Chapter 503: Bloodthirsty (2)

|12 more days and I'm ending my writing streak at 500, this is a lot. I'm probably going to take a 2-day break or something. Hopefully, my habits don't pick up as this has actually become a habit of mine.|

Lilith POV

I'm not happy seeing my continent being attacked and suffering like this, but war is war, and I, unfortunately, have to watch as Perseus destroys the continent that I reign over for my whole life.

To think that I'm going to have to throw all of this away for...him of all people, if my past self learns of this, she will try her best to break us up. Heck, I can't believe that I actually fell for the guy when we started all of this with just a physical relationship.

Perseus has gone around attacking all the continents with that fox of his, who cares for no oath of the god whose role he took over. Perseus did a lot of damage and is just attacking everyone one of his enemies' most important authority figures.

It's not like anyone can stop him, the only ones who he hasn't gone for are the other gods. Which is weird since he can actually hold them off if he really goes all out, he won't win, but he can go as far as a mortal can go, that's how strong he is now.

Hopefully, the kids will inherit that gene of his, though the other Perseus already revealed that he will be the strongest person in his family and none of his descendants will become close to his equal, a curse for being so overpowered.

But speaking about him...that time lady is suspicious because Perseus did say that he noticed her putting on some sort of disguise magic, mom said that she's going to go confront her about it, hopefully, it goes well, that lady is...well, I think I'll have a 60% chance of winning, but that's only because her mana capacity doesn't exceed mine.

Perseus POV

Tanner and Drake are getting along nicely, though Drake has refused to talk to me, he avoided any kind of eye contact too, the guy hates me with his very core, but it's not like he can do anything about it.

The creatures that we possess right now should be able to devastate the foot soldiers and the krakens who survived and are permanently attached to the yellow rose and help slow down the giants due to their size and physical strength.

For now, I'm going into a cave to get our other secret weapon. the Umbral Fangbats. Creatures of the dark, they had mastered the art of becoming one with shadows, silent and deadly. The very essence of their existence seemed to resonate with the secrets I sought.

I call them just shadow bats for short but the chief insisted on the official name when he had them tried to eat me while training me. The silence around me was broken only by the faint rustle of wings as they moved seamlessly within the darkened space.

Their mastery over shadow was evident in the way their forms melded with the darkness, rendering them nearly invisible to the untrained eye. The only tangible sign of their presence was the faint glimmer of their eyes, glowing like distant stars in the void. The Umbral Fangbats had honed their ability to such an extent that spotting them required a keen eye because you can't even sense their presence as it's mixed into the shadows themselves.

It was said that they lived in the dark for so long that they became an integral part of the shadows themselves after all. The Umbral Fangbats, masters of concealment, would open their eyes and bare their fangs toward prey, a ritualistic display signaling the imminent strike.

They'll be more than useful during the nighttime, but for now, I need to find and fight their queen, I have to command them and make them fight strategically. I could just kill all the little bats till the queen appears, but the bats will be disobedient after my win.

Should take a while, but let's hope Dawn can convince that old bat to reveal her true form She smiled at me when she noticed that I knew, all I got out of it was her original hair being blonde.


Dawn POV

I went to control the powerful guardian of the timeline and teleported to her dimension where she greeted me with some tea. It's weird knowing that this isn't her true form, but why hide it?

Is she someone we know? I don't know. but it's better to find out because if she turns out to be an enemy, I need to be prepared. As I sip the tea, I try to gauge her intentions. The room is filled with an otherworldly ambiance, and the guardian sits gracefully, her eyes revealing a wisdom that surpasses time itself.

"Tea always helps in making decisions, don't you think?" she says with a serene smile.

I nod, taking a moment to collect my thoughts.

"Who are you really? Why hide behind this facade?" I inquire, my curiosity mixed with a hint of caution.

Names can be deceiving, my dear. I am the keeper of timelines, the weaver of fate. In your world, you may have known me by many names."

"Are you a friend or a foe?"

"The concept of friends and foes is subjective. I exist to maintain the balance, to ensure that your timeline unfolds as it should."

Despite her reassuring words, a nagging doubt lingers in my mind. What if she's manipulating the events for her own agenda? The tea in my hands suddenly feels heavier as I ponder the consequences of my actions.

"Tell me the truth. Perseus said that your true hair color is blonde, but you blocked him from inspecting you's not like the result will change that much if we know your face."

Her hand was slightly shaking, but she kept quiet.

"You can tell me, I can promise to share it with only Perseus."