Chapter 139 : An incredible teacher

Chapter 139: An incredible teacher


Amber’s POV

“Diego, this is a wonderful surprise,” I tell my friend, in surprise at finding him on my doorstep, “Come in, come in! I'm so happy to see you!”

I haven’t seen Diego in a few weeks, and while I’m pleased to see him, he looks so serious that I immediately begin to worry. As he steps in the room, he immediately closes and locks the door behind him.

“I’m sorry Amber, but I need to tell you something,” he says solemnly, “You should probably sit down.”

I lower myself to the couch as he requests, and he sits down beside me, taking my hand in his. This cannot be good.

“I’ve heard of a credible threat to your family,” he says, “And I’m afraid that this one is serious. Is Levi here? I think he needs to hear this as well. This is not the time to be taking chances.”