Chapter 17- Maid duties part 2

Liu Erlong undressed, revealing her purple bra and panty. She gazed at the bathroom door, which used to be her favourite place to rest but had now become a hell door. With an icy face, she held the clip and opened the door.

"Hehe My slave maid, you have a cold face but I liked it and especially your body curves are mesmerizing now you should bathe every nook of my body," Gin growled evilly, his dick twisting as he gazed at her gorgeous shape.

"Yes, ma..ster," Liu Erlong responded, irritated.

Gin sat on the small wooden stool, extending his legs and exposing his large dick to her gaze. Liu Erlong approached him from behind, made foam in her palm, and poured warm water on him. Then she scrubbed his wrinkled back, which had several nasty liver spots, and white foam gathered on his back as she scrubbed it with a disgusted grimace.

"Hoho, you appear to be experienced in this, hehe...Don't tell me you did this to your lover Erlong," Gin murmured, looking over his shoulder and enjoying her silky hands rubbing over his wrinkled back.

"No, I didn't.." Liu Erlong responded, her eyes slightly crimson when he talked about her lover. She should have done this with his lover but instead, she was serving an old guy who made her angry.

"Haha then don't tell me, you learned these things to do with that waste," Gin laughed, eager to see Yu Xiaogang.

"Don't call him waste, old hag!" exclaimed Liu Erlong, clutching the scrub sponge in her hand, she won't hold back that Gin badmouthing her lover.

"Hehe, no matter what you think, he's a waste in my eyes Of course, in your blind eyes, that waste appears to be hardworking, but to me, he never attempted to improve himself and only relied on women," Gin stated coldly in response to her yell.

"Stop scrubbing my back, now clean my chest, and there's another important one you should clean with your hands, my slave," Gin said, and Liu Erlong trembled in hatred and approached Old Gin. She examined his hairy chest, enormous dick pointing towards her, while his glans pre-cum was leaking.

As she understood, he kept his arm on her shoulder and cleaned his wrinkled hand with white foam, then did the same with his other hand. Her shaking hands rubbed across his hairy chest, causing Old Gin to close his eyes in satisfaction. Liu Erlong would feel his hairy chest on his hands, which felt creepy throughout her body, but she still washed him obediently.

"Then for the main one, my slave," Gin muttered as he abruptly got up, his enormous dick nudging her cheek. She frowned, trying to get away from his bulging dick, but he grabbed her shoulder and stopped her.

"Remove your hands!" yelled Liu Erlong as his dick touched her face, making her nauseous. Her rage caused the water droplets on her body to vaporise from the fire element of her Spirit.

"Look up, you slave," Gin replied coldly, and Liu Erlong's fury subsided as she remembered she had become his maid.

"What?" exclaimed Liu Erlong, outraged at him. His dick was now across her face, forming a straight line across her forehead, nose and cherry lips. His hairy balls brushed up against her chin, tingling her skin. Gin grinned at her, his nasty dick covering a gorgeous woman's angry face.

"You're looking like a slut, Erlong, so time to clean my lower part, and don't forget to clean every nook," Gin added with a grin. His dick tickled and twisted on her allure face due to her furious breath beneath his nasty dick.

She bit her bottom lip, remembered her lover, and began scrubbing his wrinkled legs. His dick was still on her head, moving with her movements. After wiping his thighs, it was time for her to scrub his genitals, something she despised.

Gin smiled at her, while Liu Erlong was with a tearful expression on her face. Gin let out a pleasurable groan when Liu Erlong touched his dick with her soft hand.

She slid her hands over his enormous cock and cleaned the white froth that had gathered in his public hair. Her left-hand fingers stroked his balls smoothly, causing Old Gin's dick to jerk on her sliding up and down her hand.

"Oohh, Where did you learn these things, bitch, Awaa!...don't forget my buttocks, didn't I tell you to clean every nook and cranny of my body?" Gin remarked as he placed his palm on her head, infuriating Liu Erlong.

She then walked to his backside and washed his ass cheeks while scowling at his wrinkled buttocks. Her foamed hands moved up and down, covering his entire buttocks with foam.

"You missed one thing to cleaning slave," Gin stated as Liu Erlong stopped scrubbing in surprise. She understood what he was saying, but she didn't want to do it.

"Do it quickly, bitch?" Gin remarked coldly as Liu Erlong hesitated to clean.

She summoned her courage and reasoned that doing so would benefit her beloved. Gin's mouth parted with a groan as she slipped her palm to his asshole, and he felt a fantastic sensation emanating from his asshole. She felt embarrassed that she was washing his asshole, but she didn't stop and kept scrubbing his asshole.

"Haa, stop working as a principal, this maid job is well suitable for you, Oouuhh!, Damn, that place is very good and rub my dick too," Gin exclaimed, making Liu Erlong scowl.

"Shut up!" said Liu Erlong, his cheeks flushed with rage. She washed the foam on his body with warm water after cleaning every part of his body.


He smirked at her, drew her into his grasp, and drowned with her in the warm bathtub.

"Phew, it's been a long time since I took a warm bath," Gin remarked, wrapping his arms around Liu Erlong. He peered at the beauty in his arms, took a look at her slim neck, and buried his face against her smooth neck as he began licking with his slimy tongue.

"Old hag! What are you up to, Stop it," Liu Erlong yelled at Old Gin, who pursed his lips on her white neck.

