Chapter 30 : The raw truth

“Hello?” I answer half asleep, answering the phone.

“Have you seen the news?” Sophie says on the other end of the line.

“Of course I haven't. It's 6:45 A.M. There's no news to tell yet,” I mutter annoyed, my face hidden under my pillow.

“Amber, take it from me: Open up your social media and watch the news.”

She cuts me off and I get out from the sheets. Annoyed, I unlock the phone. In the middle of a big yawn I open my social media.

And suddenly the news jumps out at me and I feel like I want to murder someone. Probably Rose.

“How dare you!” I shriek in annoyance.

Levi comes walking into the room. He's all sweaty, as he usually goes for an early morning run. Noticing that I'm awake he takes off his headphones and scowls at me.

“What's wrong?” he asks coming towards me.

“Have you seen this?” I ask, handing him my phone.

Levi starts looking at what the news are saying. There are posts everywhere about him and about us. Rumors about the real reason we got married.