Chapter 305: Me (6)

Perseus POV

I woke up early in the morning and went to do my daily training, grandpa Laker occasionally accompanies me since he also wakes up early to train the watchers. I was invited to do some spars and once I'm done for the morning, I went back home where I saw Perseus 2 said on our doorstep eating a breakfast sandwich.

"Sup." he said while he handed a portion of his food to the sword spirit, "Your brother said he decided to merge with Lucifer, so I'll wait here till he's ready to get me or tell me he decided otherwise."

"You've done this before?"

"Nah, but I know more than enough to solve the problem, what about you? Scared? That's the soul of a guy you used to know, and from the looks of it, doesn't look like he was some sort of saint, it can be dangerous for you."

"Well, let's just say that we're both victims of unpreventable circumstances."

"Yeah, that's fair." he just shrugged it off, "You can tell the others whatever you want about me, this is your world, you deal with the consequences, I'll just do your request and head home to enjoy my retirement."

"Just curious, who's the strongest person you've faced?"

"I'd say the manifestation of the 4th wall." He answered.

"The what?"

"What about Bob?" Eislyn askes.

"Right, yeah, I needed the author's help with that one." he confirmed, "Either way, you got it easier than I have, though demons in my world weren't that strong, there are just a lot of other things that just want to waste your precious time."

"Bob? What kind of villain is that? Is it an acronym or something?"

"Nah, just a guy named Bob." he confirmed which just increased my confusion, "You should get your gods to register and meet with the council of gods by the way, they're this collective of gods from every universe, a seat of Olympus is also vacant at the moment, they might have a chance since not a lot of people want it."

"Nah, gods here are happier like this."

"Just a suggestion." he said as he then used magic to destroy the wrappings of his finished sandwich, "I can hear sizzling, go enjoy your breakfast."


Once Vince said that he was ready, I let Perseus 2 in, who was now on his phone playing a game, I should ask for some blueprints and other stuff from him cuz the phone radiates mana, meaning that it was made to run on mana.

He let Vince get comfortable on the bed and had Eislyn turn into a cool-looking black sword. He then used the hilt of the sword to tap Vince on the forehead and Vince immediately fell asleep. Perseus 2 closed his eyes for a couple of seconds and the sword then turned back into the form of a sword spirit.

"Done." he said.

"That's anti-climatic. But I thought you said that the process is like almost instant, why's Vince still asleep?"

"The merging, yes, but his body still needs to absorb the memories and have it flood into his mind, he got about 10 hours or more for it to acclimate. I'll wait here till he wakes up to see if anything's wrong."

I then went downstairs to the living room where everyone was sitting and mom Rylee was writing and drawing something on a whiteboard. Mom Nyra directed me to sit next to her and told me to just wait and hear what Mom Rylee has to say.

"I stumbled upon something extraordinary today. Something beyond the boundaries of our known world." Mom Rylee said, "I've read about how time and space are connected, what if...what if there's a whole new infinite number of universes out there."

Mom Nyra sighs while the rest just looks slightly impressed as Mom Rylee went on her rant. She sort of reminds me of the "Pepe Silvia" scene that later turned out to be a meme. Someone insert it in the paragraph comments.

"...Imagine parallel worlds with infinite possibilities existing alongside our own." she said, "There can be a world out there where there's no demon lord or even a world where I'm straight. And we can get there through gateways. Portals that can transport us to other realms, filled with unknown wonders."

"And what do you call this discovery of yours?" Ruka asked while biting her fist to contain her laughter.

"If there are infinite worlds, I call it the, the infiniverse." Mom Rylee answered where Ruka then excused herself to her room to probably laugh her guts out.

"That sounds incredibly stupid." Mom Nyra said while rolling her eyes, "Look, it's not like there's no possibility that this exists, but you should get some rest."

"Yeah, besides, that's called a multiverse."

"Wait, you knew?" Mom Rylee stared at me in surprise, "Why didn't you tell me? I look like an idiot!"

"Yeah, you the guy upstairs? He's me from another universe."

"Huh?" both my parents then gave me this weird look.

"Before you rush him, he's taking care of Vince, so let me go ask him politely to come down for you to inspect him.


He left the sword spirit to watch over Vince and came downstairs where my parents inspected him and asked him a lot of questions, I watched over Vince a bit, and it looks like he was just sleeping soundly, he isn't talking or doing anything that makes us worry.

Eislyn is reading a manga while she's in the room I got back downstairs.

"Guys, I'm clearly a different kind of Perseus, I mean look at me, we look different and we were raised differently." He said after a while.

"But you're also a crazy greedy bastard who has multiple lovers." Mom Nyra said.

She also thinks of me as a crazy greedy bastard. I mean she ain't wrong, but that's just mean, because I'm offended, I'm supposed to be her lovely son.

"Well, your lives must be complicated having a Perseus Silver running around," he said, "All the other Perseus Silvers I've met, especially when I go around during my retirement, I found that most of us share one similarity, it's that we're fated to either save or destroy the world."