu Erlong said, her face flushed, as Old Gin chuckled heartily.

"But you dared to raise your hand on your master, so you deserve a punishment," Gin explained. Liu Erlong looked up at him glumly, fearful of the punishment.

"Bitch, turn around and bend your body Let me look at your fine ass which teased me a lot," Old Gin said, while his hands on the bed. She was enraged by his statements, but she stood up and knelt to give him a clear glimpse of the dangerous woman's ass with whom no one dared to speak.

He lowered her black skirt to inspect the purple-lace panty that clung to her delightfully plump ass. Her ass shook in response to his action, and her heartbeat hammered out loud enough for her to be heard, but then a strong pain with a loud slap sound emerged from her ass.


"Ahnhn!" exclaimed Liu Erlong as she moved away from him in shame.

"You..Why did you slap me there, old bastard?" Liu Erlong retorted angrily.

"It would have been finished with 5 slaps but you interfered in the middle of your punishment so it's double, then get your ass over here and I WON'T ASK AGAIN," Old Gin growled coldly, and Liu Erlong trembled, biting her lip and obeying his orders like a maid.

His wrinkled hands played with her ass cheeks, changing the form of her large ass cheeks. He bit her ass and licked her smooth ass flesh, leaving a bite mark. Then, without hesitation, he whacked her ass, reverberating throughout the house.


"Ahn..,Ahnh!,Ahnh,..Wait! It hurts...Ahnhn" Liu Erlong begged him to cease the punishment, but he ignored her. Her entire body was shivering with anguish and soreness in her ass, and she hoped that this torture would end soon. He gave her some time to recover and, shockingly, he noticed her panties were moist as he grinned widely with lust.

"Never thought you were a masochist, Liu Erlong," Gin chuckled. Liu Erlong looked up over her shoulder, puzzled by his words.

"What do you mean?" Liu Erlong said, sweating beads forming on her lovely face.

"That means your body has found its master," Old Gin exclaimed loudly before spanking her plump ass.




"At least, slap me gently, it hurts a lot... Ahnhn!" Liu Erlong yelled as her legs grew weak and she couldn't maintain her body. Her panty was getting wetter, so he whacked her fat round ass, which recoiled from his smacks.

"Now it's your last one!" Gin exclaimed as he smacked her red-marked buttocks.

"Ahnhn!" Liu Erlong yelled as she collapsed on the floor, gasping from the punishment and crying as she remembered Yu Xiaogang, whom she would never be able to see again.

"Hehe, don't think it's over, this is just being my beautiful maid Come on, time for bathing," Old Gin said as he proceeded into the bathroom with a smile while the notifications from System rang in his mind. With difficulty, she stood up and followed him to carry out her maid duties.