Chapter 504: Bloodthirsty (3)

Perseus POV

"Did you succeed?" Bora asked as soon as I got out of the cave

"Of did a strong guy like you end up working under him?"

"He came to me, beat me up, and made me work all the complicated shit while he's out doing his thing while he comes to the organization once in a while for the more important meetings with the other executives."

"And now you're retired in Eden, right? What's there?"

"We all have our own personal heaven there, and we're not really retired since that's our goal from the beginning, we're all working somewhat."

"Man, I'd want that."

"Unfortunately I can't let ya in, different universe, and one Perseus Silver is already more than enough to scramble my head. I can't believe that those cute kids come out of such a guy."

"He's not bad."

"Not bad?" he echoed, "The motherfucker once went after a whole family just cuz they disrespected him and kidnapped a person close to me, you Perseus Silvers aren't that nice...I can tell...cuz you're both similar."

"I don't go after families."

"What if they attack your mom? Your brother? One of your women?...I can already tell, you're already holding back after the death of your mentor, and before that, your so-called grandparents. You're as bloodthirsty as they come."


"Don't act innocent." he scoffs, "That's what makes you dangerous. You're holding back, and that restraint is what people should fear. I've seen it in your eyes when you fight. The darkness lurking, waiting for the moment you let it out.

"You can deny it all you want, but I've seen it, felt it in the air when you unleash even a fraction of your power. There's a darkness within you, and it's not just about seeking justice anymore. It's personal, and that's what makes you truly dangerous."

"I can control my inner darkness pretty well."

"Control, yes..." he chuckled, "But there's a difference between control and suppression."

"You talk like I'm some ticking time bomb."

"You are. You've convinced yourself that you've tamed the beast within, but I see it lingering beneath the surface. You're still holding back, and if you ever decide to let go, you'll be the most dangerous thing this world has ever seen."

"You should try auditioning for some characters in a leading and teaching role, your words sound like it."

" and that other you think you're some characters in some novel or something?"

"We are...and I just happen to be the overpowered protagonist."

"Your counterpart got an ability called 'protagonist'."

"Lucky bastard."

"Anyway, let's end this quick, I have things to attend to after this."


He thinks he's got me figured out. Little does he know that I've been well aware of what's lurking beneath the surface. It's not about denial, it's about timing.

There's a time and place for everything, and I'm not about to unleash the storm prematurely.

He sees it as suppression as if I'm clinging to a fragile control. What he fails to grasp is that I'm waiting for the perfect moment, the opportune occasion where revealing the full extent of my capabilities serves a purpose.

I'll make sure that our next clash is the last, I've already got everything prepared for their raid, for now, I'll just have to antagonize them till they come to me and let us engage them in defense instead of offense.

They're not oblivious to the ticking clock. They know, just as well as I do, that time is an ally to both sides. The longer we wait, the stronger we become.

They understand the risks of letting both sides grow in strength. It's a game of timing, and they're playing it well.

However, time is more on my side, and they know it. It's why they'll make the first move. They can't afford to let me solidify my position, to fortify my defenses further. They believe they can catch me off guard, but little do they know that every step they take is one they'll regret.

"Alright, time to put you to good use."

"Stop treating me like the other one does, I ain't a tool." Bora replied, "Stupid god, why do you have to summon giants...I finally thought that I got away from that freak too."


3rd Person POV

In the vast expanse of the desert, an eerie calm enveloped the arid landscape. Unseen by those who traversed its seemingly endless dunes, the army of giants lay in wait. 

Suddenly, the stillness shattered as a terrible desert storm erupted. The winds howled, stirring the sands into a tumultuous dance. The sky, once a canvas of unblemished blue, darkened with ominous clouds that seemed to materialize out of nowhere. The giants, towering and formidable, stirred as the first gusts of the storm brushed against their colossal frames.

Amidst the swirling chaos of the tempest, an unexpected figure emerged. A lone wind spirit materialized in the sky, its form flickering like a distant flame. Unlike its brethren, this spirit radiated an overwhelming aura, an unsettling power that set it apart from the others.

As the wind spirit took center stage, the storm intensified into a furious spectacle. It unleashed its wrath with unparalleled force, creating a giant hurricane that swept across the desert landscape. The dunes bowed beneath the relentless assault, reshaping the terrain into ever-shifting waves of sand.

The giants, caught off guard, attempted to weather the storm. However, the lone wind spirit was a force beyond their reckoning. With a wave of its ethereal form, the hurricane expanded, swallowing the giants in its swirling vortex. The colossal beings, formidable as they were, found themselves overpowered by the tempest's unyielding might.

Lightning crackled within the heart of the storm, and the lone wind spirit wielded this power with devastating precision. Bolts of electricity arced through the air, striking the giants with a force that echoed like thunder. One by one, the towering figures succumbed to the relentless assault, their colossal frames collapsing amidst the howling winds and blinding flashes.

Envy jumped and lunged at him, but within a second, he was struck down faster than anyone expected.

"You bastards are the reason why I'm out of retirement! Die!" Bora shouted with all of his heart