Chapter Thirteen:

"M...Maya??"Amanda stammered, turning pale as if she had seen a ghost. "I'm sure you work here," Amanda said faking a smile to hide her shock.

Maya bit her bottom lip and chuckled. This knuckle head sister of hers hadn't changed a bit.

"How is dad?" Maya couldn't stopped herself from asking.

"Dad? The last time I checked he disowned you," Amanda chuckled. "And if you think you're ever coming back, lemme tell you this. The night you left, dad himself forbade us from ever talking about you. He even said you're dead to him. He said he only has one daughter and that is me," Amanda said proudly.

"You're pathetic," Maya scoffed.

"Not as much as you are," Amanda rolled her eyes.

"Now if you don't mind, help me try a wedding dress. Alfred will be here soon," Amanda said in an attempt to make Maya jealous.

"Didn't you hear what she said?" Damian chipped in pointing to the worker.

"Oh," Amanda rolled her eyes.

"And who are you to question me? I do what I want so go back to work and let your dear wife here attend to me, after all you claimed she's married to you," Amanda laughed.

"Wow, I love how wild your imaginations are. Now get out because my wife and I don't need any interruptions whiles we're shopping. Right wife?" Damian said wrapping his arms around Maya's waist.

Maya sucked in a deep breath as soon as Damian touched him. She felt not so comfortable but decided to put on a show in front of her sister.

"Right," Maya put on a bright smile.

"What's going on here?" Alfred's voice had all head snapping towards him. A gush of hatred swept throughout her body at the sight of Alfred. He looked at his watch and sighed before turning his attention to the group of people in front of him.

"What going on here?" Ha said again, his eyes fixed on Maya's waist where Damian's hands rested. He clenched his teeth in anger although his face showed a calm demeanor. Deep down, he wanted to break the guy's arms and cut off his head. Maya was his and his only. Nobody dared to touch her except him. Glaring at Damian, he made a mental note to teach him a lesson.

"Honey, I came here to shop and these people here are kicking me out. They claim VIP's are going to shop here and those so called VIP's have ordered the place to be empty," Amanda scoffed, air quoting the "VIP's".

"Tell them who we are and show them how you can make their life a living nightmare," Amanda said with a proud smirk.

"It's so pathetic how you're proud of this douchebag you call a husband," Damian chuckled.

"Let's see him try," Damian smirked challengingly.

Alfred pulled his phone from his pocket and dialed a number.

"You damn workers are stopping my wife and I from shopping," he yelled at the person on the other end.

"What? What do you mean by that?" Alfred yelled after a few seconds.

"Do you know who you're talking to?" He fumed. "I'll deal with you," were Alfred's lasted words before he angrily ended the call.

"What's wrong? Did that person disappoint you?" Damian chuckled taking a step towards Alfred.

"You see what you didn't know is that, everything you do at this moment is useless. You don't have any power," Damian shook his head. He enjoyed the look on Alfred's face and he wanted to do more.

"You called the manager, correct me if I'm wrong," Damian said a proud smirk plastered on his lips.

"The mall is like this because the owners, that is," he paused and extending an arm which Maya gladly took. She was enjoying every minute of this and she didn't want to ruin it.

"My wife and me," Damian finished and watched the shocked expressions of both Amanda and Alfred's faces.

"Hah!" Amanda let out a laugh. "You guys are dirty stinking liars," She added.

Before she could say another word, two guards had her in a firm grip and she turned to Alfred and saw that he was in the same situation.

"Take the garbage out," Damian said with a triumphant smile as the guards dragged Amanda and Alfred away.

The tears Maya was holding back started rolling down her cheeks as soon as the guards left. Did her own father say all that? It hurt her so much that her own father would do this to her. Dead? Was that what he considered her? What kind of father would wish death for his own daughter.

Damian turned around to see tears rolling down her cheeks. He pulled her into a hug and patted her back gently. He didn't say a word because he knew she needed to let the load off her chest.

"I don't understand why all this is happening to me. I tried all my best to be the good daughter. And....and....." Maya sobbed loudly. She just couldn't take this anymore.

"There's no need to cry. That's the decision your father has made, I know I may sound.....heartless and inconsiderate but you have to move on just like he did. You're dead to him so he must be dead to you too," Damian said and Maya looked at him with teary eyes. She hated to admit that what he was saying was the honest truth. If her dad really broke the vow he made to her mother, his wife then that means she was nothing to him after all.

"Yes. You're right," Maya nodded firmly whiles wiping her tears.

"Great, now cheer up let's shop," Damian said as the two workers appeared.

"Let her try on the wedding gowns you have," Damian instructed and the workers nodded. They took Maya to the dressing room where she tried on a lot of gowns.

Minutes later, Damian heard the sound of heels clicking on the tiles and he raised his head.

His breath pauses as he stared at the woman in front of him. He couldn't believe she was the same woman he had walked in here with.

"How do I look? Do you like it?" Maya asked, feeling a bit shy as Damian's eyes were glued to her body.

"I'll go change if you don't like it."

" you don't have to," Damian said finally finding his voice.

"It looks great on you. It''s beautiful. I'm sure grandpa will love it," Damian said adjusting his tie.

He was suddenly feeling warm as he stared at Maya's white thighs. They looked so soft and it took him a lot of power to stop himself from...

He shook his head to dismiss the thought.

After an hour of shopping, Maya and Damian walked out of the mall with just one bag. Damian had rejected all the outfits the workers had chosen for him hence they only walked out with one bag.

The guards that were standing outside became alert when they saw the young couple. One of them held the car door opened whiles the other run inside to take the bag Maya was carrying. The other two stayed behind because they didn't live with Damian. Those guards were just backup in case Damian ran into trouble in public which he was positive would never happen. But again that was his grandfather being overprotective. The guard immediately closed the door after Damian and Maya were settled. He went round the car to the driver's side and drove the young couple home.