Chapter 519: Adult (3)

Dawn POV

It was a strange experience to lead God and his followers back to their base in the desert as we then prepared to send them back to the other side. many giants survived the attack from Perseus, but Bora took care of them all...he's strong...and I have no confidence against such a person if he were to be serious.

The fact that other worlds like this exist is strange, and if Perseus is going around and helping out other worlds...our Perseus might need to do the same. We don't necessarily have to, but it's definitely better if we do.

Naomi said something about the most dangerous enemies of Perseus Silvers are other Perseus Silvers. We can lock our world out of any possible invasion, but that would also prevent us from going out, so until we can figure out a problem to let us travel and also block invasions...Naomi's existence should be set in stone.

I haven't told anyone that secret though since she wants to reveal it herself.

I then focused back on my job, with a wave of my hand, I beckoned them forward, leading them back to where they belonged. The angels, usually so aloof and distant, followed closely behind, their wings folded neatly at their sides.

And God walked with his head bowed in submission.

It was a sight I never thought I'd see angels and other celestial beings alike, all obediently following my lead. Despite the odds stacked against us, we had emerged victorious, and now it was time to restore order to the village and this world.

Why were they so willing to obey us now, when before they had fought tooth and nail against us? Surrender or not, I'd thought they'd resist more.

But in the end, I supposed it didn't really matter. All that mattered was that they were following my lead, and it helped make my job easier.


Perseus POV

As I woke up, the sun's warmth made me feel cozy. I found myself lying next to Buddy and Leilah. But then I realized, she wasn't just my girlfriend anymore, she was my wife. How could I forget that?

It made me feel a little guilty but mostly happy. I gently ran my fingers through her hair as she snuggled closer to me and giggled.

The tree itself, looking at the newly grown tree, I could see its strength, but it wasn't quite like the old one yet. It still seemed weak compared to what we once had. But I knew, with time, it would grow stronger with time and it would eventually become just as strong as the previous one, if not, stronger, but for now, this is more than enough.

It's bigger and we can build many buildings up top. Currently, my family is building 3 houses, Mine, my parents, and Grandpa's, all right next to each other with mine being the biggest, the blueprint has a lot of bedrooms and many other things, but I'm letting Lilith and Ruka be in charge of that.


Currently, I'm just sitting at a nearby lake, and as I sat there, contemplating the future, a sense of uncertainty weighed heavily on my mind. The war may have ended, but the scars it left behind ran deep, and the prospect of coexistence between humans and demons seemed daunting.

I couldn't help but wonder if it was even possible for two races with such a long history of animosity to live together in peace. The distrust and hatred ran deep on both sides, fueled by generations of conflict and misunderstanding.

I've prepared a lot for a day like this, but yet, I'm still unprepared. It wouldn't be easy, I knew that much. There would be challenges and setbacks along the way, and there would be those who would resist change at every turn.

But if we were willing to work together, to listen and learn from one another, then perhaps there was hope for a better future.

The things that I'm willing to do for my future kids...

There's also the transferring of Buddy's powers, turning the goddesses mortal and everything...There's just a lot. The war may have ended, but the tension between humans and demons lingered like a dark cloud on the horizon.

The thought of coexistence between our two races filled me with a sense of unease. Every meeting, and every interaction would be fraught with danger, with the looming threat of hostility hanging over our heads like a sword ready to fall.

I couldn't shake the feeling that no matter how hard we tried, peace would always remain just out of reach. The distrust and animosity between humans and demons ran deep, ingrained in the very fabric of our society.

Each encounter would be like walking on eggshells, never knowing when the fragile truce we had fought so hard to achieve would come crashing down around us. And with every passing day, the fear gnawed at my insides, a constant reminder of the fragility of our existence.

I thought of the countless lives lost in the war, of the bloodshed and suffering that had torn our world apart. Was it all for nothing? Would we ever truly be able to set aside our differences and find common ground?

As I looked around at the faces of those around me, I couldn't help but feel a sense of despair. How could we ever hope to build a future together when the very thought of coexistence filled us with fear and suspicion?

But deep down, I knew that we had no choice but to try. The alternative was unthinkable, and I rather not have us revert back to what things have been till now. Buddy then joined me a couple of minutes after and he brought this food basket with him, looking inside, it was lunch prepared by my parents and my brother.

"It's just the 2 of us, huh?"

Buddy then nodded and jumped into my lap as I ate...victory... tasted bland and boring...but in a world where peace is nowhere to be found, maybe bland was exactly what we needed.