I don't see you on your knees!

"Bring another" Rextra uttered, slamming the wooden cup on the cabinet with a warm smile on her face.

Being in her human form, her beauty stood out almost instantly, blue hair and white icy eyes.

She had a fur jacket and blue jean pants that was complimented by a black belt that was on her waist and a red crystal tied around her forehead like a tiara. 

She was in a small bar close to the main palace, it was filled with different people, merchants, guards, and even adventurers looking to have a time out.

The bartender right in front of Rextra, was a handsome male, wearing a black and white uniform with two demonic wings on his back.

He had long black hair, red eyes, and a red-skinned color. The man reached out of the wooden cup and refilled it in the magic dispenser.

"Are you okay, miss? You look famished." The bartender said before dropping the cup filled with beer in front of her.