"What should I do, Any male will do this if there is a beautiful woman embracing," Gin joked.

"Your fucking words are just to cover up your lust for me," Liu Erlong replied, returning her attention to his coarse face. But her expression altered when she realised her purple lace bra had already been striped and he was kneading her bosom with his wrinkled palms.

"Nhnn!,....How did you strip my bra without noticing me...Ahnh!" exclaimed Liu Erlong as she yanked his kneading old hands away from her breasts.

"It's called experience Erlong, do you know how much trials I went through to get this perfection, damn your boobs are big," Gin stated as his entire fingers sank into her soft flesh and her pink nipples protruded from his finger gaps.

"Ahnhn!,.... St..op,....Nhnnn" distressed pleads escaped Liu Erlong's lips as she leaned against his grey hairy chest. Gin then placed his wrinkled hand into her purple panty and rubbed her pink slit with his granly fingers.

"Wha..t!,...Ahnnn!,....Not there, please...Nhnn," groaned Liu Erlong as she snatched his hand from her pink pussy to stop him.

"Well, bathtime is over, and it's time for the main event," Gin remarked as he stepped up alongside Liu Erlong, who was covering her breasts with her hand. He went to the bedroom and used his spirit power to dry the dampness from the bath. He pulled her onto the bed with a grin, and she curled her legs and covered her breasts, scared of what would happen next with the old Gin.

"Please....anything but that...Ahnnn!" cried Liu Erlong, holding up her hands, which were concealing her large bosom. Her breasts giggled with the movements, and he caught sight of her pink nipple poking at him as he gobbled her nipple with his slimy tongue.


"Ahnnn!" moaned Liu Erlong, attempting to free herself from his grips, but she had no idea why her power had dwindled while he was relishing her breasts with his sticky tongue, glittering her nipples with his filthy saliva.

He slid his slimy tongue to her tiny waist, stimulating her silky skin after licking both breasts. The tip of his tongue then twirled around her navel, slobbering with his sticky saliva. And, despite her objections, he gobbled her plump mound above her crotch, glanced at her saturated purple lace panty, and stripped off her panty.

"Hehe, Erlong, I seem to have forgotten how to proceed after this?" Gin inquired, as Liu Erlong's messy crimson visage looked at the Old Gin, puzzled.

'What is this old bastard saying?' Liu Erlong wondered between heavy gasping breaths. Purple light lighted his palm, and a book came out from under the bed, widening Liu Erlong's eyes.

"No!" Liu Erlong screamed, "Don't open that book!" but it was already open in front of his eyes. He looked down at Liu Erlong, who was beneath him, with an evil grin.

'Why should he find out the book at all?' pondered Liu Erlong, covering her brilliant crimson blushing face, and she felt humiliated after Old Gin discovered her shameful deeds.

"Haha, who would have thought Slaughtering Corner of Golden Iron Triangle likes to read erotic books?" Old Gin chuckled, looking at the humiliated Liu Erlong as he held both of her hands and pecked at her lips.


Liu Erlong was startled by his unexpected kiss and tried to pull away from his lips, but he pinched her pink nipple with his finger and she gasped with delight as his tongue inserted into her delicious mouth.


He fingered his gnarly finger into her moist pussy, and she unconsciously moved her jaw with his lips to let him kiss her as much as he wanted. His sticky tongue danced with her silky tongue.

When his finger penetrated her wet hole, tasing his filthy spit and experiencing the pleasure at the same time caused a brain fog in her thoughts, she arched her entire body.


After a few minutes of passionate kissing, he stopped kissing her delicious mouth, making a thread of saliva and chuckled at her current condition. He didn't waste time, letting her legs rest on his shoulder and catching a view of her pulsating pink pussy full of flowing love juices as her upper body lifted while her head rested on the bed.

"This position was written in your erotic book, my slave, Hehe....never thought you'd like this position," Old Gin remarked, his slimy tongue lapping her pink pussy and his hands rubbing her breasts as his head was wedged between her thighs.

"Ahnhn!,...Nhnnnn!,....Wai..t,...Not so rough," Liu Erlong groaned, her black wet delicious hair sticking to her face as her hands fought to stop him. His tongue entered inside her wet cunt, contacting her hymen, and he let her rest for a while after devouring her pussy with his mouth.

"Huh...Huh...Huh..." Liu Erlong was panting after enjoying his pleasures, but she knew that this was going to last all the way to the end. However, she still had a lusty fire inside of her that had been stoked for twenty years, and her resistance was failing in the face of his pleasures.

"Ready for my treat, my sweet maid," Old Gin murmured as he rubbed his large bulging dick against her sopping wet pussy. Every rub of Liu Erlong's dick sent a jolt through her body, and all her twenty years of lust was finally released. Liu Erlong's face flushed, she was aroused, and she gazed at him with lust. He grinned at her, pointed his dick at the opening of her sopping pussy, and stretched her pussy lips wide.

"Hehe, Take my dick bitch"



Sorry, I am having body pains because of standing 6 hours daily for straight three days. This chapter, I written in the past So, I just edited and posted it.

So, to get a signature in a office got a problem they told me that their computer server was down, come again tomorrow after 6 hours of standing and finally after three days again those idiots told me to come again after one week.

I want to write Naruto fan fic but with my condition I can't able to do it.