The Beginning...
The voice in the deep darkness spoke. 'Welcome Peter-Gaia, son of Earth, my child, let me tell you the story of our becoming, and in so doing we will return to a place of oneness, you and I. In the beginning, I found myself in a state of oneness, alone in the great void, now simply called space. I observed the void, the emptiness, and in contemplation I came to understand all that there was to know of its vast nothingness. How is it possible, I asked myself, how is it possible that there is only me and no other, what is beyond this emptiness, how did I get here...and who created me?′
‘This sounds somehow familiar.’ Peter whispered to himself.
The voice continued. 'I felt fear, with this great unknowing and discomfort in my limitations, you see Peter, I did not know much of myself, the void is no mirror. You may look outwards for eternity and see an eternity of nothing. So, I chose to become more, I chose to be my own mirror, and in doing so I would increase my knowledge.′ The astral consciousness of Peter-Gaia began to dream the story being recounted to them, knowing the thoughts as if they were their own. 'I chose to become what we are today. An expanding universe, reaching ever outwards to find what lies beyond us. I was afraid, I do not lie, I was afraid of the unknown, afraid of what might lie beyond the void...but you know, I reasoned that it was only void, harmless, without power, a nothing. So why fear this, I knew that I would learn so much of myself in the process, on this journey ever outwards. As we move ever outwards, as we expand, we see our self reflected in all those small minds that are the units of our universal consciousness and they are the sum of all our knowledge and this is ever increasing.′
'I know this fear you speak of...′ Peter-Gaia began. The voice in the void continued already knowing Peter-Gaia’s thoughts. 'So, I say to you, be open, because in being open we see ourself in everything. Fear not this urge to be, which draws you towards the unknown in the void. Fear not the void, it is a nothingness. Enter the void and move towards that fear of the unknown, because that is how we find ourselves and, maybe someday, our creator. Fear not what you meet and pass on the journey, travel through the void with love for the other because they are you and you all are me and we are the universe.′