Chapter 182: Urgess Family (6)

Perseus POV

Rolan then came on stage and the crowd cheered for him as he is the auctioneer for today, no wonder a lot of people are here today, I can even see different heroes taking different box seats where several of them were eyeing me and Lloyd.

Something is strange, unlike me who's taken a small box seat, I don't see all the heroes, it means some of them are in the hidden VIP room where they are seated with the rulers of the 4 continents. No one knows where that room is apart from the host, and if they were to offer a bid, a message will be sent to one of their representatives like Edward to bid for them.

But this also means that the heroes are now starting to seek their own independence, Sarah and Trevor aren't in the box seats, they have the main favors of the nobles while the rest are now starting to be regarded just as one of the role players, while Sarah and Trevor are sitting with the top brass, the rest are sitting with their own personal servants and party.

The heroes' party is going to separate earlier than I thought, they will each try and make a name for themselves, they will obviously get stronger with their own party that they will recruit to surround their talent with themselves as the important center, and they will be slow at first as they need to learn proper leadership, but it will eventually help them become the best fighters.

The problem though is that when they reunite and need to work together again, they will find it hard to listen to orders as they all have become leader material, and no matter how strong they are in a group, without cooperation, they will die by the hands of the demon lord if they can't get it together...

"Welcome everyone, thank you for taking your time to attend our auction today." Rolan announced "I am grateful to have been chosen as a person to venture into the world of heroes and I pride myself over the items I brought over today, demons and humans alike will be able to use these items equally.

"Inventions in the world of heroes are much more advanced than the ones over here and we shall witness it today, but unlike before, I didn't just bring over artifacts and relics, but blueprints of great architectures that no one but the heroes and I have laid eyes on them, I swore this on my word and a blood contract."

And he then revealed a blueprint of a dam as his first item with the price starting at 1 million bels as he then listed out the use for the damn which intrigued the kings as the princes and princesses are now bidding on their behalf.

It's now gone up to 100 million and I can tell that the price will go up, Rolan's word seems to be true as well, no one apart from him and the heroes should know of what a dam is.

"My lord has offered a bid of 1 billion." someone declared

I checked to see where the announcement came from and see that the person who said the bid was the demon bodyguard alongside the demon lord whom I've met last time.

"1 billion? That structure's purpose looks like something that can just be done with magic." Lloyd muttered next to me "500 million sounds reasonable to me since at some point, they will build a lot of it, and a blueprint will leak out to our side anyway."

"Fair enough, but 1 billion isn't that much when the demon lord basically reigns over 2 whole continents, his personal wealth is in the trillions, and if we're talking about the money about his kingdom as well, this is small in comparison."

And it didn't take long for it to be a competition between the demons, Tehios and the eastern continent with the Tehios representative winning with a 21 billion bels bid for a damn blueprint and it's just the first fucking item.

Luckily the next few items were much cheaper like a blueprint for a polaroid where the buyer will earn the rights and patent for the item with Zoris winning the bid with 600 million bels.

And it took about 3 more hours till there was a late lunch break with a free lunch buffet for important clients which I somehow made onto the list thanks to my family business that even the heroes use and endorse free of charge. Maybe I should consider starting to get a monopoly on pharmaceuticals as well since not everyone can afford expensive healers.

But I'll think of that for another time, I don't know a lot of people around me who have a high knowledge of the topic, Dawn might since she lives on the other side and knows healing magic.

"Well how did you 2 get along?" Edward asked once he saw me and Lloyd eating together at the same table

I can't rid of the guy and just when I think I can enjoy the thing I love most alongside my best friend (Buddy), this guy tagged along and try to get me to answer a lot of annoying questions, some of which was how did I get to know Persia and how can he reach her which leads me to suspect that he may have a small crush on my disguise which isn't a good thing.

"He is respectable, though it's hard to get with his ideals, I respect the way he thinks." Lloyd answered

"Why are your family members so talkative, do you guys not need to shut yourselves in after talking for a while? No offense."

"None taken."

But as we're talking all of a sudden, I felt someone tapping me from behind. I turned to see Lilith and Kano, the guy who declared the bid earlier.

"Do you have time to spare?" Lilith asked

"We're here to bring you over and hear your official reply to our offer." Kano added

"Sure, lead the way."

I can now sense the nervousness of Lloyd and Edward who are standing next to 2 generals whose presence scared everyone. No one even dared to approach them and no one even tried to stop me as I was led away, even Rowan whom I spotted could only watch what's going on.