Dandelion song by the river bank

"Who are you?".

"I'm just a simple village head, nothing more nothing less." Sato responded.

"You are indeed a bold one." Jira voiced as he walked toward Sato, "Not many people can withstand my attacks as you did, I'm intrigued.".

'Aril, search for the elves in this castle, I need to be sure if they are here.' Sato stood firm as he watched Jira approach him.

Once he was close enough, Jira halted and stood right in front of Sato with both their eyes locked.

"I always get what I want, and this is not an exemption. Neutral zone or not, I will claim ownership over it…. And I dare you to stand in my way, but where is the fun in that if you don't at least put up a fight… Let's make a deal." Jira uttered, looking Sato in the eye as his eyes glowed.


The door to the throne room closed and Sato stepped out with a look of consolation on his face.

"Master!" Yuri called out, running to his side hastily, "So, how did it go?" She asked.