Chapter 521: Jerah is useful?

|The story will end soon, but I will not put on the compete status yet as I will add certain side stories and epilogue after the ending chapter, thanks for sticking by.|

Perseus POV

"Why the hell would I listen to you?" Phineas retorted and scoffed at the suggestion, his expression twisting into a sneer of disdain, "Ambassador? And what exactly do you expect me to accomplish in such a role? Convince my followers to live in a society where we embrace magic and welcome demons with open arms?

"You're asking the impossible. Magic has brought nothing but pain and suffering to our world. Countless lives have been lost, entire villages wiped out by the unchecked use of magic. And for what? Power? Control? It's all just a means to an end, a tool for those who seek to dominate others."

" I will not be a pawn in your misguided quest for peace. If you truly want to make a difference, then do it without magic. Show the world that we can thrive without relying on such dangerous and unpredictable forces. Only then will true harmony be possible."

"Didn't you align with the demons?" Bora asked, "And aren't you also using magic?"

"I planned to eliminate the demons after the war," he admitted, his voice unwavering. "But not out of a desire for violence or conquest like you lot. I planned to do it to ensure a future where magic no longer holds sway over our world.

"Magic is a curse. It's a force that corrupts and consumes, leading to nothing but chaos and destruction. If I have to bear the burden of eliminating the demons and wielding magic myself, then so be it. It's a sacrifice I'm willing to make for the sake of future generations."

Man, this guy is messed up.

"You planned on eliminating the demons after the war anyway? Seems like your definition of 'peace' is a bit skewed."

"I fight for a world free of magic, free of the chaos and destruction it brings," he insisted. "And if that means eliminating the demons and their corrupting influence, then so be it. As for using magic myself, it's only to ensure that no one else has to suffer its consequences."

"So you're willing to sacrifice innocent lives in the name of your own ideals?" I countered. "What about the demons who fought alongside us, who risked their lives for a chance at peace? Are they just collateral damage in your so-called crusade against magic?"

"They made their choice," he said coldly. "And if they stand in the way of my vision for a better world, then they will be dealt with accordingly. As for you, Silver, you may have gods as allies now, but don't forget where your loyalties truly lie. You're just a dictator."

"Well, you know what?! I'm sick and tired of your hypocrisy, Phineas! You talk about wanting to rid the world of magic, yet you're more than willing to wield it yourself when it suits your purposes.

"You preach about peace and harmony, yet you planned to slaughter demons after the war, just because they dared to be different from us! And don't even get me started on your precious cult, you claim to be righteous, yet your hands are stained with the blood of countless innocents.

"You preach about life and forgiveness yet you've never hesitated to kill anyone who stands in your way! You're a fraud, Phineas. You hide behind your lofty ideals and self-righteous rhetoric, but deep down, you're nothing but a coward. A coward who's too afraid to face the truth, too afraid to admit that maybe, just maybe, you're not as infallible as you pretend to be.

"And don't even get me started on your cult's disgusting racism against demons, You sit there on your high horse, spouting your nonsense about being blessed with the powers of Michael the archangel, as if that gives you the right to dictate the fate of others.

"Well, let me tell you something, Phineas, just because you think you're some kind of chosen one doesn't mean you're right. It doesn't give you the right to judge others without even knowing who they are.

"You are anything but righteous, and that's coming from me. because in reality, you're nothing but a cowardly tyrant, hiding behind your false self-righteousness to justify your own prejudices and insecurities.

"Jerah asked me to give you a chance, and let me tell you right now, you can refuse my offer, and I'll let you go out there alone. Ya want to rid the world of magic? Fine. But don't expect me to stand by and watch as you destroy everything in your path in the name of your twisted ideals.

"I'll fight you every step of the way, Phineas, until the bitter end. And mark my words, when all is said and done, you, Phineas, will be nothing but a footnote in history, a cautionary tale of a legend with my name on it."

I then ended my rant to applause by my fox and Bora plus the shocked faces of the others. 

"Phineas," Jerah chimed in "I understand your fears and reservations, but I urge you to reconsider. The world is in a dire state, and the divide between humans and demons only grows wider with each passing day. If we continue down this path of hatred and mistrust, there will be no hope for a better future."

"But how can we ever hope to bridge the gap between our two races?" Phineas questioned, "Why me?"

"It won't be easy, Phineas," Jerah admitted, his voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "But nothing worth fighting forever is. We must have faith in the inherent goodness of humanity and demonkind and believe that together, we can overcome even the greatest of obstacles.

"Give it a chance, Phineas, The journey may be long and arduous, but I promise you, it will be worth it. And remember, you don't have to have all the answers right away. Sometimes, the greatest truths reveal themselves to us in unexpected ways, if only we're willing to open our hearts and minds to the possibility of change."

Man, he's finally useful for once.