Chapter 375: Keith's Confinement (6)

3rd Person POV

"Oh, wow, it feels awesome to be summoned here."  Perseus said as soon as he arrived at the conference, "I should be saying that I love democracy after this ends."

The world leaders sent 5 representatives forward as the others stayed in their safe houses and watched from afar. Cain watched from close by, disguised as an advisor for one of his directors as no one in the public actually knows that he's the founder of H.A.P.P.Y Solutions.

"Sup, old heads, ready to give me your surrender and let me take over the world?" Perseus asked while he sat down on his given chair and leaned back, "Man, y'all had no idea how long I've planned to see your terrified faces, usually, it's the other way round."

Perseus then turned to Cain and grinned.

"You, the boss in the shadows, no need to pretend, I know who you really are." he grinned and beckoned Cain forward, "Come on man, you don't think I won't recognize my own grandfather?"

"Well, Loki, I can't exactly say that you've made me proud."  Cain replied after a short moment of hesitation.

He then stepped forward into the light and stared Perseus in the eyes.

"Well, apparently my parents were half-siblings, that's probably why I got some issues going on." Perseus shrugged, "Anyway, I already know about the dozens of extinction class projects hiding here and all the weapons aimed directly at me. Y'all don't need to be so tense, y'all already prepared to sacrifice your lives as soon as you stepped foot here.

"We all know that you can't outrun the destruction caused by the fight." Perseus then sighs, "But I applaud you for having some guts, this shows that some of you are worth being spared."

"Where's Dr. Hughes?" Cain asked

"Don't worry, you have my word that he's still alive." Perseus assured in a joking tone, "Though he sometimes doesn't accept food and water, so I had to shove it down his throat forcefully. Maybe I should starve him less, he's getting a really bad habit of not consuming anything."

"You are deplorable!" representative #1 blurted out

"Woah there, so when y'all were experimenting on me, everyone gets away with it, but when I do barely even a fraction of what you did, you call me a deplorable person, wow." Perseus replied sarcastically, "Don't give me that look, you all know full well of the bidding, you treated us worse than animals. And you also definitely know what's still going on, don't look at me as if I'm the bigger monster, we are all the same.

"And for a leader to lose his cool during a peace talk, you are not suited to be here. Yo, the rest of you filthy peasants, replace this guy, he already got some hostile feelings and is in no way capable of doing any of this."

"You dare to accuse us after all you've done?!" representative #1 yelled while being visibly enraged

"Accuse?... Oh, right, none of you were ever charged for the crime." Perseus realized, "I'm not saying that all politicians are bad, but you guys...woo...damn, you fit the bill. And you wonder why young people don't engage in politics more..."

"You were never here with the intent to make peace, were you?" Cain asked

"Nope, like c'mon, you'd think I'd walk into your trap willy-nilly like an idiot with hopes of peace after what I've done? Besides, you should make tiers within the classes, like some of the extinction classes can indeed cause an extinction, but it's just creating a zombie apocalypse, having them come over for support isn't gonna do you no good."

As Perseus finished the sentence, the extinction class with that power was teleported and dropped on the tables of representatives. His body was burnt and there were bite marks all over his neck. Cain planned to use this person to revive the dead soldiers as a last resort to stall him while he called for the others if the initial forces didn't work.

Cain thought.

"Look at all of you pathetic idiots." Perseus scoffed, "Even after the first corporation was exposed, justice was never served to people like me. Mutants who were never experimented on didn't empathize with us as they were never useful enough to be kidnapped from their homes.

"As for those who were...all we did was get some money and empty declarations. Many of us committed suicide after our release, and for those who continued to live, we were spied on, discriminated against, and all the worst possible words hurled at us...we complained, and all we received were empty promises.

"Nothing was ever done. Even now, I can see you looking at me with those eyes of scorn and disdain. You live in your perfect lives of lies. People love you, people respect you...and yet, it's still not enough. Your greed made you overlook us and you never even felt any guilt despite lying to us for so long...

"So I did what I did, I gave you all a taste of your own medicine. And here you are...what were the names? Murderer, monster, abomination...even as I sit in front of you now, none of you even believe that I became like this because of you. You all sit there with the eyes of 'we were right all along'. You all make me sick."

"We never forced you to become what you did. You had a choice." Representative #2 spoke up bitterly

"A choice? Do you think I had a choice when you turned me into a living experiment when you subjected me to unspeakable horrors? You never gave me a choice; you forced me down this path. My name isn't a name my parents chose!" Perseus retorted, "Everyday, I still live with the name you all branded me with. The name that was put on to me when I wasn't even considered a living being!" 

"We acknowledge the suffering you endured, but can't we find a way to move forward, to heal?" Representative number #2 asked

"Healing? There's no healing from the scars you etched into my soul. You're gonna remember this name, the name of your killer, the name that you all gave me."

"There must be another way. More violence will only repeat the cycle."

"Cycle? CYCLE?! You molded me into a monster...and now, well...I've embraced that role with open arms. Buddy, kill."

After that short command, all hell broke loose.