Royal Selection IV : Sato vs Jimmy

Jimmy, with a crazy smile on his face, darted from where he stood and charged straight at Sato with a powerful punch following right after.

Sato put up his hand and protected the side of his face from getting damaged before he clasped the hand of Jimmy and tugged him close.

Jimmy shrieked as his body was pulled with pace before he felt his face getting smashed by Sato's fist.

Jimmy's body went tumbling on the ground before coming to a stop after he pummeled against a mountain.

"Dammit… I'm not done yet!" Jimmy dashed out of the rubles he was laying in and charged straight at Sato again.

'I thought that punch would have done it, I guess he's tougher than he looks.' Sato stretched out his hand and a huge fireball began to form.

As soon as Sato felt that the fire was large enough, he sent it flying straight at Jimmy.

The fire burnt the ground so much that coals were slowly forming from every distance it passed.