Chapter fourteen:

Maya groaned loudly as she sat lazily in the couch. "I have never been out for shopping this long," she said taking off her sandals. A maid immediately brought two glasses of orange juice on a tray.

"Oh my God thank you so much. I really needed this." Maya said taking one of the glass. Damian shook his head when he was offered a glass drawing Maya's attention.

"Why?" She said with a slight frown.

"Not a fan of orange juice," Damian replied getting up. "Gotta run," he said glancing at his watch.

Maya looked at him and smiled at how casual he was behaving. He has been behaving like this since his grandfather scolded him. Did he really have a change of heart?

'Was he pretending for the sake of his grandfather?'Maya thought but shook her head slightly. There was no way he was pretending because everything he was doing looked and felt real.

"A penny for your thoughts?" Damian asked, breaking her chain of thoughts.

"What time will you be back?" The question came out of Maya lips before she could stop herself.

"I don't know, but.....I'll come home late," Damian said running his hands through his hair.

"I'll....." Maya bit her lip. "See you later then," she finished her statement.

"Yeah, take care." Damian said and left.


"Come on babe, calm down," Amanda tried to calm Alfred who was driving like a maniac after they were thrown out of the mall. She couldn't believe Maya stood there and watched them being humiliated. They were half sisters and Alfred was her ex-boyfriend whom she had cheated on. Yet, she showed no remorse and instead threw them out like a piece of trash.

"I can't believe that bitch had the nerve to humiliate me like this," Alfred said through gritted teeth. "First she betrays me and now this?" He mumbled angrily.

"Calm down...."

"Don't fucking tell me to calm down ok?! Shut the hell up," Alfred yelled making Amanda flinch. She has never seen Alfred this angry, even when Maya cheated on him.

'He wasn't angry because it was you he loved," Amanda told herself and a faint smile played on her lips. After all she had everything Maya didn't have. A typical example was looks.

Soon Alfred pulled up in front of their house and Amanda waited for him to open her door but instead he walked straight into the house without even looking at her. Amanda but her lip and followed him inside the room.

"What's wrong son?" Lisa who was sitting in the couch painting her nails asked, when she saw Alfred walk in with a deep frown.

"It was Maya," Amanda responded from the entrance.

"Maya? What did she do?" Lisa frowned. Amanda sighed and walked to her mother.

She dropped her hang on the floor and sat down to speak. Just then Tony showed up from his room.

"Oh mother, I don't know why Maya never wants my happiness," Amanda sobbed throwing herself into her mother's arms. "I was at the mall to by my wedding dress and I run into her," she sobbed louder as she stole a quick glance at Tony. He seemed unbothered and Amanda knew she had to work harder.

"I haven't heard from her since she left home so I decided to talk to her and convince her to come back home but...but..."

"But what?" Tony asked his eyes digging to that of Amanda.

"But she pushed me away and told me she was no longer part of our family. She also said....." Amanda paused and sobbed. "Dad was dead to her," Amanda cried, throwing herself into her mother's arms.

"That girl is so wicked. She had the nerve to say all this? Such an ungrateful being!" Lisa sneered patting Amanda's back softly.

"And that jerk had the audacity to throw us out of the mall, I'll teach them a lesson," Alfred said punching the couch angrily.

"No one is going to touch Maya. She's no longer part of the family and if she says I'm dead to her, so be it," Tony said then walked away.

"I'll also take my leave now," Alfred said and without waiting for a response, he walked out.

"Tell me everything that happened," Lisa said with a serious expression as soon as the guys were out of sight.

"Mom you are not going to believe what I'm about to tell you. If I hadn't seen it myself, I wouldn't have believed whoever would tell me," Amanda said wiping the fake tears that had tried on her cheeks.

"Who knew acting could be this difficult? I already have a headache," She sighed.

"Amanda tell me what happened and who is that jerk Alfred was talking about?" Lisa asked impatiently.

"That guy who was here claiming Maya was his wife is actually a full time multi-millionaire."

"Stop joking with me Amanda," Lisa said not prepared to accept what her daughter was as telling her.

"Mom I'm dead serious. With a snap of his fingers we were thrown out of the mall," Amanda said. " Everyone was sacked out of the mall because Maya was going to shop."

"You don't mean it. How come we've never heard of him?" Lisa asked shock evident in her voice.

"I know right, "Amanda sighed. The two were silent for a while before Lisa spoke.

"Imagine if you were the one married to that rich guy instead of Maya," Lisa said with a raised brow.

"What do you mean mom?" Amanda asked with a confused look.

"I mean, just imagine yourself beside that millionaire, surround all the power in the world you can think of. Imagine all the malls being empty because you want to shop," Lisa said with a satisfying smile.

"That sounds good mom but that man will never fall in love with me. He looks so happy with Maya," Amanda whined.

"Oh my God Amanda, why can't you think like me for once. I'm beginning to wonder if you weren't switched at birth. Instead of asking me how we'll succeed in this amazing plan, you're rather being negative," Lisa scolded her making Amanda frown.

"So does that mean I'm calling off my engagement with Alfred?" Amanda questioned.

"No silly girl, if you call it off, Alfred will make our lives miserable. We have to make sure there's a solid plan until we set into action," Lisa smirked.

"I guess you're right, but...." Amanda pauses getting out of her seat. " For now I'm going to my room to freshen up and take a nap. All that drama has me worn out," she sighed and walked away.