She Was Not Okay

'Tell her who her father is…' Marissa was out of words. She seemed lost and looked at Wanda for an answer. Deep in her heart, she hoped she didn't misunderstand the whole sentence.

Blake saw how pale Marissa looked. He rushed to her and hugged her to give her strength. "I'm sure he is lying…don't worry…" He rubbed her back gently but his hug was not returned.

Marissa's hand stayed weak at her side, looking blankly at her mother, Wanda. "Mom…" She called for her, really hoping she could explain this as fast as she could. Her heart felt like bursting from all the anxiety she felt at that moment.

"No dear…" Wanda's eyes started tearing. She didn't really know where to start. "You are my daughter."

"Yes she is your daughter but I asked about her father!" Henry, who was being held down by Remy yelled. Still trying to prove something. "You cheated and played victim! Put the blame on me!"