Chapter 23- Evolution to thrive (No smut)

Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong approached him and they both agreed to dedicate Old Gin. With a huge smile on his wrinkled face, he drew them into his embrace and smiled at their decisions. 

"Haha, You know I thought at least two girls wouldn't agree to follow me but I never expected you all girls to choose me and I promise your decisions will be the best in the future," Old Gin laughed, delighted that they had chosen him and he had made up his mind to leave one or two girls because no girl would want to be with an old man like him. 

"But why did you take such a serious decision, Old hag?" Meng Yiran said, her silky lips biting his ugly earlobe. 

"Hehe, because after meeting Tang Hao, I know in the future I should fight with the Tang clan because I have taken Tang Hao's wife and his son's lover so it's inevitable to have a confrontation also I want to have true subordinates because the most I hate is betrayals," Old Gin said as everyone listened and frowned thinking about their future battle with the Tang Clan, one of the most powerful and ancient clans in the Douluo continent. 

"You don't know in my past both my wife and child left me because I didn't have any power or money, it makes sense they are kinda correct because who will like a person like me if I don't provide anything on the dining table and even you girls don't make this decision if I am not powerful and give you something," said Old Gin while all the girls fell silent when they listened to his calm words of experience he faced in his life. 

"But you know, me too, like you girls are beautiful, talented, and mainly lovable to tease haha so that's the reason for my selfish lust to have you all so in my life so there's never been wrong if the decisions are somewhat selfish" advised Old Gin as he used his second spirit ability Telekinesis to combine the four beds and fell back leaning on the soft bed. 

"Old Hag, you're making me uncomfortable if you're talking like that," Xiao Wu muttered, his face became irritated, as all the girls agreed with her. 

"Common, I used to advise my child every time about his life so I can't change habits so easily got it," Old Gin grumbled as Zhuqing grinned and nestled on his left arm. While Meng Yiran slept on his right arm, Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong pressed their slim bodies on his chest. 

"Nmhm,...-Chu-,..." Meng Yiran couldn't control herself and kissed his wrinkled lips while his right arm surrounded her slender waist. Meng Yiran's hand caressed his wrinkled cheek while her other hand played with the white-grey hair on his bald head. 

The remaining girls were excited when they saw a young girl and an old man kiss. They all began to caress the Old Gin, but he abruptly stopped them, which disappointed them. 

"Oh my!, You girls actually made me forget about the gifts that I had prepared for you," Old Gin said as he rose from the bed and the girls stood up with pouted expressions. 

"What, you don't want the gifts?" Old Gin remarked smugly, which upset Ning Rongrong because she desired both sex and gifts. When he sensed their greed, Old Gin shook his head.

 The girls sat in a semi-circle facing Old Gin while he took out the boxes from the space that connected to his inner world. The unusual plants and exquisite flowers were revealed when all of the small rectangular boxes were opened. 

"What are these flowers, old hag, and please don't tell me you're proposing to us?" Ning Rongrong asked, jokingly, while Old Gin chuckled at her joking. 

"OK, stop jokes, these are immortal herbs that help you to raise 7 to 8 Spirit ranks without side effects and also if there's a change your spirit may evolve," Old Gin added, leaving everyone stunned and staring at Old Gin as they realised what they had heard was true. 

"Really!!" shouted Xiao Wu as all the others came out from shock and looked at the Immortal herbs with the desire to devour them.

"Before you take these immortal herbs, learn the Meridian Tempering method for opening your meridians in your body, which helps you to increase your talent of absorbing the Spirit power in the heaven and earth," stated Old Gin, passing down the method to them. He brought it in the System mall, to increase their talent in body.

"Ning Rongrong, because you haven't reached Spirit Elder rank yet, practise the Meridian Tempering method first, and then you can absorb the Immortal Herb later," stated Old Gin with a smile. Old Gin gave Ning RongRong a beautiful silk tulip herb while instructing her on how to absorb the Immortal herb.

Old Gin began distributing the Immortal Herbs to the girls. Daffodil Jade Flesh bone was given to Xiao Wu, which was suitable for her spirit beast body, while Zhuqing received the Singular Velvet Sky Chrysanthemum. Finally, Old Gin gave Meng Yiran Nine willow Serpent grass, which was very suitable for her Serpent cane spirit. 

