Are you okay?

"Good intent? You fooled me, and claimed it was with good intent?" Rain narrowed his eyes at Lyre.

"I had to do what I did, to get the trust of my family. If I hadn't pretended to have lost my memories, I wouldn't have gotten this." Lyre untangled his hair and brought out the pearl he hid there. "I learned how to hide things, from your mother." He smiled when he saw the questioning expression on Rain's face when he brought the pearls out.

"Isn't that your tear?" Rain furrowed his brows at the pearl on Lyre's hand.

"No, this is different. It's not a tear. It's a powerful thing." Lyre glanced at the pearl.

"Do you know how to use it? Can you show me how powerful it is?" Rain pursed his lips, and raised his brows at Lyre.