Chapter 147: Crazy ideas
Amber’s POV
“So, Dora’s going to the same place they sent Sebastian,” I say to my husband with a sigh of relief, “That place is impossible to escape. I can’t believe it’s finally over.”
We are sitting outside the courthouse, and have just heard the verdict. Not a single person present voiced an objection to the sentencing. It seems that Dora has caused so much pain and suffering to so many that this was the only choice other than execution. And this particular judge is known for having an aversion to using the death penalty, so we were pretty sure that wasn’t going to be the outcome.
“My love, we are not quite finished,” my mate replies grimly, “Her supporters are still out there. The Elders who have gone rogue. That man she hired to kill you and the twins. I will not rest until they are taken down.”
“Do we have any idea where they are,” I ask him, worriedly, “I mean, wouldn’t they have gone underground?”