Chapter 24- Advance and indulge**

[Ding! The main character, Xiao Wu, has completely fallen for the host, rewarding 500,000 points]

[The remaining two side characters have completely fallen for the host, earning 400,000 points] 

[Finally, a female character in the story has completely fallen for the host, earning 100,000 points] 

"That's a good amount of points," Old Gin said as he sat on a bed in the females' dorm room of new Sherk Academy girls. 

He rolled up the sleeves of her black robes, displaying his wrinkled arm and a tumour had developed on his skin in the shape of a little pig. 

"I will give you some authority in my Inner world so that if anyone inside the Inner world calls, you can get them out," Old Gin remarked, while his clone Pigmo nodded. 

'It's time for me to enter the Spiritual realms,' Old Gin thought as he crossed his legs and meditated on the Spiritual Hammer Technique.

His willpower hammered the Spiritual power in his Spiritual Sea, and the beating of Spiritual power increased till it reached 100 times, causing him to reach the Spirit origin realm. 

He didn't stop the technique, and he hammered 200 times with an abundance of Spiritual power using his Haki skills, reaching a new level known as the Spirit connection realm. 

Due to the sudden increase in his Spiritual power, inside the Inner world the sea of clouds formed when he reached the Spirit connection realm surprising the girls in the Inner world. 

"What's happening Ah Min, why are clouds formed suddenly?" enquired Meng Yiran, while others crowded around Meng Yiran and Ah Min, gazing at the sea of clouds in the blue sky. 

"It's going to rain girls, master started cultivating Spiritual power and Master is currently in the Spirit connection realm," Ah Min said, Ning Rongrong was surprised to hear Old Gin had already reached the second realm in Spiritual ranks. 

"And try to absorb this Spiritual power rain, maybe you all can advance a little," Ah Min continued, her gaze fixed on the black clouds that could rain at any moment. While the other girls pondered, Ning Rongrong clenched her fist and sat cross-legged, using the Spiritual Hammer technique. 

While he continued the technique to advance to the next realm, his countenance became solemn, and sweat drops gathered on his wrinkled face. And he hammered slowly while his Spiritual power solidified to a state of liquid 

His hammerings reached a total of 300 times, and his entire Spiritual Sea surged with Spiritual power in the form of sea occupying the space in his Spiritual Sea. While inside the Inner World, Spiritual rain began, and the girls quickly absorbed to rise in their Spiritual ranks. 

"Phew, Spirit Sea realm isn't bad, and it's time to meet Liu Erlong, I need to check on her condition because her love for Yu Xiaogang is troublesome," Old Gin reflected, thinking Liu Erlong, who was madly in love with Yu Xiaogang and he didn't dare to believe her. He stood up, nodded to his clone, and flashed out the window, exiting the room. 

It was already noon. At the Teachers' Block building, Yu Xioagang slowly opened his eyes heavily and glanced in the mirror, where his middle-aged visage had transformed into his thirties and almost all of his white hair had vanished. Yu Xiaogang's face lit up with joy when his rank rose to Rank 30 after spending decades at Rank 29. 

"Finally, I'm not at rank 29 anymore," Yu Xiaogang exclaimed, falling to his knees with tears streaming from his crimson eyes. He abruptly stopped crying and stood up, brushing away his tears.


"I should thank Liu Erlong and I don't want to give up on her no matter what, I will convince her to forgive me," said Yu Xiaogang, forgetting to check his Spirit and dashing out of the room while he walked toward the lush mountain where Liu Erlong was staying. 

Meanwhile, Old Gin had already arrived at Liu Erlong's residence, his old eyes looking at the attractive black-haired woman with a sorrowful face sitting in a chair surrounded by flower plants and turning her head over her shoulder to see a dirty wrinkled old guy who had taken her innocence by force. 

"Why did you come here, Old hag? Aren't you busy with your little lovers?" replied Liu Erlong, returning her face while sapping into her thoughts of her actions. 

After everything that had happened, Liu Erlong felt disgusted. She had always desired to live differently than her mother, who makes a living through prostitution, and now she is no different. 

She realised that with the Old Gin attitude, he'd have a lot of women in his life, so she became a toy for him, and she'd be thrown out after a while. Her life was shattered when her dream of having a beautiful family with a loving husband turned into a nightmare. 

'Oh No!, this is more trouble than I thought' Old Gin thought with guilt when he saw the dead expression on Liu Erlong's face and he slowly walked towards her. 


Liu Erlong's body blazed purple as she flew through the air, frightening her heart. Her voluptuous body rushed towards the Old Gin's hug, her face frowned as she didn't want to experience his embrace, and she was hoisted in a princess-lifting position. 

"Drop me down old man, I am not in the mood for anything today," Liu Erlong said sternly. But Old Gin merely smiled at her and pecked at her red lips as Liu Erlong's eyes widened and she struggled to escape his grasp. 


