Royal Selection III : Triple threat

"Welcome! To the greatest event in all of Nervek… The Royal selection!" A man dressed in a black and white outfit spoke inside a magic cone that echoed throughout the stadium.

"It's your host again, Gekaji, and as usual I'll be here to make sure the selection goes smoothly and fairly." The man continued, seated on a hovering commentary box which made it easier for him to get a bird's eye view of the arena.

"As you can see, we have the contenders all stationed in the ring, even the Hikiku family's hair wants to run for council again, pretty dang interesting if you ask me.

But this time, the rules have changed, just a bit… ehehehe, this time we have a new contender, competing for the spot to be the new Duke… he is not a vampire but since he is engaged to the lady, he has every right to participate in this." 

As the commentator spoke, all eyes immediately fell on Sato, who was already inside the ring with the rest of the participants.