Chapter Twelve:

"Tony you have to eat something you'll starve to death over that girl," Lisa tried to coax her husband into eating the food she had made. Deep down she didn't want to do all this but she had to because her daughter's marriage with Alfred was on the line.

Maya really messed up. She was supposed to be married to Alfred and leave a lavish and luxurious life but she decided to cheat on him. That girl really didn't deserve anything good. Taking in a deep breath, she smiled inwardly at the thought of her daughter carrying Alfred's last name.

Just then Amanda came through the door carrying shopping bags, a bright smile plastered on her lips.

"Mom guess what?" She said grinning. "I was at Alfred's office today and he made me buy all these things online and within an hour all of them were delivered to me," she beamed.

Lisa hurriedly got up from her seat and run to her daughter. Tony, who had been watching them shook his head and went to his room. Lisa scoffed and rolled her eyes as she watched him climb the stairs.

"Mom, this is the latest most expensive dress and he didn't even think twice before buying it, even this heels, purse..." Amanda ranted on, pulling out each and everything Alfred had bought for her.

"I'm glad you're happy. Too bad Maya threw all this away," Lisa said with a chuckle.

"Yeah but her loss is our gain and I'm very glad Alfred will soon be mine," Amanda smirked.

"Speaking of Maya, have you heard from her since that stranger took her away?"

Amanda shook her head at her mother question.

"I haven't mom and I don't want to. I'm sure she has already seen the article about my engagement with Alfred and me...." Amanda said wriggling her fingers in an attempt to show off her ring.

"I just can't wait to see how miserable she looks right now," Lisa laughed.

Amanda's phone rang cutting their conversation short. She checked the caller ID and the the smile on her face stretched.

"Hey babe," she smiled after answering the phone.

"Yeah sure, I'm on my way," she said and hung up.

"Mom....." Amanda squealed in excitement.

"Alfred has called me to the mall. We're going to try on our wedding outfits,"she said throwing herself into her mother's arms.


"Grandpa there's no need for this," Damian said after his grandfather finished speaking. "A grand wedding? Grandpa we don't need a white wedding," Damian said running his fingers through his hair.

"Yes grandpa. Damian is right," Maya said calmly.

"For once you two have actually agreed on something but it won't work here," the old man smiled, wrinkles appearing on the corner of his eyes and on his forehead.

"My grandson is married but nobody knows . It's time Old man Dan showed the whole world who his grandson is and what a beautiful angel he is married to," The old man said.

Damian sighed because there was no point in talking to this old man because once he had made up his mind, there was no going back.

"I have already sent out the invitations and the wedding planners are planning everything. So you two have to go to the mall and choose you outfits," the old man said.

"Grandpa you don't have to do all this, I'm fine with us being like this," Maya said but the old man just shook his head. I've called the mall and they're set to receive you, so go now. " the old man said waving them off.

Damian took the lead and Maya followed behind closely.

"And wait, I've got my eyes on you Damian," Master Dan said to his grandson who just chuckled in response.

One of the guards outside quickly rushed to open the door for the two, whiles the other settled in the driver's side.

Seeing the guards reminded Maya of the poor guy who got shot so she decided to ask Damian.

"Damian, the guard you shot...."

"What about him?" Damian asked coldly.

"I just wanted to know how he's doing?" Maya said forcing a smile.

"He's fine," Damian simply stated and the ride returned to it normal silent state.

Maya stared out of the window, looking at all the people going about their normal duties. She sighed wondering if their lives was as normal as they looked.

Maybe they're also going through some problems. Yeah, everyone has experienced one or two problems in their lives. No one can live a problem free life on earth because no matter how hard you try to stay away from it, it'll definitely find you.

The car came to a halt in front of the mall and the driver rushed out and pulled the door open for the couple. Damian stood about two feet away from the car and waited for Maya to get down. He instantly stretched out his arm and Maya shot him a confused look but held his hand anyway.

"People all over are watching us because of grandpa, so let's pretend everything is fine," Damian whispered to Maya.

"What? How?" Maya frowned.

"Well, grandpa own a large number of businesses in town so he's very famous. People didn't know me because I chose to stay in the dark..... but when grandpa found out we were married, he uploaded a picture of me on his social media page and now everyone knows I'm his grandson," Damian explained the situation to Maya who couldn't stop herself from laughing slightly.

"Don't worry, we'll act in public and no one will know, right?. I'm sure grandpa will hear about this and he'll be happy. So we're killing two birds with one stone," Maya chuckled.

Damian could help but feel satisfied instantly. He knew there wasn't any other woman out there like Maya.

'She just accepted my grandfather and calls him grandpa too," he thought a smile creeping up his face. He had lived with Amber for years and she always referred to him as Master Dan, just like everyone else.

"This girl is really unique," he thought without realizing he actually said that out loud.

"Did you say something?" Maya asked.

"No," Damian shook his head.

The two walked into the mall and Maya was surprised to see the place empty.

"Where is everyone? Why are there no people in the mall? This place is usually busy and filled with people," she said looking around.

"Grandpa owns this mall so anytime he wants to shop, no one is allowed inside," Damian said and Maya's eyes widened in shock. She knew the old man was rich but that powerful?????


"What do you mean but that? Do you know who I am? Let me call my fiancé here and you'll all lose your jobs," Amanda yelled at the worker angrily. She couldn't believe what she was hearing.

Alfred asked her choose her wedding dress and suddenly this worker shows up and tells her to get out of the mall.

"Hello baby," she said immediately Alfred answered the phone. "No baby nothing is fine. I'm being sacked from the mall,"Amanda said shooting the worker a nasty glare.

"Yes, I don't know why but come here soon," she said before hanging up.

"Just wait till he gets here," she scoffed whiles rolling her eyes.

"But for now please step out ma'am, we have some very important people coming to shop," the worker said.

"Important? Important my foot. Do you know who my fiancé is? He can buy this while building in a blink of an eye," Amanda bragged making the worker roll her eyes.

"Madam, please walk out before I call security," the worker said in a warning tone.

"How dare you speak to me like that?!" She said lifting her hand to slap the worker but her hand froze midway. She looked at the fingers that were wrapped firmly around her wrists before slowly looking at the owner.

"M...Maya??"Amanda stammered, turning pale as if she had seen a ghost.