"Huh...huh...huh..." panted Liu Erlong after an intense kiss, her watery eyes looking at his coarse, unattractive face. 

"My maid, you should be thinking that if I meet a new female, I won't care about you anymore," Old Gin pointed out, causing Liu Erlong's face to turn away. 

"Hehe, let's go inside so we can both have a hearty talk," Old Gin replied while Liu Erlong was blushing slightly as if he was about to fuck her again. He entered the house with Liu Erlong in his arms and locked the door because his Spiritual power detected Yu Xiaogang approaching Liu Erlong's house. 

"Nmhm!,.." he tossed her on the soft bed as Liu Erlong covered her eyes with her left arm and twisted her petite waist while arching up her slender legs, her heart pounding loudly with the thoughts of sexual activities with an Old guy. 

"Hehe, my violent maid is shy, that's unexpected," Old Gin chuckled, making Liu Erlong even more embarrassed as he lifted her arm away from her face to catch a sight of her shy face. While hushing some hot breaths from her lips, her face turned into a scarlet tomato giving a mesmerizing face. 

"Nhmnh!,...-Chu-,..." Old Gin kissed her once more, his wrinkled palm caressing her flushed cheek and his other hand fondling her ample breast across her black maid gown. When she felt the sensation from her breast and allowed his sticky tongue inside her mouth, she began whimpering.

Both swirled their tongues between kisses, and Liu Erlong tried to restrain herself, but her mind and body gradually accepted his indecent touches due to her sex drive. 

"Remove my dress,...-Chu-,..." murmured Old Gin as he kissed Liu Erlong's alluring lips. Even though he was kissing her on top of her, she obeyed his commands and carefully removed his robes.

She felt his enlarged meat stick between her thighs and couldn't help but feel thrilled as a teardrop rolled out of her eye. She felt terrible for her Ex-lover, but when she was faced with the Old Gin touches, she realised she couldn't control her mind. 

Even without being asked, she began to remove her maid dress, revealing only her black lace bra and panty. Liu Erlong was now on his top, rubbing her ample breasts through the bra on Old Gin's broad wrinkled chest, which was covered in grey hair.

While in an intense kiss, Old Gin's hand delved into her long black hair and with a grasp he drew her up, glanced at her aroused face that she lustfully gazed at him. 

"Show me those tits, they also want some love," Old Gin murmured with a wicked smirk as Liu Erlong bit her lower lip while her quivering hand unclipped the bar, causing her big breasts to wobble out. Her pink nipples were already erect when she felt his lustful gaze on her breasts. 

"Damn bitch, bring those milk tankers to my mouth," Old Gin yelled, as Liu Erlong slid her round ass to his wrinkled stomach, his thick dick hitting between her ass cheeks and bending towards him while her breasts came to his old mouth.

"-Slurp-,...-Chu-,...-Slurp-,..." He immediately began sucking her pink nipple while his hands seized her jiggled boobs that his fingers dived into the soft skin while her pink nipple protruding between his wrinkled fingers after fondling her enormous boob his gnarly fingers squeezed her pink nipple. 

"Aah!,...Don't pinch my nipple,..Ah!,...Nmhm,..." whimpered Liu Erlong as she felt sensual sensations from his fondling of her breasts and the slimy sensation surrounding her nipple as his sticky tongue twirled around it. 

"-Chu-,...Time for the main event and look at your bottom and you don't foreplay to become wet" said Old Gin as Liu Erlong's body trembled at his nasty words and she stripped out of her panty exposing her pink sopping pussy while straddling his wrinkled thighs and his bulbous dick was across her pussy reaching her navel region. 

'I actually took such a large dick within me,...Nhmhm,' Liu Erlong thought as she saw his dick and let out a sensual sigh as his thick dick caressed her wet pussy lips. 

She put her right hand on his thigh and lifted her hip over his huge dick, so his glans was poking at her wet hole, where the love juices were streaming out and saturating his big veined dick.

Her soft fingers supported the mushroom head as she slowly moved down her hip, while his dick slid inside her vagina, spreading the pussy lips. 

"Knock! Knock!" 

"Erlong, are you there?" Yu Xiaogang asked, with a beaming smile on his face. He had some flowers in his hand to present to Liu Erlong. 

"What!..." When Liu Erlong heard Yu Xiaogang's words, she tightened her vaginal walls around Old Gin's glans. She looked down at Old Gin, who was smirking at her tough condition, and he elevated his dick, pushing it further as she desperately fought to stop him. 

"Stop!,...Nmhnm!,...Ah!,..." She closed her mouth with a fearful expression, frightened that Yu Xiaogang would hear her moaning voice.

She was now in a difficult situation, and she had to decide whether she wanted to indulge in the joy of immortal feelings of cheating on her pure love or fight against it.