Peter's Letter

Dear Peter,

I’m writing this letter under my, our, doctor’s advice, to let you know what’s going on. Right now, you’re confused and it’s going to be difficult to tell you who and what you are without you becoming more confused. Peter, we were told that a virus has caused us to lose the ability to retain and form new memories. That we are contagious and a danger to the rest of the country. We are incurable and must live in solitude, “isolation” they call it, we have been damaged. We sleep and forget. Every morning is like this, every morning we are reborn into confusion, and yet free of all the little things that people are usually condemned to remember. There are many skills and abilities that I am told we have retained from before the infection, the very things this constant amnesia cannot hide from us. Enjoy the exploration of who and what we are, as you, I, we, have forever, though in a sad sense, never, to do this in. I have started a journal for us so those important things we wish to remember are retained; it is obviously very important for us to keep this letter and all other communications safe. Be strong my friend, you are not alone.

Peter Elworth.

{Dear reader, thank you for coming with me to the end. I would very much appreciate it if you would be so good as to leave a review, a few short lines is all I ask. It would be a great help to me and maybe, just maybe, we can get it's sister book published 'The Expanding Blueberry band'.

Thanking you in advance,

Searbhreathach }