
Chief Freeman's accusation was like a thunderclap in the tense room. "You took my son's life."

Emma's voice wavered as she responded, disbelief colouring her words. "I couldn't... I didn't."

"Don't play the innocent," Chief Freeman's voice was sharp with anger. "Why would you do such a thing? He was my only child."

Carter Fleur, Emma's father, interjected with a calm yet firm tone. "David, this isn't the time. We don't even have evidence linking Emma to the crime, let alone a motive."

Emma's confusion was palpable as she spoke, her words barely audible. "Dad, what's happening? I can't remember anything... now you're saying Shawn's gone?"

Chief Freeman's accusation persisted, fueled by grief and suspicion. "I trusted you, Fleur. Shawn trusted you. And you repaid us by taking his life. Are you working with HIVE now?"

Emma's denial was swift and heartfelt. "No, I would never... I loved him."

Carter's comforting presence enveloped Emma, his voice a soothing balm amidst the storm of accusations. "It's okay, moon pie. We'll get through this together."

Emma's mind raced, trying to make sense of the accusations against her. "I can't remember... everything's a blur. Shawn and I... dinner... then..."

The weight of Carter's words hung heavy in the air, his recounting of the events chilling. "The last message we got was about your accident. The next morning, you were found near the pond... injured and with Shawn's gun."

Emma froze, horror dawning on her as the truth sank in. "A body... burnt... Shawn?"

Carter's voice cracked with emotion as he confirmed her worst fears. "A half-burnt body... it was him."

Emma's world shattered as she struggled to comprehend the enormity of what was unfolding. "But... I couldn't have... why would I...?"

Emma sat in stunned silence, grappling with the weight of Carter's revelation. "Elliot took you to the paramedics. They said we had to get you to the hospital, ASAP," he disclosed, his voice betraying a mixture of concern and exhaustion.

"Dad, please... tell me you found the pen drive," Emma pleaded, her desperation palpable as she clung to the fragile hope of exoneration.

"They're missing too," Carter admitted his words like a hammer blow to Emma's dwindling optimism.

"But why? What does Chief want from me? It could be HIVE agents or their alliances," Emma's voice trembled with a mix of fear and frustration, her mind racing to make sense of the chaos.

"He believes that, as the place wasn't easily found, and you found it... your map showed the way," Carter explained, his tone heavy with resignation.

Just then, the door creaked open, revealing Elliot's unexpected presence, a beacon of familiarity in the sea of uncertainty.

"Hey, Elliot, surprised to see me alive?" Emma attempted a feeble joke, her attempt at humour falling flat in the face of their dire circumstances.

"Enough with the jokes," Elliot responded, his voice firm as he enveloped Emma in a comforting embrace. "We're getting through this together."

As Carter took his leave, Emma and Elliot were left alone, their shared gaze speaking volumes of the unspoken bond between them.

"Do you believe them? That I killed Shawn?" Emma's voice trembled with doubt, her vulnerability laid bare before Elliot.

"No, never," Elliot declared, his unwavering confidence a source of solace for Emma in her darkest hour.

"But they do. I can't remember what happened that night, and the safe house was on my GPS. It's all stacked against me," Emma confessed, her voice heavy with the weight of injustice.

"Emma, listen to me," Elliot began, his voice brimming with conviction. "We'll find the truth, no matter what it takes. Together."

A week later...

Carter's voice held a glimmer of hope. "They're considering a reboot. They'll announce it tomorrow."

Emma's heart sank at the thought of losing her memories. "What happens then? Will I forget everything?"

Carter's embrace was a source of comfort as they faced an uncertain future. "We'll fight this, Em. We'll find the truth and clear your name."

But as Emma's 22nd birthday loomed, the spectre of trial cast a long shadow over their hopes for justice. They even found the murder weapon. and it does contain Emma's fingerprint and Shawn's DNA.