Her Sexy Landlord

"What are you waiting for? Come in here or better yet, I can do this myself if you want to chicken out at the last minute," Zoe said to Gabriel when he lingered outside the bathroom stall. She was so excited to see the result of the experiment she didn't care about the both of them being alone in the shower. 

Or rather she didn't think much about it until Gabriel stepped into the shower and swallowed all of the space with him. Uh-oh, Zoe finally realized just how close they were right now. Even with her height, Gabriel was taller and muscular. He wasn't lean nor buffy, just the right weight to give him a proportionate figure. 

And together in this cramped space where he was towering over her, many dirty ideas were beginning to form in her head, but then, she remembered the 'no dating rules' and tamped down her hormones. However, Zoe was still strongly aware of Gabriel and had to compose herself not to act out of character.