Calm Amongst the Storm

The knights made it away from the mage with supplies in hand and a new-found suspicion of the rock Henry had been carrying around for a week. They had got the ale they were seeking but, unlike the last time they visited the ancient castle, they were far less relaxed. 

Despite the moods, Henry still wanted to visit the hot springs. Last time, the combination of ale and hot water made him sleep like a baby the following knight. 

When they had stripped down and climbed into the hot springs which were somewhat overflowing from the downpour of rain the past few days, they both let out heavy sighs from the long journey they had been on so far. 

"A dragon," the commander mused out loud.

He looked over at the other knight who seemed detached and wore a far-off expression on his face. As he observed Henry, he sipped on the ale and allowed the warm water they were sitting in to make him feel a bit lighter for the first time in a couple of weeks.