Chapter 31: Level 10(3)

Chapter 31: Level 10(3)

Aakesh stepped forward and grabbed the item on the ground.

It was a knife that looked like the wolf's fangs.

Aakesh turned on the basic appraisal skill, and soon an image of the knife with information about it appeared on a screen in front of him.

Fang's Knife] (Ordinary Rank)

Description: This wickedly sharp knife is made from the fang of a powerful wolf

Equipment Level: 0

Requirement: Level 7, Strength: 20,

Damage: 7-9

Speed: 5

Durability: 30/30

Additional skill: [Call of the Pack]

Description: When the knife strikes an enemy, there is a chance that it will let out a howl that will call nearby wolves to come to its aid in battle

Effect: The skill can only affect wolves below Level 10.

Duration: N/A

Cooldown: N/A

Cost: N/A

Warning: Once the effect of the skill disappears, the wolves will attack the user.

Aakesh nodded after reading the details on the screen. It was a great weapon. Even though Aakesh didn't need it, he could sell it for money.

The next moment, Aakesh disappeared from the dungeon and appeared outside.

Aakesh was smiling since he had gained a lot from this trip alone. Aakesh had earned more than two thousand XP, a few hundred bronze coins, and the blade.

The officer turned around and nodded in appreciation when he saw that Aakesh had soloed the dungeon.

Aakesh also noticed the officer looking at him. He nodded and then chose to go to Normal level difficulty.

The next moment, a white light covered him. It disappeared as quickly as it had arrived, and with it, Aakesh had also left.

The next moment, Aakesh found himself back in the settlement. The claw marks and bloodstains on the wall were in larger numbers, and there was heavy air around the pathway. It not only put pressure on Aakesh but also made him feel exhilarated about what was to come.

Aakesh frowned, as the sudden excitement was new to him. His face grew grave as he took the first step.

His steps were like the sound of thunder to the wolves, and in no time, Aakesh found himself surrounded by a group of five wolves.

Aakesh didn't care to take it easy as four of the five wolves were at Level 9, while one was the leader, who was at the back.

The supposed leader growled at Aakesh, and the other four wolves pounced on him. When the leader wolf opened its mouth, a light began forming at the tip of its mouth.

Aakesh's face grew solemn as it was his first time facing a beast with a long-range skill right at the start.

Aakesh ignored the other four wolves and charged at the leader. His thirty-point plus agility showed its splendor as in less than the blink of an eye, Aakesh was in front of the leader.

The leader was taken aback by the sudden arrival, so much so that it closed its mouth. Aakesh couldn't kill a Level 10 creature in a single strike without any skill, so the next moment, he activated the skill, "Thundering Strike," and struck the wolf.

The wolf was like a weak creature as the sword pierced through it, destroying its internal organs. It was an instant death as the creature exploded into white light.

[You have gained 150 XP!]

The other four wolves were taken aback by the sudden change in the situation, but since the last order from their leader was to hunt the intruder, the wolf's charged even more fiercely.

Battling these wolves was like child's play for Aakesh after his training and proficiency in the Master of all Sword Arts. Aakesh's movement seemed to be a graceful dance as he followed the footsteps recommended by the art and struck the wolves.

It took two strikes each to end the lives of all four wolves, and in the end, one of them exploded into light.

[You have gained 100 XP!]

[You have gained 100 XP!]

[You have gained 100 XP!]

[You have gained 100 XP!]

Aakesh stood on the spot as the exhilaration he had felt at the start returned from seeing these corpses on the ground. Aakesh frowned, as it was not him.

Aakesh took a deep breath to calm his heart down and stepped forward to pick up the coins spread on the ground. In the end, he earned one silver coin from the Level 10 wolf, while the Level 9 wolf gave him seventy-five bronze coins.

Aakesh couldn't help but summon his status panel, and after he saw how much XP he still had to earn to level up, Aakesh waved his hands and proceeded forward.

The number of Level 10 wolves had grown in this difficulty, so with every kill, Aakesh secured 150 XP for himself. Since there was no teammate, he became the sole collector of those XPs.

[Leveled up!]

As Aakesh ended the lives of a group of Level 10 and Level 9 wolves, the familiar voice of leveling up rang in his ears.

The next moment, a warm sensation washed over him while he gained another four free attribute points.

Aakesh didn't save them this time and added two points each to his strength and agility.

Character: Ikshvaku

Species: Human,

Affiliated Kingdom: Radison Kingdom

Title: None

Class: None

Level: Level 8

EXP: 0/6400


Strength: 33(15+5)↑2

Agility: 35(15+5)↑2

Intelligence: 30(15+5)

Endurance: 32(15+10)

HP: 320/320

MP: 300/300

Physical Attack Power: 50(33+17)

Magical Attack Power: 30

Defense: 50(32+16+2)

Attack Speed: 51(35+16)

Movement Speed: 51(35+16)

Free Attribute points: 12

Weapon Mastery: Sword

[Art Style: Master of all Sword Arts

Proficiency: Beginner

XP: 42/100]

Class Talent: None,

Skill: Thundering Strike,

Aakesh seemed to cross an invisible barrier as both his movement and attack speed crossed the border of 50. Aakesh felt that he was now at least twice as fast as before, even though it had only increased by two points.

Whether it was an illusion, Aakesh didn't know, but he didn't worry. He would be able to check it for himself in the next battle as Aakesh stood up in front of an altar, and in the center of the altar was the boss of this dungeon.