Chapter 502: Bloodthirsty

Perseus POV

And while the world was still in chaos, bombs and fireballs rained down indiscriminately, turning any remaining vibrant cities of the 4 human continents into smoldering ruins. The air vibrated with the thunderous echoes of destruction as buildings crumbled, and the world seemed to convulse under the weight of relentless assault.

The human continent trembled under the onslaught of an unexpected assault. Explosions echoed through the once-serene landscapes, tearing through the fabric of normalcy. Panic swept through the streets like wildfire, sending people scrambling for safety, their instincts seeking refuge from the sudden chaos.

In every corner of the human continent, buildings quivered under the force of relentless bombardment. Dust and debris filled the air, a disorienting haze that obscured the once-familiar landmarks. The sky was now a tumultuous battleground, the sound of explosions drowning out all other ambient noise.

The initial shock gave way to a frantic scramble for refuge. Narrow alleyways became impromptu shelters, where the people who stayed behind sought solace in the hope that the looming danger would pass them by. The city's once vibrant squares transformed into scenes of desperation, where families clung together, shielding one another from the unknown threat.

Amid the disarray, sirens blared in futile attempts to maintain order. Emergency services, overwhelmed by the suddenness of the attack, struggled to coordinate a response. The streets, once teeming with life, now became a chaotic maze of fear and confusion.


At the demon continents, their situation wasn't that great either as they also faced an unprecedented onslaught with super-fast wind spirits that materialized out of nowhere, a blur darted with incredible speed. Their target was clear, guards and mages, and other pillars of defense within the kingdom.

With a whoosh, the wind spirits descended upon the unsuspecting guards. Their movements were swift, leaving behind only confusion and chaos. The demons were caught off guard and struggled to fend off an enemy they could barely perceive. The spirits danced around them, elusive and intangible, striking with a rapidity that left the guards dead before any of them could respond.

They were relentless in their attacks as they all aimed for the neck and successfully cut most of them off.

The kingdom, once a bastion of demonic power, now echoed with the desperate cries of those under attack. The wind spirits, as fast as fleeting shadows, continued their relentless assault. Guards and mages fell, their defenses shattered by an enemy that seemed to materialize out of thin air and vanish with equal speed.

But the onslaught didn't end there. As the wind spirits carried out their precision strikes, storms erupted across the kingdom. Dark clouds gathered with ominous intent, and thunder rumbled in protest. The very air seemed to thicken as the winds, now manipulated by the spirits, transformed into cyclones that tore through the kingdom.

The main castle, once a symbol of demonic might, now stood in the crosshairs of this supernatural tempest. The swirling winds lashed out, tearing through stone and mortar, a relentless force that sought to reduce the stronghold to ruins.

Within the castle walls, panic spread like wildfire. Demon soldiers rushed to secure the weakened defenses, their efforts hampered by the unrelenting storm that seemed to have a mind of its own. The wind spirits, having completed their targeted strikes, lingered in the storm, an invisible menace that continued to wreak havoc.

Within the castle walls, panic reigned. Demon soldiers scrambled to reinforce weakened structures, their efforts hindered by the seismic tremors. The very ground beneath them seemed to rebel, sending shockwaves that reverberated through the demonic continents.

Tsunamis, born from the earthquakes and tremors, surged towards the demon kingdom's shores. The waters, stirred into a tumultuous rage, crashed against the coastal defenses, threatening to inundate the once-mighty fortress. Demon warriors, soaked in seawater and battling against the relentless winds, faced an enemy that defied understanding.

The wind spirits continued their onslaught amidst the chaos. Guards and mages struggled to find solid ground amid the quaking earth and surging waters. The storm, fueled by the spirits' quiet presence, seemed an unstoppable force of nature, an amalgamation of wind, water, and earth that defied the very essence of the demonic kingdom.

As the night unfolded, the Demon Kingdom faced an unprecedented trial. The winds howled, the tornadoes danced, and the earth trembled beneath the weight of the storm. The demonic forces, resilient but overwhelmed, grappled with a menace that seemed to harness the very elements against them.

Amidst the pandemonium, the demonic landscape underwent a metamorphosis. The once-stalwart structures crumbled, swallowed by the earth, or torn apart by the relentless winds. Tsunamis crashed against the rocky shores, reshaping the demon continents.

In the heart of this supernatural maelstrom, guards and mages fought to survive, their determination flickering in the face of an otherworldly force. The night, once a canvas of demonic dominion, now bore witness to the kingdom's struggle against an adversary that transcended the boundaries of their understanding.

The wind spirits eventually dissipated into thin air. The storm, having vented its fury, gradually abated. In the aftermath, the Demon Kingdom stood battered, its once-mighty structures reduced to rubble, its demonic forces grappling with the aftermath of an assault that had harnessed the very elements against them. The night, now silent, held the echoes of a supernatural tempest that had tested the resilience of the demonic forces.

There was one culprit to all of this, the person who arranged these attacks, and it seems that it just happened to be the person who came from a village whose specialty is defense. No one would believe that they left and went on the offense like this, but...there was no one else who could have done this as the wind spirits resembled the ones who attacked them when they burned down the forest surrounding that village.

Little did they know, a greater threat loomed in the desert, the enemies' home. A gathering storm quietly awaited, ready to reshape their fates. An attack that even surprised the warmongering giants.

|I checked, warmongering is a word, I don't know if it sounds right in this context, but here it is.|