"Kitty Your talent should be developed, I'll pass down my Nether God bloodline to your spirit, so take it the Immortal herb later after you adjust to my bloodline," Old Gin stated, summoning his Nether Destroyer Scythe and putting the edge of his spirit on Zhuqing's forehead as purple power bloomed on Zhuqing's body. She looked at Old Gin with admiration when she felt the Nether God bloodline in her body, astounded by the dreadful bloodline. 

"And Xiao Wu, your bloodline of 100000 years soft bone rabbit is good, but to increase your bloodline purity, you just need another emperor-level beast bloodline and should be taken along with Immortal Herb," Old Gin said as she pondered on her brothers in the Star Luo Great Forest. 

"Hehe, no need to think about your bothers, I already have a suitable bloodline for you and I will show you one of my secrets, so don't be surprised girls," Old Gin remarked mysteriously as Meng Yiran twisted her mouth when she glanced at the Old Gin proudly speaking. 


All of the girls were drawn into his hug by Telekinesis, and they instantly felt their brains buzzing and closed their eyes. When they opened their eyes, they discovered a different universe as the vast ground was filled with blue sliver grass and the nature life force was blowing on their faces as their minds instantly relaxed, enjoying their bodies' cool sensation. 

"Wow!, just when did you have this freaking world with you, Old man?" Meng Yiran exclaimed, shocked. And they all glanced at him for a response when suddenly the blue sliver grasses merged in front of them, producing a young girl who smiled and jumped on Old Gin with a pleased smile. 

"WO!, Master Gin, you came!" exclaimed the small blue-haired girl, perplexing them. 

"Haha, Ah Min, you seem to be enjoying this world more than I am, and how is Ah Yin doing?" Old Gin smiled as he held the small girl in his arms. 

[Pic of Ah Min in manhua]

"My Queen was doing great with her speed she will be able to wake up in a week Master Gin" said Ah Min, while Old Gin walked in the direction of Ah Yin's place with the girls who were still mesmerising what they had seen. 

In their vision, a lovely woman with long blue hair slept in a large transparent flower bud container filled with sky-blue liquid, with a stem connecting to the flower bud. The blue-haired woman was exerting pressure on the beast spirits in the girls which made them become serious. 

"So this is Ah Yin, Tang San's mother, a 100000 Blue Sliver Grass Spirit Beast," Ning Rongrong murmured as she gazed at the lovely woman whose bloodline purity was advancing. 

"Hehe, you are correct, her bloodline will cross the Emperor level within a week, and Xiao Wu, you know what to do after her development, you can use her bloodline," Old Gin stated, as Xiao Wu nodded. 

"And finally, Meng Yiran, that Immortal Herb is best for you because you can create a bloodline core with the help of this Immortal Herb in the future," Old Gin stated as Meng Yiran's eyes glowed with resolve. 

"Remember, as my clone told you, Spirit power, Spiritual power, and lastly Bloodline are the main crucial parts for you to become a God, and Ning Rongrong, you don't need to worry about the bloodline part because with your future talent, a first-class god will definitely try to give their god position to you," said Old Gin, and their hearts were unable to handle the shock and they were glad to have chosen Old Gin. 

"Finally, Spirit Fusion techniques you all should practise, it will be a huge help in our future battle, Meng Yiran, you fought with Dugu Yan in the past who was the granddaughter of Poison Douluo and she is perfect for your Spirit Fusion partner," Old Gin said, while Meng Yiran agreed with his suggestion. 

"And don't forget your elder sister, Zhuqing, I know she attempted to kill you but I think there are other reasons for her to act like that in the future we will find out her reason and maybe she is a good person if not then I will kill her without hesitation," said Old Gin with a serious face that changed the atmosphere and Zhuqing trembled when she thought of killing her sister. 

"So practise the Meridian Tempering method in my Inner World and take the Immortal Herbs after the removal of impurities in your meridians and become strong girls your future is inevitable to face the disaster and show no mercy to your enemy," Old Gin said loudly as everyone's face became serious and they clenched their fist to thrive to become stronger. 

'Damn, I have to work hard to compete with my friends,' thought Ning Rongrong, whose was the lowest Spirit rank of all the girls, as she practised the Meridians Tempering method and chose an appropriate place in the Inner world as the other girls also found a suitable place to cultivate their Meridians. 

While many system notifications were ringing in Old Gin mind due to change of the plot and he couldn't wait for the future.